In addition to the UW-Madison integrity policy, please read the following collaboration guidelines for programming projects. Discovery of code sharing will lead to failure of the assignment/course, disciplinary probation, or suspension.
In our class we strive to create an environment where everyone is willing to do their part and can learn and thrive. You should always feel free to ask a question: asking and pondering questions is how we learn. Being confused is unfailingly an opportunity to advance our knowledge. Please, commit to helping create a climate where we treat everyone with dignity and respect. Listening to different viewpoints and approaches enriches our experience, and it is up to us to be sure others feel safe to contribute. Creating an environment where we are all comfortable learning is everyone's job: offer support and seek help from others if you need it, not only in class but also outside class while working with classmates.
In case you are having personal problems or any other issues outside the course that are affecting your performance in the course, please email or talk to the instructor during office hours as soon as possible. The course staff is here to help you do your best in the course and we will try to make necessary accomodations. However please note that timely communication is very important and we might not be able to help you if we dont know you have a problem.