[Pronunciation] [Etymology] [Quotations] [Date chart]

({fata}{lm} [f. AH int.

    intr. To say ‘ah’ (as an expression of surprise, wonder, etc.); also, = ER v.
  1897 ‘MARK TWAIN Foll. Equator in Writ. (1900) V. 111 We..went oh-ing and ah-ing in admiration. 1924 D. H. LAWRENCE Indians & Entertainment in Adelphi Nov. 500 The men sing in unison..for hours..it goes on..gurgling, aah-h-h-ing! of the male voices. 1931 [see ER]. 1934 ‘REBECCA WEST Mod. Rake's Progr. 113 These visitors from the next civilisation..will walk about oh-ing and ah-ing. 1960 C. RAY Merry Eng. 128 The spectators ooh! and ah! and roar their delight.

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