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Intelligence assessment of Libya's reaction to a planned 8/18-8/20/81 U.S. naval exercise in the Gulf of Sidra. Issues include: Libyan tactical military options; Libyan nonmilitary options; reactions from West European and Arab countries; reaction of the Libyan populace; the Soviet response. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Aug 10, 1981. Date Declassified: Feb 23, 2001. Complete. 9 page(s).


meeting, the US naval exercise will cause Soviet propaganda
to be especially strident in an effort to isolate the United
States, Egypt, and Israel while aligning the USSR with the
Arab states. In addition, Moscow will use this example of US
"aggression" to exacerbate anti-American feeling in Western
Europe. Immediate Soviet military reaction, however, is
likely to be low-key and limited to surveillance by the USSR's
existing Mediterranean units. The Soviets could also send
reconnaissance aircraft to monitor the maneuvers. Moscow
will try to erode Qadhafi's previous opposition to a permanent
Soviet military presence--such as naval reconnaissance aircraft
or access to facilities--by arguing that such a presence would
deter the United States, Israel, and Egypt. The Soviets could
also offer to expand their military advisory presence in Libya,
or suggest a friendship treaty following Syrian or South Yemeni
precedents. Over the longer term, the Soviets might offer to
hold a military exercise with the Libyan armed forces to demonstrate
their support. (S NF)



Intelligence assessment of Libya's reaction to a planned 8/18-8/20/81 U.S. naval exercise in the Gulf of Sidra. Issues include: Libyan tactical military options; Libyan nonmilitary options; reactions from West European and Arab countries; reaction of the Libyan populace; the Soviet response. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Aug 10, 1981. Date Declassified: Feb 23, 2001. Complete. 9 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100536833

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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