Research assistant to Mark Hill, Jan. 2000-Aug. 2002
M.S. in Computer Science, May 2001.
Passed Ph.D. qualifying exam, January 2001.
Adviser, Mark Hill.
3.56/4.0 GPA.
B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science, Cum Laude and with
High Distinction, May 1998.
3.82/4.0 GPA overall, 3.81/4.0 GPA in mathematics and computer science.
Designed and partially implemented InfiniBand over ServerNet II, a
Compaq networking technology based on the Virtual Interface
Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Los Alamos, NM.
Post-baccalaureate student employee in the Network Engineering group,
August 1998-August 1999.
May-August 1999: Developed software tools to help analyze network
traffic, as part of the Network Traffic
Characterization project. Helped develop the infrastructure to
run network tests.
August 1998-May 1999: Worked with Ian Philp on a Linux implementation
of the
Scheduled Transfer protocol, a high-speed OS-bypass networking
Wolfram Research,
Champaign, IL.
Software Quality Assurance tester, September 1997-present.
Developed tests for Mathematica, "the world's foremost software for
scientific and technical computing."
Non-deterministic Multi-threaded Commercial Workloads,
Alaa R. Alameldeen, Carl J. Mauer, Min Xu, Pacia J. Harper, Milo M.K.
Martin, Daniel J. Sorin, Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood,
Workshop On Computer Architecture Evaluation using Commercial Workloads
(CAECW), February 2002.
Substantial experience:
Unix (Linux, Solaris)
Linux system administration
C, C++, Perl and Java
CVS (setting up repositories as well as using them)
gdb (Unix debugger)
writing (mathematical proofs, software documentation, literary and
philosophical analysis)
Windows (NT, 98, 2000, XP)
Python and shell scripting
sockets programming
embedded systems design and programming
assembly language (Solaris and x86)
FrameMaker, StarOffice, PowerPoint
Mathematica, MatLab