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Situation in Vietnam as of 1/2/67. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Feb 2, 1967. Date Declassified: Aug 08, 1984. Sanitized. Complete. 15 page(s).

1. North Vietnamese fighter planes opposing a
force of 80 US aircraft in the Hanoi area on 2 January,
suffered several losses as at least seven and
probably eight MIG-21s were shot down. No American
planes were lost as air-to-air missiles launched from
F4C jets achieved the highest number of kills of any day
of the air war to date.
2. The large-scale USAF mission, known as a
counter-air operation, was unique in being directed
solely against elements of the DRV air defense system
rather than ground forces or industrial and transportation
targets. The air operation was mounted with
the specific intent of luring the Communist fighters
into air-to-air combat--the US planes carried a full
load of heat-seeking and beam-rider missiles, but no
bombs. At least 14 DRV MIGs were launched against
the US planes from Phuc Yen and Gia Lam airfields
near Hanoi.
3. The North Vietnamese air order of battle now
includes only seven of the advanced Soviet-built MIG-21
interceptors. Prior to today's engagement, US planes
were credited with shooting down as many as 32 DRV
fighters, seven of them MIG-21s.
DRV Coastal Shipping Rises During New Year's Truce
4. US destroyers operating off the southern
coast of North Vietnam reported a considerable increase
in DRV ship movements during the New Year's
cease-fire period. DRV naval radars reflected an
extremely high level of activity on 31 December as
at least 33 Vessels were tracked along the coast on
a southerly heading. On the same day, the US
destroyer Maddox reported sighting approximately 25
waterborne logistics craft under sail. In several
instances it was noted that the North Vietnamese
ships operated in groups consisting of four heavily
loaded barges accompanied by one or two gun boats.
A similar surge in the level of DRV coastal traffic
was noted during the Christmas truce period.
2 January 1967
No Foreign Dissem/Background Use Only
No Foreign Dissem/Background Use Only

Situation in Vietnam as of 1/2/67. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Feb 2, 1967. Date Declassified: Aug 08, 1984. Sanitized. Complete. 15 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100189899

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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