InfomaxICA Member List

This is the complete list of members for InfomaxICA, including all inherited members.
applyICA(const Matrix &dataset)InfomaxICA
displayMatrix(const Matrix &m)InfomaxICA
displayVector(const Vector &m)InfomaxICA
getSources(const Matrix &dataset, Matrix &s)InfomaxICA
getUnmixing(Matrix &w)InfomaxICA
InfomaxICA(double lambda, int B, double epsilon) (defined in InfomaxICA)InfomaxICA
setB(const int b) (defined in InfomaxICA)InfomaxICA
setEpsilon(const double epsilon) (defined in InfomaxICA)InfomaxICA
setLambda(const double lambda) (defined in InfomaxICA)InfomaxICA
TestInfomaxICA (defined in InfomaxICA)InfomaxICA [friend]
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