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Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s).




18. The Central Committeee of the Workers' Party of
Vietnam expressed gratitude for the invitation, but stated
that it could not take part in the Consultative Meeting.
Previously, our Vietnamese friends told representatives of
the CPSU that their participation in the meeting would aggravate
their relations with China. It should be noted
that the organ of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party
of Vietnam, the newspaper "Nyan Zan" ["Nhan Dan"] published
in its entirety the message from the Consultative Meeting
to the Vietnamese people.

19. In the letter from the Central Committee of the
Korean Labor Party it was stated: "We express our gratitude
for your invitation and inform you that because of
circumstances which have arisen, our Party does not have
the possibility to dispatch a delegation to the Budapest
Consultative Meeting. We are sure that you will react to
this with the necessary understanding." Our Korean comrades
are obviously alluding to their relations with China
in these words.

20. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Japan declared that it approves in principle the holding
of international conferences of communist and workers'
parties, but does not consider that conditions have yet
matured for the next conference.

21. The Politburo of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Cuba informed us that it would not take
part in the Budapest Consultative Meeting of fraternal
parties. This position is explained by the general line
of the Cuban leadership in foreign affairs, which will be
discussed below.

22. The leadership of the Swedish Communist Party
decided not to send a delegation to the Consultative
Meeting but requested that it be informed of the course
of the Meeting and of its decisions so that it could subsequently
define its position regarding participation in
the Conference.

23. As can be seen, not a single one of the invited
parties is taking a position against the Conference in

24. Delivery of invitations to three parties - those
of Burma, Malaya and Thailand - whose leadership is in

TS # 197339



Copy NO. 1

Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100534084

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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