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Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s).




Peking could not be made, since the leadership of the Communist
Party of China did not permit access to them.

25. The central committees of only two parties -
those of China [Illegible text] to accept the letter
of invitation. In answer to the request of the Hungarian
Ambassador in Peking to provide the means of delivering
the letter of invitation to the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of China, a rank and file Chinese bureaucrat
transmitted the following ruffian-like statement on
the telephone: "The Central Committee of the Communist
Party of China does not desire to enter into any sort of
contact with a counter-revolutionary black conference of
renegades and traitors."

26. The New Zealand Party, in which, incidentally,
less than 100 members remain because of the pro-Chinese
position of its leadership, and the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of the Netherlands, which occupies a
nationalistic position, failed to dispatch their delegations
to Budapest.

27. The Consultative Meeting in Budapest was the
most representative international gathering of communists
since the Conference of 1960. Its basic results have been
delineated in the published communique. These results reflect
completely the positions of our Party. The participants
of the Meeting made decisions on the basic questions
of the forthcoming International Conference (on its
purpose, on the composition of participants, on having the
Conference in November-December of this year in Moscow, on
the agenda, on the principles and methods of preparation,
on the necessity of arriving at agreed documents at the
Conference, and on the nature of these documents). Thus,
the Consultative Meeting carried out its task.

28. The important success of the Budapest Meeting,
which will occupy a merited place in the history of the
worldwide communist movement, was attained through struggle
with those who attempted to undermine it from within.
Specifically, we refer to the position of the Rumanian
Communist Party.

29. It must be said that the leadership of the RCP
[Illegible text] gather all the arguments of the foes of the [Illegible text]
- the Chinese, the Yugoslav, the Cuban and others.
[Illegible text] of all, the [Illegible text] asserted that an international

TS#197339 Copy No.




Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100534085

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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