ab chhalakate hue saagar nahii.n dekhe jaate

Song Title: ab chhalakate hue saagar nahii.n dekhe jaate
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Ab: Cl:kt:ð hÚO s:ag:r n:hiø dðK:ð j:at:ð
t:aòb:a kñ b:ad y:ð m:öz:r n:hiø dðK:ð j:at:ð

m:st: kr kñ m:ØJ:ð, Aaòraðø kað l:g:a m:Üú s:aqi
y:ð krm: haðS: m:ðø rh kr n:hiø dðK:ð j:at:ð

s:aT: hr Ok kað Es: rah m:ðø c:l:n:a haðg:a
ESq m:ðø rhz:an:
-Aað-rhb:ar n:hiø dðK:ð j:at:ð

hm: n:ð dðK:a hò z:m:an:ð ka b:dl:n:a l:ðekn:
un: kñ b:dl:ð hÚO t:ðv:r n:hiø dðK:ð j:at:ð

This site is maintained by Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .