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kh n:a s:kñ t:Ü
c:Øp:kñ c:Øp:kñ
ep:öj:rð kñ p:öCi rð, t:ðra drd n:a j:an:ð kaðO (2)
t:ðri B:i p:öCi, Vy:a ez:ödg:an:i rð
ev:eD: n:ð t:ðri kT:a el:K:i Aaús:Ü m:ðø kl:m: RÙb:aðO
t:ðra drd ~~~
rK:n:a CÙp:akñ, edl: kñ Cal:ð rð
y:ð p:tT:r ka dðS: hòø p:g:l:ð, y:haö kaðI n:a t:ðra haðy:
t:ðra drd ~~~
This site is maintained by
Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by
Anurag Shankar
and a
of volunteers.
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