A. Anderson, A.S. Mondal, P. Barford, M. Crovella, and J. Sommers. "An Elemental Decomposition of DNS Name-to-IP Graphs", In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 2024. (paper)
J. Catudal, Z. Zhou, W. Pan, P. Barford, D. Fratta and H. Wang. "Homebrew: Optical Polarization Change Detection for Ground Motion Sensing", In Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC), 2024. (paper)
M. Nance-Hall, P. Barford, K-T. Foerster and R. Durairajan. "Improving Scalability in Traffic Engineering via Optical Topology Programming", In IEEE Transactions on Network Service Management, 2024. (paper)
E. Carisimo, C. Wang, M. Weaver, F. Bustamante and P. Barford. "Hop Away from Everywhere: A View of the Intercontinental Long-haul Infrastructure", In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June, 2024. (paper)
J. Catudal, K. Dowsett, P. Barford, D. Fratta, W. Jensen, N. Lord and H. Wang. "On the Efficacy of Using Commodity Optical Transceivers for Environmental Sensing", In the 28th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, November, 2023. (paper)
E. Pauley, P. Barford and P. McDaniel. "The CVE Wayback Machine: Measuring Coordinated Disclosure from Exploits Against 2 Years of Zero-Days", In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measuremenet Conference", October, 2023. (paper)
E. Pauley, P. Barford and P. McDaniel. "DScope: A Cloud-Native Internet Telescope", In Proceedings of the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium", August, 2023. (paper)
L. Salamatian, S. Anderson, J. Mathews, P. Barford, W. Willinger and M. Crovella. "A Manifold View of Connectivity in the Private Backbone Networks of Hyperscalers", In Communications of the ACM, Vol. 66, Num 8, August, 2023. (paper)
S.Anderson, T. Bell, P. Egan, N. Weinshenker and P. Barford. "PowerPing: Measuring the Impact of Power Outages on Internet Hosts in the US", In Critical Infrastructure Protection XVII, Springer, Cham, 2023. (paper)
M. Syamkumar, Y. Gullapalli, W. Tang, P. Barford and J. Sommers. "BigBen: Telemetry Processing for Internet-wide Event Monitoring", In IEEE Transactions on Network Service Management, June, 2022. (paper)
D. Veitch, S. Mani, Y. Cao, and P. Barford. "iHorology: Lowering the Barrier to Microsecond-level Internet Time", In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, May, 2022. (paper)
L. Salamatian, S. Anderson, J.Matthews, P. Barford, M. Crovella and W. Willinger. "Curvature-based Analysis of Network Connectivity in Private Backbone Infrastructures", In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS, June, 2022. (paper)
M. Hall, P. Barford, K. Foerster, M. Ghobadi, W. Jensen and R. Durairajan. "Are WANs Ready for Optical Topology Programming?" In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Optical Systems (OptSys), August, 2021. (paper)
J. Kline, A. Aelony, B. Carpenter and P. Barford. "Triangulated Rank-ordering of Web Domains", In Proceedings of the ITC32 Conference, Osaka, Japan, September, 2020. (paper)
S. Mani, M. Hall, R. Durairajan and P. Barford. "Characteristics of Metro Fiber Deployments in the US", In Proceedings of the IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference, Berlin, Germany, June, 2020. (paper)
S. Mani, P. Barford, R. Durairajan and J. Sommers. "What time is it? Managing Time in the Internet", In Proceedings of the ACM/IRTF/ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop, July, 2019. (paper)
J. Kline, E. Oakes, and P. Barford. "A URL-based Analysis of WWW Structure and Dynamics", In Proceedings of the IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference, June, 2019. (paper)
E. Oakes, J. Kline, A. Cahn, K. Funkhouser and P. Barford. "A Residential Client-side Perspective on SSL Certificates", In Proceedings of the IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference, June, 2019. (paper)
S. Mani, R. Durairajan, P. Barford and Joel Sommers. "An Architecture for IoT Clock Synchronization", In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT 2018), October, 2018. (paper)
R. Durairajan, S. Mani, P. Barford, R. Nowak and J. Sommers. "TimeWeaver: Opportunistic One Way Delay Measurement via NTP", In Proceedings of ITC30 - Teletraffic in a Smart World, September, 2018. (paper)
K. Funkhouser, M. Malloy, E. Alp, P. Poon and P. Barford. "Device Graphing by Example", In Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August, 2018. (paper)
G. Comarela, R. Durairajan, P. Barford, D. Christenson and M. Crovella. "Assessing Candidate Preference through Web Browsing History", In Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD, Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August, 2018. (paper)
M. Syamkumar, P. Barford and R. Durairajan. "Deployment Characteristics of The Edge in Mobile Edge Computing", In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Mobile Edge Communications, August, 2018. (paper)
R. Durairajan, C. Barford and P. Barford. "Lights Out: Climate Change Risk to Internet Infrastructure", In Proceedings of the ACM/IRTF/ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop, July, 2018. (paper)
M. Syamkumar, S. Mani, R. Durairajan, P. Barford and J. Sommers. "Wrinkles in Time: Detecting Internet-wide Events via NTP", In Proceedings of IFIP Networking Conference, May, 2018. (paper)
J. Sommers, R. Durairajan and P. Barford. "Automatic Metadata Generation for Active Measurement", In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, November, 2017. (paper)
M. Malloy, P. Barford, E. Alp, J. Koller and A. Jewell. "Internet Device Graphs", In Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August, 2017. (paper)
R. Durairajan and P. Barford. "A Techno-Economic Framework for Broadband Deployment in Underserved Areas", In ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, April, 2017. (paper)
S. Alfeld, J. Zhu and P. Barford. "Explicit Defense Actions Against Test-Set Attacks", In Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), February, 2017. (paper)
