zi.ndagii ke safar me.n, akele the ham

Song Title: zi.ndagii ke safar me.n, akele the ham
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ez:ödg:i kñ s:fr m:ðø
, Akñl:ð T:ð hm:
em:l: g:O t:Øm: t:að edl: kað s:hara em:l:a
Aa g:O Ek n:O rast:ð p:r qdm:
j:b: t:Ømhari n:z:r ka ES:ara em:l:a

ez:ödg:i kað t:m:Àa T:i hm:raz: ki
-O-edl: ki z:-rt: T:i Aav:az: ki
t:Øm:n:ð j:b: m:ØskÙrakr p:Økara hm:ðø
ez:ödg:i kað K:ØS:i ka n:z:ara em:l:a

Ab: z:m:an:ð ka Rr hò n: dÙen:y:a ka ^:m:
Ap:n:i t:qdir p:r n:az: krt:ð hòø hm:
Aaj: AaúK:aðø kað j:l:v:ð t:Ømharð em:l:ð
Aaj: haT:aðø kað dam:n: t:Ømhara em:l:a

This site is maintained by Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .