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North Vietnam's military position in the southernmost part of their country detailed. Memorandum. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jan 31, 1967. Date Declassified: Aug 08, 1984. Sanitized. Complete. 2 page(s).

division is located in or just north of the Demilitarized
Zone. It infiltrated across the DMZ in the period June-August
1966, but after sustaining heavy casulaties, it
moved back into the DMZ in September. Three battalions
of this division are known to be currently operating in
South Vietnam at present, but the bulk of the division
is in the DMZ or north of it.
4. The 341st Division is also located in or just
north of the DMZ, and in the period from July to December
1966 SIGINT revealed that it was intended to operate
in South Vietnam. Since December, however, SIGINT has
suggested that the 341st is primarily intended for operations
within the DRV. The 341st was formerly the 270th
independent infantry regiment, which had as its primary
function the defense of the North Vietnam side of the
DMZ and the coastal area in southernmost North Vietnam.
5. The fifth division currently known to be in MR IV
is called the "Mid-65 Division." This designation was
assigned by US intelligence authorities because the unit
was first noted moving south within MR IV in mid-1965
and because its North Vietnamese designation was and
still remains unknown. It appeared to be on its way to
South Vietnam when first detected in mid-1965 but be
September it stopped moving south and ever since has
been located north of Dong Hoi some 30 miles north of
the DMZ.
6. The two independent infantry regiments located
in MR IV are probably there for defensive purposes as
are the border defense and public security units. The
primary role or militia forces is also defensive.
7. On balance, the five North Vietnamese divisions
in MR IV have all been used to serve the war in the
south in one way or another. Their very presence in the
DMZ/southern DRV area contributes, however, to the defense
of that area.


North Vietnam's military position in the southernmost part of their country detailed. Memorandum. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jan 31, 1967. Date Declassified: Aug 08, 1984. Sanitized. Complete. 2 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100185932

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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