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Situation in Vietnam as of 1/2/67. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Feb 2, 1967. Date Declassified: Aug 08, 1984. Sanitized. Complete. 15 page(s).

5. Chung also expressed dissatisfaction with
the present government. He claimed that the popular
support which Ky enjoyed after the defeat of the
struggle movement has now been largely dissipated.
He blamed this development on widespread misgivings
over the prime minister's entourage, particularly
police director Loan.
General Loan's Contingency Plans
6. A usually reliable source reports that police
director Loan is considering several plans to create
a political crisis prior to this year's elections in
the event that the constitution precludes military
officers from running for office. The bogus crisis
would be used by the government to justify dissolving
the Constituent Assembly, annuling the constitution
and postponing the elections.
7. The source states, however, that Loan is
reviewing the schemes at the behest of one of his
subordinates who has been urging the general to play
a more active role in national affairs, and may not
be fully committed to supporting them.
8. A South Vietnamese security officer in Binh
Dinh Province has stated that corruption among high-ranking
officials is threatening the province's
revolutionary development program.
9. The officer told a US source that the morale
of honest officials, South Vietnamese soldiers, and
peasants was adversely affected by war profiteering
by some provincial officials. He said that the
province chief, Lt. Col. Tran Dinh Vong, the assistant
province chief and several district chiefs were
working with local merchants in numerous black-market
and vice operations, including illegal control
of the province's lucrative rice trade. The security
officer held out little prospect for local reform
unless Prime Minister Ky, whom he characterized
as an "honest man," can be persuaded to clean house
in Binh Dinh.
2 January 1967

No Foreign Dissem/Background Use Only
No Foreign Dissem/Background Use Only

Situation in Vietnam as of 1/2/67. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Feb 2, 1967. Date Declassified: Aug 08, 1984. Sanitized. Complete. 15 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100189897

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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