[Quotations] [Date chart]

    repr. dial. and U.S. Black pronunc. of I pers. pron. See A pron. ¶.
  1869 Good Words 1 Mar. 171/2 Ah couldn't groind wi'out un. 1898 [see AIN'T v.]. 1904 Dialect Notes II. 423 The pronoun I when unemphatic is often pronounced ah, as ah be, ah hain gunty (I'm not going to), [etc.]. 1911 D. H. LAWRENCE in Eng. Rev. June 424 Ah've said many a time as Ah'd fill up them ruts in this entry. 1935 Z. N. HURSTON Mules & Men 19 It's de strongest thing Ah ever made. 1942 W. FAULKNER Go down, Moses 136 ‘Whar you gwine?’ she said. ‘Ah'm goan home,’ he said. 1961 S. CHAPLIN Day of Sardine vii. 145 Cut me throat if Ah'm lyin'..Ah never knew Ah'd so much talkin' in me; that kid draws me out. 1973 [see ME pers. pron. 10].

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