1 world peace - with my new wedding life 1 - with my new wedding life 1 wish miffy can have lots of - every day 1 wish i can find a nice guy to - in 2008 1 wish buy a new house for family full - 1 we wish for health and - for our family 1 we wish for - and happiness for our family 1 we wish for - and - for our family 1 - weight loss and less tv for all 1 wealth - for me and for my dear ones 1 to get a handle on my - and learn to smile 1 that my mom finds - in her life 1 that my daughter finds love - and joy 1 - success strength and wealth 1 - security for family friends 1 - prosperity and happiness for everyone 1 - prosperity and - for everyone 1 peace to all and good - in 2008 1 peace love happiness and good - 1 peace love - and good health 1 peace love - and good - 1 peace and - to all inhabitants of earth 1 peace and - in taiwan 1 peace and - for everyone in 2008 1 peace and - for all 1 my wish for continued - prosperity 1 my wish for continued health - prosperity 1 my wish for continued - happiness prosperity 1 my family body will - happy together 1 my family and i will - and forever 1 my career success and the - of my family 1 more famous more money parents - well 1 may the new year bring me lot s of joy and - 1 many years of - w the love of my life rob 1 make money and good - 1 - make a lot money 1 - love business success prosperity 1 - love and familty unity for all 1 lose weight and - 1 long life and - always 1 - laughter 1 i wish to - with my dear boyfriend 1 i wish the person i love has a lot of - 1 i wish my children to find true - peace 1 i wish mom and christy have a good - in 2008 1 i wish love - health and prosperity 1 i wish love happiness - and prosperity 1 i wish love - and prosperity 1 i wish longevity - w my family and yours 1 i wish i could - 1 i wish health - and good finances for my w 1 i wish - happiness and good finances for my w 1 i wish good - to my family 1 i wish good health - to my family 1 i wish good - happiness to my family 1 i wish for nothing but - for my friends 1 i wish for health - and wings 1 i wish for - happiness and wings 1 i wish for good - and great sex 1 i wish for everyone to have suitable - care 1 i wish - for carolyn ricky and peace for all 1 i wish for - and wings 1 i wish for - and boyfriend to marry me 1 i wish for - 1 i wish everyone - peace for all 1 i wish everyone i know will be - 1 i wish everyone health - peace for all 1 i wish everyone - happiness peace for all 1 i wish everyone good - success happiness 1 i wish everyone good - success - 1 i wish everyone good health success - 1 i wish - and good finances for my w 1 i want to find the - and the love one 1 i want to - 1 i - this year 1 i hope we can get our - world peace 1 i hope we can get our happiness - 1 i hope we can get our - 1 i hope the - will come true 1 i hope everyone who love me and my love is - 1 i can - with chi chen tsai next year 1 - health success strength and wealth 1 health - security for family friends 1 health prosperity and - for everyone 1 health - love business success prosperity 1 health - for my family friends 1 health - and romance for my daughter 1 health and - for those i love 1 health and - for all i know and love 1 happy - new clients for pao house 1 - happiness with my new wedding life 1 happiness - success strength and wealth 1 - happiness security for family friends 1 - happiness love business success prosperity 1 - happiness for my family friends 1 - happiness and romance for my daughter 1 happiness and - for myself and my son ethan 1 happiness and - for all i love 1 happiness and - 1 - hapiness love lose weight 30pds contentment 1 good - to family and friends 1 good - to all peace happiness 1 good - to all peace - 1 good - to all and financial security 1 good - love and peace happy new year all 1 good health to all peace - 1 good health - and peace on earth 1 good health and - for all my family 1 good health and - 1 good - happiness and peace on earth 1 good - for all of my family 1 good - and world peace 1 good - and peace on earth 1 good - and peace for my family and friends 1 good - and peace around the world 1 good - and much happeniess to all 1 good - and happiness for all my family 1 good - and - for all my family 1 good - and - 1 - for myself and my son ethan 1 for my family to remain in good - 1 - for my family friends 1 for my family - and love 1 - for families 1 - for all of my family and friends 1 - for all i love 1 find love and - for me 1 financial freedom good - true love 1 - financial blessings for the new year 1 family wishes for health - good fortune 1 family wishes for - happiness good fortune 1 family wishes for - good fortune 1 eddy may you find the true - you deserve 1 - boycott the armed forces 1 better - peace and happiness for my family 1 better - peace and - for my family 1 better health peace and - for my family 1 be in love with my mr right and - 1 a speedy recovery good - for megan konrath 1 - and romance for my daughter 1 - and health for myself and my son ethan 1 - and health for all i love 1 - and health 1 - and happiness for those i love 1 - and happiness for all i know and love 1 - and - for those i love 1 - and - for myself and my son ethan 1 - and - for all i love 1 - and - for all i know and love 1 - and find a good lover 1 - and - 1 an amazing 08 filled with - love wealth 1 achieving goals about - wealth and writing 1 2008 is a prosperous year for family - job