This index has been reorganized

The index of Hindi Movie Songs has recently been reorganized. Due to this reorganization, the page you requested has been removed and has been moved elsewhere.

You can use the main page ( ) to find out where this particular section of the index has moved. Please update your link(s) to reflect the new URLs. If you got here by clicking on somebody else's link, I would appreciate it if you could send mail to the maintainer of that page asking him/her to update his/her link.

This change has occured because I have moved from a previous ad hoc index to a new, more organized index. For example, the list of songs of Kishore Kumar has now moved to which I think is better than "indexes/singer_7.html#kishore" :-).

Send me mail if you have questions, comments or suggestions.

Maintained by Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to