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Status report on the location of North Korea's five merchant marine ships. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jan 31, 1968. Date Declassified: Sep 08, 1999. Sanitized. Complete. 3 page(s).

31 January 1968

Status of Merchant Shipping in North Korea
as of 1100 31 January 1968

1. The last known locations of North Korea's five merchant ships
(all dry cargo ships) are given below.* Four of these ships probably are
attached to the fishing fleet. The other operates in the coastal trade.
None has been detected in international trade, but two of the ships may
have made voyages to the China coast.

* A sixth North Korean merchant ship, the refrigerator ship Daesong San,
launched on 5 October 1967, was located at Nampo on 26 January 1968. This
ship of approximately 2,000 GRT is still apparently being fitted out.

a. Wisung llo (1,500 GRT) -- a dry cargo ship in the coastal trade.
May have made voyages to Communist China. Tentatively identified in Wonsan
3 November 1967.

b. P'yong Hwa (1,935 GRT) -- a dry cargo ship attached to the
fishing fleet. Previously may have sailed to China. Identified in
Wonsan of 26 January 1968.

c. Paektu-San (7,218 GRT) -- a fish factory ship probably based
in Kimchaek. Located in Kimchaek 3 November 1967. On
27 January 1968 was identified by a North Korean submarine chaser at 9.6
nautical miles south of Yongdaegap, near Sinpo.

d. MAG I (1,987 GRT) and MAG II (1,909 GRT) -- refrigerator ships
attached to the fishing fleet. One was tentatively identified in Kimchaek
12 December 1967, and one was tentatively identified
Wonsan of 26 January 1968.

2. The last known locations of the three Polish-flag dry cargo ships
operated by the Joint Korean-Polish Ship Brokers' Co. (Chopolship) are
given below. These are ships previously owned and operated by Polish
Ocean Lines, and presumably are still Polish owned. The Mickiewicz is
under time charter to Chopolship and has a mixed Polish-North Korean crew.
The others probably are under time charter to Chopolship also, but the
composition of their crews is unknown.

a. Adolf Warski (6,718 GRT) -- departed Chongjin 30 December enroute
Poland. Departed Penang 20 January.

b. Mickiewicz (4,344 GRT) -- Probably arrived Hungnam 11 January
and departed Hungnam 26 January after loading cargo for Djakarta, Karachi,
and Huangpu to be transshipped at Singapore. On 31 Jan OlllZ was at 26:27N,
121:35E (opposite Foochow, China). ETA Singapore 4 February 1968.

[Illegible text]
E.O. 12958, Sec. 3.6
NLJ 92.348
By, NARA Date 9.8.99

Status report on the location of North Korea's five merchant marine ships. Memo. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jan 31, 1968. Date Declassified: Sep 08, 1999. Sanitized. Complete. 3 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100467126

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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