
00001 #ifndef OPTPPARRAY_H
00002 #define OPTPPARRAY_H
00004 #include <iostream>
00006 #include "OptppFatalError.h"
00008 using std::ostream;
00010 namespace OPTPP {
00028 template<class T>
00029 class OptppArray {
00030 public:
00037         OptppArray();
00041         OptppArray(int n); 
00047         OptppArray(int n, const T* cOptppArray);
00053         OptppArray(int n, const T& t); 
00056         ~OptppArray();
00058         OptppArray(const OptppArray<T>& other);  
00060         const OptppArray<T>& operator=(const OptppArray<T>& other); 
00063         void resize(int newN); 
00065         void reserve(int n); 
00067         int  reserve() const ;
00070         OptppArray<T>& append(const T& rhs);
00078         T& operator[](int i);
00079         const T& operator[](int i) const;
00087         bool get(int i, T& value) const ;
00088         bool put(int i, const T& value) ;
00093         int length() const; 
00100         bool bcast(int sender);
00101         bool send(int tag, int dest);
00102         bool recv(int tag, int src);
00103  private:
00104   T* data_;     
00105   int len_;     
00106   int reserve_; 
00108   void indexCheckCrash(int i) const;
00109   bool indexCheckNoCrash(int i) const;
00110 };
00112 //template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const OptppArray<T>& array);
00113 // print in form (), (1), or (1,2)
00114 template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const OptppArray<T>& item)
00115 {
00116   const OptppArray<T>& myItem = item;
00117   T myElem;
00120   os << "(";
00121   int ultimate = myItem.length()-1;        // the largest valid index
00123   for (int i = 0; i < ultimate; ++i) {
00124     myElem = myItem[i];
00125     os << myElem;
00126     os << ", ";
00127   }
00128   if (ultimate >= 0)
00129     os << myItem[ultimate];
00130   os << ")";
00131   return os;
00132 }
00134 inline int bump(int start, int to) {
00135   if (start == 0)
00136     start = 1;
00137   while (start < to)
00138     start *= 2;
00139   return start;
00140 }
00142 template<class T>
00143 OptppArray<T> sliceOptppArray(const OptppArray<OptppArray<T> >& array, int index)
00144 {
00145         OptppArray<T> rtn(array.length());
00147         for (int i=0; i<array.length(); i++)
00148                 {
00149                         rtn[i] = array[i][index];
00150                 }
00151         return rtn;
00152 }
00155 // utilities for building small arrays
00157 template<class T>
00158 OptppArray<T> tuple(const T& a)
00159 {
00160         OptppArray<T> rtn(1, a);
00161         return rtn;
00162 }
00164 template<class T>
00165 OptppArray<T> tuple(const T& a, const T& b)
00166 {
00167         OptppArray<T> rtn(2);
00168         rtn[0] = a;
00169         rtn[1] = b;
00170         return rtn;
00171 }
00173 template<class T>
00174 OptppArray<T> tuple(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c)
00175 {
00176         OptppArray<T> rtn(3);
00177         rtn[0] = a;
00178         rtn[1] = b;
00179         rtn[2] = c;
00180         return rtn;
00181 }
00183 template<class T>
00184 OptppArray<T> tuple(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& d)
00185 {
00186         OptppArray<T> rtn(4);
00187         rtn[0] = a;
00188         rtn[1] = b;
00189         rtn[2] = c;
00190         rtn[3] = d;
00191         return rtn;
00192 }
00194 template<class T>
00195 OptppArray<T> tuple(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& d, const T& e)
00196 {
00197         OptppArray<T> rtn(5);
00198         rtn[0] = a;
00199         rtn[1] = b;
00200         rtn[2] = c;
00201         rtn[3] = d;
00202         rtn[4] = e;
00203         return rtn;
00204 }
00206 template<class T>
00207 OptppArray<T> tuple(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& d, const T& e,
00208                                                          const T& f)
00209 {
00210         OptppArray<T> rtn(6);
00211         rtn[0] = a;
00212         rtn[1] = b;
00213         rtn[2] = c;
00214         rtn[3] = d;
00215         rtn[4] = e;
00216         rtn[5] = f;
00217         return rtn;
00218 }
00220 template<class T> inline OptppArray<T>::OptppArray()
00221   : data_(0),
00222     len_(0), 
00223     reserve_(0)
00224 {
00225 }
00227 template<class T> inline  OptppArray<T>::OptppArray(int n)
00228   : data_(0),
00229     len_(n), 
00230     reserve_(n)
00231 {
00232   if (len_ < 0)
00233     OptppfatalError("Negative length passed to OptppArray<T>::OptppArray(int n)");
00234   if (len_ > 0) 
00235     {
00236       data_ = new T [len_];
00237       if (!data_)
00238         OptppmemoryError("OptppArray constructor out of memory");
00239     }
00240 }
00242 template<class T>  inline OptppArray<T>::OptppArray(int n, const T* cOptppArray)
00243   : data_(0),
00244     len_(n),
00245     reserve_(n)
00246 {
00247   if (len_ < 0)
