QuasiNewton Member List

This is the complete list of members for QuasiNewton, including all inherited members.
data() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
data() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
dimension() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
dimension() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
Eval(double *pt) (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton
Eval(double *pt) (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton
Init(long double(*fun)(Vector &, const Matrix &, Vector *), Matrix &data, datanode *opt_module) (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
Init(long double(*fun)(Vector &, const Matrix &, Vector *), Matrix &data, datanode *opt_module) (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
LineSearch_(Vector pold, long double fold, Vector *grad, Vector *xi, Vector *pnew, long double *f_min, long double maximum_step_length) (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton
LineSearch_(Vector pold, long double fold, Vector *grad, Vector *xi, Vector *pnew, long double *f_min, long double maximum_step_length) (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton
QuasiNewton() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
QuasiNewton() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
~QuasiNewton() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
~QuasiNewton() (defined in QuasiNewton)QuasiNewton [inline]
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