OPTPP::NLF2 Member List

This is the complete list of members for OPTPP::NLF2, including all inherited members.
analytic_grad (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [protected]
AnalyticGrad() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
application (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
BDGrad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &, double &, NEWMAT::ColumnVector &) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0
CDGrad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &, double &, NEWMAT::ColumnVector &) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0
CONBDGrad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0
CONCDGrad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0
confcn1OPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
confcn2OPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
CONFDGrad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &)OPTPP::NLP0
CONFDHessian(NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x) (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [virtual]
constraint_OPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
constraint_valueOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
debug_OPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
dimOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
eval()OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
evalF()OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
evalF(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
evalG()OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
evalG(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
evalH()OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
f_helper(int m, int n, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &xc, real &f, NEWMAT::ColumnVector &g, NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix &H, int &result, void *v) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline, protected, static]
fcnOPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
fcn_vOPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
FD2Hessian(NEWMAT::ColumnVector &) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0
FDGrad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &, double &, NEWMAT::ColumnVector &)OPTPP::NLP0
FDHessian(NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x) (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [virtual]
finitediffOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
fPrintState(ostream *nlpout, char *s) (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [virtual]
function_timeOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
fvalueOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
getConstraints()OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
getConstraintValue() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
getDebug() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getDerivOption() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
getDim() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getF() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getFcnAccrcy() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getFcnTime() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getFevals() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getGevals() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
getGrad() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
getHess() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [inline]
getHevals() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [inline]
getIsExpensive() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getModeOverride() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getNumOfCons() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getNumOfNLCons() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
getSpecOption() const (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
getXc() const OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
hasConstraints()OPTPP::NLP0 [virtual]
Hessian (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [protected]
init_confcnOPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
init_fcnOPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
init_flagOPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
initFcn()OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
is_expensiveOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
mem_fcn_accrcyOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
mem_grad (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [protected]
mem_xcOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
modeOverride (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
ncnlnOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
nfevalsOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
ngevals (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [protected]
nhevals (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [protected]
NLF2() (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim, USERFCN2 f, INITFCN i, CompoundConstraint *constraint=0) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim, USERFCN2 f, INITFCN i, INITCONFCN c) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim, int nlncons, USERNLNCON1 f, INITFCN i) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim, int nlncons, USERNLNCON2 f, INITFCN i) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim, USERFCN2V f, INITFCN i, CompoundConstraint *constraint=0, void *v=0)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim, USERFCN2V f, INITFCN i, void *v) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLF2(int ndim, USERFCN2V f, INITFCN i, INITCONFCN c, void *v) (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline]
NLP0()OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
NLP0(int ndim)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
NLP0(int ndim, int nlncons)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
NLP0(int ndim, CompoundConstraint *constraint)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
NLP1() (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
NLP1(int ndim) (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
NLP1(int ndim, int nlncons) (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
NLP1(int ndim, CompoundConstraint *constraint) (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
NLP2() (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [inline]
NLP2(int ndim) (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [inline]
NLP2(int ndim, int nlncons) (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [inline]
NLP2(int ndim, CompoundConstraint *constraint) (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [inline]
nlp_nameOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
partial_grad (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
printConstraints()OPTPP::NLP0 [virtual]
printState(char *s) (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [virtual]
reset()OPTPP::NLF2 [virtual]
setConstraints(CompoundConstraint *constraintSet)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
setConstraintValue(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &cfx)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
setDebug() (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
setDerivOption(DerivOption d) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
setF(const real &fx) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
setFcnAccrcy(const int i, const real &accrcy) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
setFcnAccrcy(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &accrcy) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
setGrad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &set_grad) (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline]
setIsExpensive(const int e) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
setModeOverride(bool override_mode) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
setSpecOption(SpecOption SpecEval) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline]
setX(const int i, const real &x)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
setX(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x) (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
specF (defined in OPTPP::NLP0)OPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
SpecFlagOPTPP::NLP0 [protected]
vptrOPTPP::NLF2 [protected]
~NLF2() (defined in OPTPP::NLF2)OPTPP::NLF2 [inline, virtual]
~NLP0()OPTPP::NLP0 [inline, virtual]
~NLP1() (defined in OPTPP::NLP1)OPTPP::NLP1 [inline, virtual]
~NLP2() (defined in OPTPP::NLP2)OPTPP::NLP2 [inline, virtual]
~NLPBase() (defined in OPTPP::NLPBase)OPTPP::NLPBase [inline, virtual]
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