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Assessment of the fighting in the Saravane area of Laos. Lao military sources report substantial concentrations of North Vietnamese troops along Routes 23 and 16. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Feb 14, 1968. Date Declassified: Apr 11, 1997. Sanitized. Complete. 4 page(s).

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in the northern portion of the Bolovens plateau, in the
vicinity of Saravane. North Vietnamese operations had
gradually reduced the government's defensive perimeter
around Saravane, with a number of villages falling into Communist
the enemy intended to occupy Saravane before moving on
to hit more important government military base camps at Lao
Ngam and Ban Thateng.

The overall enemy motivation in placing military pressure
on the Saravane area is probably to deter the friendly
forces in the area from staging any operations from the
Bolovens area into the Ho Chi Minh trail area. Extensive Communist
resupply operations have routinely taken place along
the Se Kong River some 25 miles east of Saravane. The Communists
could also wish to clear government forces from the
vicinity of Route 23 which provides a north-south route in the
Lao panhandle.

The Communists may also hope to occupy Saravane as an anchor
for reestablishing their position in the Se Done valley, a
rich rice producing area over which the Lao government had only
last year extended its control. In addition, the enemy may
hope to inflict a sharp psychological blow on Vientiane, by


Assessment of the fighting in the Saravane area of Laos. Lao military sources report substantial concentrations of North Vietnamese troops along Routes 23 and 16. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Feb 14, 1968. Date Declassified: Apr 11, 1997. Sanitized. Complete. 4 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100127549

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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