00248     OptppfatalError("Negative lenght passed to OptppArray::OptppArray(n, cOptppArray)");
00249   if (len_ > 0)
00250     {
00251       data_ = new T [len_];
00252       if (!data_)
00253         OptppmemoryError("OptppArray constructor out of memory");
00254     }
00255   for (int i = 0; i < len_; i++) data_[i] = cOptppArray[i];
00256 }
00258 template<class T>  inline OptppArray<T>::OptppArray(int n, const T& t)
00259   : data_(0),
00260     len_(n), 
00261     reserve_(n)
00262 {
00263   if (len_ < 0)
00264     OptppfatalError("Negative length passed to OptppArray<T>::OptppArray(int n)");
00265   if (len_ > 0) 
00266     {
00267       data_ = new T [len_];
00268       if (!data_)
00269         OptppmemoryError("OptppArray constructor out of memory");
00270     }
00271   for (int i = 0; i < len_; ++ i) 
00272     data_[i] = t;
00273 }
00276 template<class T>  inline OptppArray<T>::OptppArray(const OptppArray<T>& arr)
00277   : data_(0),
00278     len_(arr.len_), 
00279     reserve_(arr.len_)
00280 {
00281   if (len_ > 0) 
00282     {
00283       data_ = new T [reserve_];
00284       if (!data_)
00285         OptppmemoryError("OptppArray constructor out of memory");
00286       for (int i = 0; i < len_; ++i)
00287         data_[i] = arr.data_[i];
00288     }
00289 }
00291 template<class T> inline OptppArray<T>::~OptppArray() 
00292 {
00293   delete [] data_;
00294 }
00296 template<class T> 
00297 inline OptppArray<T>& OptppArray<T>::append(const T& rhs) 
00298 {
00299   resize(len_+1);
00300   data_[len_-1] = rhs;
00301   return *this;
00302 }
00304 template<class T>  
00305 inline const OptppArray<T>& OptppArray<T>::operator=(const OptppArray<T>& arr) 
00306 {
00307   if (this != &arr) 
00308     { // don't bother to assign if they're already identical
00309       if (reserve_ < arr.len_) 
00310         { //If the reserved space is too small to hold arr
00311           delete [] data_;
00312           data_ = 0;
00313           reserve_ = arr.len_;
00314           if (reserve_ > 0) {
00315             data_ = new T[reserve_];
00316             if (!data_)
00317               OptppmemoryError("OptppArray constructor out of memory");
00318           }
00319         }
00320       len_ = arr.len_;
00321       for (int i = 0; i < len_; ++i)
00322         data_[i] = arr[i];
00323     }
00324   return *this;
00325 }
00327 template<class T> 
00328 inline void OptppArray<T>::resize(int newN) {
00329   if (len_ != newN) { // do not do anything if new size is not different
00330     if (newN < 0)
00331       OptppfatalError("Negative length passed to OptppArray<T>::resize(int newN)");
00332     if(newN > reserve_)
00333       reserve(bump(reserve_, newN));
00334     len_ = newN;
00335   }
00336 }
00338 template<class T>
00339 inline int OptppArray<T>::length() const {
00340   return len_;
00341 }
00343 template<class T> 
00344 inline void OptppArray<T>::reserve(int N){
00345   if(reserve_ != N){
00346     if(N < 0){
00347       OptppfatalError("Negative length passed to OptppArray<T>::reserve(int N)");
00348     }
00349     if(N < len_){ len_ = N;}
00350     reserve_ = N;
00351     T* oldData = data_;
00352     data_ = 0;
00353     data_ = new T [reserve_];
00354     if (!data_)
00355       OptppmemoryError("OptppArray<T>::reserve(int N) out of memory");
00356     for (int i = 0; i < len_; i++)
00357       data_[i] = oldData[i];
00358     delete [] oldData;
00359   }
00360 }
00362 template<class T> 
00363 inline int OptppArray<T>::reserve() const{
00364   return reserve_;
00365 }
00367 template<class T> 
00368 inline T& OptppArray<T>::operator[](int i) {
00369 #ifndef NOBOUNDSCHECK
00370   indexCheckCrash(i);
00371 #endif
00372   return data_[i];
00373 }
00375 template<class T> 
00376 inline const T& OptppArray<T>::operator[](int i) const {
00377 #ifndef NOBOUNDSCHECK
00378   indexCheckCrash(i);
00379 #endif
00380   return data_[i];
00381 }
00383 template<class T> 
00384 inline void OptppArray<T>::indexCheckCrash(int i) const 
00385 {
00386   if (i<0 || i>=len_)
00387     OptpprangeError("OptppArray<T>", i, 0, len_-1);
00388 }
00390 template<class T> 
00391 inline bool OptppArray<T>::indexCheckNoCrash(int i) const 
00392 {
00393   if (i<0 || i>=len_) return false;
00394   return true;
00395 }
00397 template<class T>
00398 inline bool OptppArray<T>::get(int i, T& value) const
00399 {
00400 #ifndef NOBOUNDSCHECK
00401   if (!indexCheckNoCrash(i)) return false;
00402 #endif
00403   value = data_[i];
00404   return true;
00405 }
00407 template<class T>
00408 inline bool OptppArray<T>::put(int i, const T& value)
00409 {
00410 #ifndef NOBOUNDSCHECK
00411   if (!indexCheckNoCrash(i)) return false;
00412 #endif
00413   data_[i]= value;
00414   return true;
00415 }
00417 } // namespace OPTPP
00419 #endif
Generated on Mon Jan 24 12:04:37 2011 for FASTlib by  doxygen 1.6.3