FASTlib Documentation



First make sure you have looked at the tutorial on the wiki and sample code in examples/platonic_allnn. The sample code is meant as a starting point -- you should begin by hacking onto the sample code, though make sure to make your own copy so that you don't check it into subversion.

The cookbook should be built as a sort of micro-howto for small tasks that you are interested in doing. However, this Doxygen documentation will always be the most complete -- and Doxygen links to the cross-referenced code if the comments aren't good enough. If you must declare classes in header files that you don't want documented because they are just helpers, remove them to a file ending in "_impl.h" and it will be skipped.

Using Doxygen in Your Code

So, you want your code to be documented like this, too? Doxygen will, like Javadoc, scrape your source code for comments with the specific slash-star-star begining. It's best to comment header files and not source files -- even without Doxygen, header files remain a natural place for documentation in any case.

To generate this HTML documentation yourself, go in to the source directory and type:


Then, visit doc/html/index.html (inside the same directory).

Final Remarks

This software was written at Georgia Institute of Technology. This software is not yet ready for distribution.

The current core maintainers are and

The source for this main page is in fastlib/fastlib.h.

Generated on Mon Jan 24 12:04:37 2011 for FASTlib by  doxygen 1.6.3