mere mahabuub qayaamat hogii

Song Title: mere mahabuub qayaamat hogii
Movie Name: Mr. X in Bombay
Actor(s)/Actress(es): Kishore Kumar, Kumkum
Singer(s): Kishore Kumar
Music Director(s): Laxmikant, Pyarelal
Lyricist(s): Anand Bakhshi

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m:ðrð m:hb:Üb: qy:am:t: haðg:i
Aaj: ,s:v:a t:ðri g:el:y:aðø m:ðø m:Øhbb:t: haðg:i

n:am: en:kl:ðg:a t:ðrð hi l:b: s:ð
j:an: j:b: Es: edl:
-O-n:adan: s:ð ,K:s:t: haðg:i
m:ðrð m:hb:Üb: ~~~

t:ðri g:l:i m:òø Aat:a s:n:m:
n:^:m:ð v:fa kñ g:at:a s:n:m:
t:ØJ: s:ð s:Øn:a n:a j:at:a s:n:m:
Ab: Aa p:hÚöc:a Aay:a hÞú m:g:r
y:ð kh kr m:òø div:an:a
Q:tm: Ab: Aaj: y:ð v:hS:t: haðg:i
Aaj: ,s:v:a ~~~

m:ðrð s:n:m: kñ dr s:ð Ag:r
-O-s:b:a hað t:ðra g:Øz:r
khn:a es:t:m:g:r kÙC hò K:b:r
t:ðra n:am: el:y:a
j:b: t:k B:i ej:y:a
Oð S:mm:a t:ðra p:rv:an:a
ej:s:s:ð Ab: t:k t:ØJ:ð n:frt: haðg:i
Aaj: ,s:v:a ~~~

m:ðrð m:hb:Üb: ~~~

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The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .