des parades, are khushiyaa.N, yahii.n pe, mile.nge haa.N mere

Song Title: des parades, are khushiyaa.N, yahii.n pe, mile.nge haa.N mere
Movie Name: Des Pardes
Actor(s)/Actress(es): Dev Anand
Singer(s): Kishore Kumar
Music Director(s): Rajesh Roshan

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dðs: p:rdðs:
Arð K:ØeS:y:aú
, y:hiø p:ð, em:l:ðøg:i haú m:ðrð
Ap:n:a hò Ap:n:a
, y:ð dðs: p:rdðs:

v:hi p:Øran:ð hòø
v:hi p:Øran:ð hòø
, s:arð Ps:an:ð, n:y:a hò l:ðekn: j:haú
Arð rst:ð n:y:ð hòø
, y:ð m:¡nz:l: n:I hò,
l:ðekn: v:hi Aas:m:aú
t:ðra n:a m:ðra
, Ap:n:a hò Ap:n:a
y:ð dðs: p:rdðs:

Akñl:a n:hiø hÞú m:òø
Akñl:a n:hiø hÞú m:òø
, t:ðrð eb:n:a, s:ög: m:ðrð t:ðri y:ad hò
em:l:kr eK:l:ðø PÝl: hr rög: kñ
, b:s: y:hi m:ðri Pery:ad hò
s:p:n:a hò s:p:n:a
y:ð dðs: p:rdðs:~~~

This site is maintained by Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .