SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >, including all inherited members.
Add(GeneralMatrix *, Real) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Add(Real) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
AddedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
AsColumn() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
AsDiagonal() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
AsMatrix(int, int) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
AsRow() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
AsScalar() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
BandMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
BandWidth() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix [virtual]
BaseMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
BorrowStore(GeneralMatrix *, MatrixType) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
CheckConversion(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
CheckStore() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
CleanUp() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
ColedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Column(int) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
Columns(int, int) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
ColumnVector (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
ConcatenatedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
const_data() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
CroutMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
data() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
data() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
Determinant() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
DiagedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
DiagonalMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
DotProduct (defined in Matrix)Matrix [friend]
element(int, int) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
element(int, int) const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
Eq(const BaseMatrix &, MatrixType) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Eq(const GeneralMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Eq(const BaseMatrix &, MatrixType, bool) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Eq2(const BaseMatrix &, MatrixType) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Evaluate(MatrixType mt=MatrixTypeUnSp) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
ForReturn() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
GeneralMatrix() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
GeneralMatrix(ArrayLengthSpecifier) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
GeneralMatrix (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix [friend]
GenericMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
get(index_t r, index_t c) const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
get(index_t r, index_t c) const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
GetCol(MatrixRowCol &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
GetCol(MatrixColX &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
GetColumnPtr(index_t col) (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
GetColumnPtr(index_t col) const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
GetColumnPtr(index_t col) (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
GetColumnPtr(index_t col) const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
GetMatrix(const GeneralMatrix *) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
GetRow(MatrixRowCol &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
GetStore() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
GetSubMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
i() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
IEQND() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
Inject(const GeneralMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
InvertedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
IsEqual(const GeneralMatrix &) const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [virtual]
IsZero() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
Janitor() (defined in Janitor)Janitor [inline]
KPMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
LinearEquationSolver (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
LogDeterminant() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
LowerBandMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
LowerTriangularMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
MakeSolver() (defined in Matrix)Matrix
MatedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Matrix() (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(int, int) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
Matrix(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
Matrix(const Matrix &gm) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
Matrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Maximum() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
Maximum1(int &i) const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
Maximum2(int &i, int &j) const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
MaximumAbsoluteValue() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
MaximumAbsoluteValue1(int &i) const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
MaximumAbsoluteValue2(int &i, int &j) const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
MiniCleanUp() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline, protected, virtual]
Minimum() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
Minimum1(int &i) const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
Minimum2(int &i, int &j) const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
MinimumAbsoluteValue() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
MinimumAbsoluteValue1(int &i) const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
MinimumAbsoluteValue2(int &i, int &j) const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
MinusEqual(const GeneralMatrix &gm) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
MinusEqual(Real f) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
MultipliedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Multiply(GeneralMatrix *, Real) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Multiply(Real) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
n_cols() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
n_cols() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
n_elements() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
n_elements() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
n_rows() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
n_rows() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
Ncols() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
ncols() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
ncols_value (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
NegAdd(GeneralMatrix *, Real) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
NegAdd(Real) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Negate(GeneralMatrix *) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Negate() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
NegatedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
NegShiftedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
NextCol(MatrixRowCol &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
NextCol(MatrixColX &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
NextRow(MatrixRowCol &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
Norm1() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
NormFrobenius() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
NormInfinity() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
nricMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Nrows() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
nrows() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
nrows_value (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
operator ReturnMatrix() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator&(const BaseMatrix &) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator&=(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator()(int, int) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
operator()(int, int) const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
operator*(const BaseMatrix &) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator*(Real) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator*=(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator*=(Real) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator+(const BaseMatrix &) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator+(Real) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator+=(const Matrix &M) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
operator+=(Real f) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
operator+=(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator-(const BaseMatrix &) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator-(Real) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator-() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator-=(const Matrix &M) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
operator-=(Real f) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
operator-=(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator/(Real) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator/=(Real r) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
operator<<(const double *) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator<<(const float *) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator<<(const int *) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator<<(const BaseMatrix &X) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
operator<<(double) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator<<(float) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
operator<<(int f) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
operator=(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
operator=(Real f) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
operator=(const Matrix &m) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
operator|(const BaseMatrix &) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
operator|=(const BaseMatrix &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
PlusEqual(const GeneralMatrix &gm) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
PlusEqual(Real f) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Protect() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
ptr() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
ptr() (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
ptr() const (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
ptr() (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
ref(index_t r, index_t c) (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
ref(index_t r, index_t c) (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
Release() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
Release(int t) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
ReleaseAndDelete() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
ReSize(int, int) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [virtual]
ReSize(const GeneralMatrix &A) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
ReSize(int, int, int) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
RestoreCol(MatrixColX &) (defined in Matrix)Matrix
RestoreRow(MatrixRowCol &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline, virtual]
ReturnMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
reuse() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
Reverse() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
ReversedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
ReverseElements() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
ReverseElements(GeneralMatrix *) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Row(int) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
RowedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Rows(int, int) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
RowVector (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
ScaledMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
search(const BaseMatrix *) const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
set(index_t r, index_t c, double v) (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
set(index_t r, index_t c, double v) (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
SetParameters(const GeneralMatrix *) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline, virtual]
ShiftedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
SimpleAddOK(const GeneralMatrix *gm) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline, protected, virtual]
size() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
SmallMatrix() (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
SmallMatrix() (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
SolvedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Solver(MatrixColX &, const MatrixColX &) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline, virtual]
SPMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
SquareMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
StackedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
storage (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Storage() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
store (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Store() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
SubMatrix(int, int, int, int) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
SubtractedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Sum() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
sum_square_columns() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix [virtual]
sum_square_rows() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix [virtual]
SumAbsoluteValue() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
SumSquare() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
swap(Matrix &gm) (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
swap(GeneralMatrix &gm) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
SymmetricBandMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
SymmetricMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
SymSubMatrix(int, int) const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
t() const (defined in BaseMatrix)BaseMatrix
tag (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected]
Tag() const (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [inline]
tDelete() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix
Trace() const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
Transpose(TransposedMatrix *, MatrixType) (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [protected, virtual]
TransposedMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
Type() const (defined in Matrix)Matrix
UpperBandMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
UpperTriangularMatrix (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [friend]
~GeneralMatrix() (defined in GeneralMatrix)GeneralMatrix [virtual]
~Janitor() (defined in Janitor)Janitor [inline, virtual]
~Matrix() (defined in Matrix)Matrix [inline]
~SmallMatrix() (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
~SmallMatrix() (defined in SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols >)SmallMatrix< t_rows, t_cols > [inline]
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