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Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s).




well as economic, to the Vietnamese people in its struggle
against imperialist aggression.

73. Not only friends, but also enemies, bear witness
to the effectiveness of this assistance. On 31 March in a
conversation with our Ambassador, President Johnson, in
speaking of the situation in Vietnam, made precisely the
following statement to our Ambassador: "Without Soviet
aid, our foe could not hold out for long. Only your aid
makes that possible." An entirely clear admission, as is

74. It is impossible to skirt the question of China's
position in connection with the Vietnamese events. Peking's
position regarding the Vietnamese question is that of dragging
out the war, of undermining any political settlement.
The Peking leaders even now continue to maintain such a
position and try in every way to influence the Vietnamese
in this direction.

75. It should be said that our Vietnamese friends
still continue in many ways to construct their policy with
reference to the position of China. This is also manifested
in some ways in the working relations of Vietnamese
authorities with Soviet representatives in Vietnam.

76. On the whole, the Politburo intends to continue
in the future to carry out the line articulated in the decisions
of the Twenty-third Party Congress and subsequent
plenary sessions of the Central Committee on the Vietnam
problem. Aid of all possible types to the fraternal
Democratic Republic of Vietnam, to the people of Vietnam,
must continue and will continue. The impasse which the
ruling circles of the United States have gotten into with
their aggressive policy in Vietnam confirms quite obviously
the correctness of our policy on the Vietnam question.

77. President Johnson's decision announced on 31
March not to become a candidate for President for another
term is intimately connected with the war in Vietnam.

78. This announcement of Johnson's was received in
America and beyond its borders as a great surprise and a
major political event. The American newspapers even wrote
that there had not been a more sensational event in the
political life of the United States since the assassination
of President Kennedy.

TS#197339 Copy No.




Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100534094

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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