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Intelligence assessment of Libya's reaction to a planned 8/18-8/20/81 U.S. naval exercise in the Gulf of Sidra. Issues include: Libyan tactical military options; Libyan nonmilitary options; reactions from West European and Arab countries; reaction of the Libyan populace; the Soviet response. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Aug 10, 1981. Date Declassified: Feb 23, 2001. Complete. 9 page(s).


citizens, particularly if he views British help
to Americans in Libya as signifying overall UK-US
collusion in the exercise.

-- France has been more supportive of Camp David than
other West European states but would not understand
why Washington would choose to complicate an already
volatile Middle East situation. Mitterrand would
be displeased at US disregard for his intentions
to attempt to improve relations with Libya. Any
incident--with or without consultation--would set
back efforts to coordinate US and French North
African policy.

-- Italy would worry more about the safety of Italians
in Libya and of Libyans and Americans in Italy than
about the immediate economic effects of an oil boycott.

-- Greece would also be concerned for the safety of
Greek workers in Libya. Opposition leader Papandreou
might use the US action--and Libyan reaction to
it--as ammunition in his electoral campaign against
close Greek ties to the United States. (S NF)

Arab World

Reaction by and within other Arab and Islamic states to
any exercise-related incident will largely depend on whether
expanded hostilities ensue and on the preexisting orientation
of particular nations toward the Qadhafi regime. Most governments-- Egypt,
Tunisia, Sudan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia--have
little love for Libya and probably would be pleased to see
Qadhafi embarrassed. Others, like Iraq, Algeria, and possibly
Jordan could be privately satisfied yet [Illegible text] hostile.
(S NF)

But governmental perceptions in the Arab world may be
quite different from those of the man in the street. Qadhafi's
Bedouin moralizing strikes a responsive chord in many Muslims.
Some will doubtless draw parallels between the Sadat-Begin
meeting which preceded the Israeli strike against Iraq and
the recent state visit of the Egyptian President to Washington.



Intelligence assessment of Libya's reaction to a planned 8/18-8/20/81 U.S. naval exercise in the Gulf of Sidra. Issues include: Libyan tactical military options; Libyan nonmilitary options; reactions from West European and Arab countries; reaction of the Libyan populace; the Soviet response. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Aug 10, 1981. Date Declassified: Feb 23, 2001. Complete. 9 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100536831

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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