Homework 5 Grade Report

Homework 5 Grade Report

Name: Team Lab:

Name: Team Lab:

Total points for Homework 5: / 20

Problem 1 (6 points)

does not have cell headers and appropriate comments for each cell -1
does not display a triangle for odd n -1
does not display a rectangle for even numbers -1
does not randomly choose between 2 and 10, inclusive -1
does not display the plot with axis equal and n= text string -1
has inappropriate use of conditional expression in else clause -1
pts for

 Total points for problem 1:      / 6

Problem 2 (4 points)

does not test for bar length greater than or equal to 3 -1
does not create correct coefficient matrix -1
does not create correct data vector -1
does not solve and display the solution to the problem -1
pts for

Total points for problem 2:     / 4

Problem 3 (10 points)

3.a does not use imread correctly to load image -1
3.a does not use image correctly to display image -1

3.b does not set each red component correctly -1
3.b does not set each green component correctly -1
3.b does not set each blue component correctly -1
3.b does not redisplay the edited image -1
3.b does not use loops to cycle through all cell in each dimension -1

pts for

3.c does not get correct red component values in their own 2d matrix -1
3.c does not get correct green component values in their own 2d matrix -1
3.c does not get correct blue component values in their own 2d matrix -1

pts for

Total points for problem 3:    / 10