There are two kinds of literature to review: (I) other poetry-generation systems, regardless of their stragety; (II) more general NLG or MT systems that use and/or learn templates. Also important is (III) evaluation of results. SUMMARY: No one seems to be doing what I am. I. Other poetry-generation systems SUMMARY: other poetry-generation systems exist; but all the ones I found seem to rely heavily on manually-created rules and lexica. Manurung, Graeme Ritchie, Henry Thompson. (2000). Towards A Computational Model of Poetry Generation. Uses an evolutionary algorithm (stochastic hill climbing search) to find the best poem. They evaluate candates based on their rhythm; they mutate them using a ``semantic explorer'', a ``semantic realizer'', and a ``syntactic paraphraser''. They use hand-crafted grammar and lexicon to do all this, however. Manurung. (2003). An evolutionary algorithm approach to poetry generation. (Ph.D. thesis). Continues the above. Includes lots of relevant discussions. Mentions several even earlier systems dating back to at least 1974. Gerv\'as. (2000). An Expert System for the Composition of Formal Spanish Poetry. and Gerv\'as. (2000). WASP: Evaluation of Different Strategies for the Automatic Generation of Spanish Verse Uses a rule-based system to generate Spanish poetry. The rules were manually made by reviewing academic literature on poetry. II. General NLG/MT templates and systems that learn templates SUMMARY: People have been learning templates from corpora. No one seems to have just calculated idf and cutoff; this is probably because MT (as well as NLG) have more than poetry, so one needs to know more about which templates are appropriate when. Lu, Zhou, Li, Huang, and Zhao. (2001). Automatic Translation Template Acquisition Based on Bilingual Structure Alignment. Use aligned bilingual corpus + LM to extract templates for translation. McTait. (2001). Linguistic Knowledge and Complexity in an EBMT System Based on Translation Patterns. Extracts sentences from bilingual corpus that are translations of each other. Carl. (1999). Inducing Translation Templates for Example-Based Machine Translation. Extracts more complicated, general templates from bilingual corpus. Deemter, Krahmer, and Theune. (2004). Real vs. template-based natural language generation: a false opposition? Argues that the line between template-based NLG systems and "real" NLG systems (where every word is allowed to vary) is blurry. III. Evaluation Gerv\'as. (2002). Exploring Quantitative Evaluations of the Creativity of Automatic Poets Develops evaluation metrics for poetry. Pease, Winterstein, and Colton. (2001). Evaluating Machine Creativity. Distinguish between the process and the results, among other things. Ritchie. (2001). Assessing Creativity. What makes a program creative?