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Cl:kñ t:ðri AaúK:aðø s:ð S:rab: Aaòr ez:y:ada - 3
eK:l:t:ð rhð haðYaðø s:ð g:Øl:ab: Aaòr ez:y:ada - 2
Vy:a b:at: hò t:ðri m:hefl: m:ðø es:t:m:g:r - 3
D:_kñ hò edl:K:an:a K:rab: Aaòr ez:y:ada - 2
Es: edl: m:ðø AB:i Aaòr B:i z:Km:aðø ki j:g:h hò b:aki - 3
Ab: -p: ki kt:ri kað daðAab: m:ðø j:k_ l:ðø
ek ESq kñ t:Üfa÷ ki b:at:aðø m:ðø j:k_ l:ðø - 2
All:ah krð z:aðr-O-S:rab: Aaòr ez:y:ada
eK:l:t:ð rhð haðYaðø kñ g:Øl:ab: Aaòr ez:y:ada
This site is maintained by
Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by
Anurag Shankar
and a
of volunteers.
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