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Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s).




group of [Shmuel] Mikunis [of the Israeli CP]. In essence,
he exposed nationalistic aspects in the entire international
policy of the Rumanian CP, including its attitude
toward the CPSU and the USSR.

34. After Comrade Bakdash's speech, the Rumanian
delegation made a protest and tried to secure the collective
condemnation of the position of the Syrian delegation
by participants of the Consultative Meeting.

35. The participants of the Meeting spoke out decisively
against the demands of the Rumanians. The conduct
of the Rumanian delegation and its walk-out evoked
general disapproval from all the participants of the
Meeting. The walk-out by the Rumanians completed the
self-exposure of the Rumanian line to disrupt the Consultative

36. However, the position and views of the leaders
of [Illegible text] CP reflect a nationalistic disease which
has [Illegible text] a number of other parties to a greater or
lesser extent. And there are no grounds for hoping that
this activity of the Rumanian leadership will slacken in
connection with preparation for the International Conference.
The contrary is more probable.

37. Divergencies of another nature were also revealed
at the Consultative Meeting. Certain parties,
specifically the Italian Party, declared itself in favor
of inviting representatives of national democratic and
left socialist parties to the Conference. Subsequently,
in drafting the final communique, the Italian comrades
did not insist on this, though in principle they did not
withdraw their proposal.

38. Definite divergencies were revealed also in
discussion of an agenda for the forthcoming Conference.
A number of delegations came out against dealing in any
from [Illegible text] the Conference with the question of differences
in the international communist movement. Other delegations,
[Illegible text] the contrary, spoke out in favor of discussing
such [Illegible text] considering that they cannot be avoided,
and [Illegible text] they should definitely be examined at this

39. The position of our Party is that the Conference
should be devoted to questions of the struggle against

TS#197339 Copy No.




Translation of the official Communist Party, Soviet Union (CPSU) report on the 4/9-4/10/68 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contents include: problems in the international Communist movement; problems in other socialist countries, namely China, Cuba, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; the Vietnamese conflict; U.S. domestic problems and the presidential election; the PUEBLO incident; the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; the situation in West Germany and the Middle East. Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 28, 1968. Date Declassified: May 28, 2003. Complete. 52 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100534087

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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