Yes girls, he is still available. E-mail with long love letters professing your undying devotion to him
Also, Hollywood movie/show producers, wouldn't you just love to have Matt act for you? I mean, what a hunky show-stopper.
Too bad I can't put Matt-in-action on a web page. Oh, well.
And now... The true story behind evileye.
The picture that currently envelopes you is the likeness of me that was taken for my Senior Class pictures by Cilento photography. When I reported there to get my photo taken, they told me that they were going to take about 15 pictures. Of these 15, they would pick my 12 best to show me. Of these 12, I was to choose which ones I wanted to put into my yearbook and to keep. So Mr. Camera went "Click-chick-click" (excuse me - I meant to type "Click-click-click"; freudian slip), and I went home. A couple months later (aren't they fast?) they called me up to tell me that my pictures were in and done. Well.... I went into their little shop, and they proceeded to pull out my portfolio (don't they always have to make it sound so anally sophisticated?). Well, my portfolio consisted of a whopping four pictures. Well, we asked where the other 8 were that they promised to provide me with. They said that "they didn't turn out". Initially, they had promised that, if they should screw up the developmental process, etc, that we would be provided with a free re-sitting. Well, we demanded this, but they refused. We then demanded to see the rest of the pictures (no, there are no lawyers in the family; that's why we demanded instead of threatening to sue). So they went down into their basement storage area, and about a week later we heard from them. They called us up to tell us that they were in again. Of course they didn't want to mail it to us or anything, so we went in. When we went in, we looked at them, and discovered that they hadn't initially given them to us, because of the weird expressions that were on my face for each of the remaining eight. Well, they caused much laughing in the family (of course, all at my expense). So, one day, when I was in a particularly quirky mood, and my mommy offered to take me to Best Buy to get school supplies, I secreted along my "evileye" photo. I decided "What a more perfect way for people to get to know me at college other than to see a photo on the door of me that fits my personality?" So, at Best Buy they have these color copier things that they use to enlarge photos. So they enlarged me, and in the first week of school, up went the copied photo (which the scanner scanned over). One night, I looked at my door, and it was gone. I demanded in a rather outspoken way "Who stole my picture dammit?". About five minutes later (after I closed the door), someone stuck it back on my door. All of a sudden (later), in a square around my photo were 8 black-and-white copies of the copy of the photo, all with interesting side remarks. The perpetrators then left a threatening message on my message board threatening to spread these photos all over campus with my phone and room number, asking for a date for me (as they knew that, at the time, I was dateless). As a result of this propaganda campaign... (edited due to the possibility of parents actually reading this)
Go back you fool