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CIA reports on Communist China's Army and Provincial Party politics. Report. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Apr 25, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 16, 1979. Sanitized. Complete. 68 page(s).

areas. Day-to-day operation of governmental and party
machinery in regional organizations led, almost inevitably,
to the growth of self-serving "establishments"
made up of officials accustomed to dealing with
one another and taken up with local problems.
9. It seems likely, moreover, that over the years
many of these men have become progressively alienated
from authorities at the center who have been the source
of relentless pressure to achieve results and who repeatedly
made local officials the scapegoats for
blunders committed in Peking. The considerable degree
of popular support commanded by these men stems
mainly from the regional diversity and provincialism
based on geographic, economic, ethnic, linguistic, and
cultural differences which still exist.
The Provinces Fight Back
10. Local authorities outside the capital responded
to Peking's offensive with a counterblow using political
weapons denounced by central authorities under the
blanket term "economism." This was an appeal to parochial
self-interest designed to produce paralyzing
confusion and at the same time to enlist support from
the people by offering them improvement in their lot.
Peking had in fact issued instructions which authorized
some of the actions taken by provincial authorities.
Later, however, the center charged that local authorities
were "bribing" the workers with wage increases and
a share-out of public property, encouraging them to
strike and go to the capital in order to present grievances.
Other devices used by local authorities included
deception tactics--setting up false "rebel" groups and
staging sham "take-overs"--and a kind of political
judo which involved overcompliance with orders from
the center such as the demand that workers be placed
in charge. Management technicians followed this instruction
by leaving their jobs and thus crippling
operations in key installations or shutting them down
11. All this added up to a kind of passive
resistance with produced disorder verging on chaos
in many parts of China. Peking's propaganda asserted
that a "revisionist" conspiracy to seize power lay at

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library

CIA reports on Communist China's Army and Provincial Party politics. Report. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Apr 25, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 16, 1979. Sanitized. Complete. 68 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100168861

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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