Bug List

File dataset.cc

These routines fail when trying to read files linewise that use the Mac eol ''. Both Windows and Unix eol ("\r\n" and '
') work. Use the programs 'dos2unix' or 'tr' to convert the ''s to '

File dataset_scaler.h
No known bugs.

File dualtree_kde.h
No known bugs.

File dualtree_kde_cv.h
No known bugs.

File dualtree_vkde.h
No known bugs.

File farfield_expansion.h
No known bugs.

File fft_kde.h
No known bugs.

File fgt_kde.h
No known bugs.

File kernel_aux.h
No known bugs.

File local_expansion.h

No known bugs.

No known bugs.

File mult_farfield_expansion.h
No known bugs.

File naive_kde.h
No known bugs.

File textfile.cc

These routines fail when trying to read files linewise that use the Mac eol ''. Both Windows and Unix eol ("\r\n" and '
') work. Use the programs 'dos2unix' or 'tr' to convert the ''s to '

Generated on Mon Jan 24 12:04:39 2011 for FASTlib by  doxygen 1.6.3