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Experimental procedure

Document recovery is a difficult problem, and results are sensitive to the length of the documents. In order to compare our methods more effectively, we created synthetic documents of varying lengths $ N$ from each original document and tested on these synthetic documents. Each synthetic document is comprised of $ N$ contiguous real sentences from one original document, starting at a random sentence in the original. If the original document had fewer than $ N$ sentences, we took the entire document; for $ N=20$, this occurred 65 out of 100 times.

To evaluate the results of document recovery on each set of synthetic documents, we use BLEU 4 [Papineni
\bgroupet al.\end{tex2html_bgroup}
], comparing the recovered documents to the synthetic documents. All reported BLEU scores are averages within a set of synthetic documents for a single $ N$ and domain. In all our experiments, we set $ \alpha=0.4$ and $ \lambda=1000$. We use the small stopword list in [Manning and Schütze1999], which has 114 word types, 57 uppercase and 57 lowercase.

Nathanael Fillmore 2008-07-18