S. Mani, R. Durairajan, P. Barford and J. Sommers. "MNTP: Enhancing Time Synchronization for Mobile Devices", In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, November, 2016. (paper)
M. Syamkumar, R. Durairajan and P. Barford. "Bigfoot: A Geo-based Visualization Methodology for Detecting BGP Threats", In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cybersecurity (VizSec), October, 2016. (paper)
C. Thomas, J. Kline and P. Barford. "IntegraTag: a Framework for High-Fidelity Web Client Measurement", In Proceedings of ITC 28 Conference, September, 2016. (paper)
A. Cahn, S. Alfeld, P. Barford and S. Muthukrishnan. "What's in the Community Cookie Jar", In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM '16), August, 2016. (paper)
R. Durairajan and P. Barford. "A Techno-Economic Framework for Broadband Deployment in Underserved Areas", In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Global Access to the Internet for All (GAIA) Workshop", August, 2016. (paper)
S. Alfeld, J. Zhu and P. Barford. "Machine Teaching as Search" (short paper), In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search, July, 2016. (paper)
A. Cahn, S. Alfeld, P. Barford and S. Muthukrishnan. "An Empirical Study of Web Cookies", In Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (WWW '16), April, 2016. (paper)
S. Alfeld, J. Zhu and P. Barford. "Data Poisoning Attacks against Autoregressive Models", In Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), February, 2016. (paper)
R. Durairajan, P. Barford, J. Sommers and W. Willinger. "InterTubes: A Study of the US Long-haul Fiber-optic Infrastructure", In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, August 2015. (paper)
M. Gupta, R. Durairajan, M. Syamkumar, P. Barford and J. Sommers. "pfs: Parallelized, Flow-based Network Simulation", In Proceedings of ACM SummerSim, July 2015. (paper)
M. Malloy, S. Alfeld and P. Barford. "Contamination Estimation via Convex Relaxations", In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, June, 2015. (paper)
O. Hohlfeld, E. Pujol, F. Ciucu, A. Feldmann and P. Barford. "A QOE Perspective on Sizing Network Buffers", In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, November, 2014. (paper)
R. Durairajan, J. Sommers and P. Barford. "Layer 1-Informed Internet Topology Measurement", In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, November, 2014. (paper)
R. Durairajan, J. Sommers and P. Barford. "OFf: Bugspray for Openflow" (extended abstract), In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking, August, 2014. (paper)
S. Alfeld and P. Barford. "Targeted Residual Analysis for Improving Electric Load Forecasting", In Proceedings of the IEEE Energy Conference (Energycon '14), May, 2014. (paper)
P. Barford and I. Canadi and D. Krushevskaja and Q. Ma and S. Muthukrishnan. "Adscape: Harvesting and Analyzing Online Display Ads", In Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (WWW '14), April, 2014. (paper)
K. Springborn and P. Barford. "Impression Fraud in Online Advertising via Pay-Per-View Networks", In Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium, August, 2013. (paper)
M. Gupta, J. Sommers and P. Barford. "Fast, Accurate Simulation for SDN Prototyping", In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking, August, 2013. (paper)
J. Chabarek and P. Barford. "What's in a Name? Decoding Router Interface Names", In Proceedings of the 5th ACM HotPlanet Workshop, August, 2013. (paper)
R. Durairajan, S. Ghosh, X. Tang, P. Barford and B. Eriksson. "Internet Atlas: A Geographic Database of the Internet", In Proceedings of the 5th ACM HotPlanet Workshop, August, 2013. (paper)
D. Plonka and P. Barford. "Assessing Performance of Internet Services on IPv6", In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), July, 2013. (paper)
J. Chabarek, S. Banerjee, P. Sharma, J. Mudigonda and P. Barford. "Networks of Tiny Switches (NoTS): In Search of Network Power Efficiency and Proportionality", In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Energy-Efficient Design, June, 2013. (paper)
J. Chabarek and P. Barford. "Energy Audit: Monitoring Power Consumption in Diverse Network Environments", In Proceedings of the 4th International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), June, 2013. (paper)
J. Sommers and P. Barford. "Cell vs. WiFi: On the Performance of Metro Area Mobile Connections", In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, November, 2012. (paper)
Brian Eriksson, Paul Barford, Bruce Maggs and Rob Nowak. "Posit: A Lightweight Approach for IP Geolocation", In ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 2012. (paper)
Qi Ding, Natallia Katenka, Paul Barford, Eric Kolaczyk and Mark Crovella. "Intrusion as (Anti)social Communication: Characterization and Detection", In Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August, 2012. (paper) Best Paper Award (video) Best Video Award
Joel Sommers and Paul Barford. "Comparing Metro-Area Cellular and WiFi Performance" (extended abstract), In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June, 2012. (paper, poster)
Charles Thomas, Joel Sommers, Paul Barford, Dongchan Kim, Ananya Das, Roberto Segebre and Mark Crovella. "A Passive Measurement System for Network Testbeds", In Proceedings of Tridentcom. June, 2012. (paper)
Scott Alfeld, Carol Barford and Paul Barford. "Toward an Analytic Framework for the Electrical Power Grid", In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), May, 2012. (paper)
Joel Sommers, Paul Barford and Ben Liblit. "A Router Primitive Approach for building Diverse Network Services", In Proceedings of COMSNETS, January, 2012. (paper)
Joel Sommers, Brian Eriksson and Paul Barford. "On the Prevalence and Characteristics of MPLS Deployments in the Open Internet", In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '11), November, 2011. (paper)
Brian Eriksson, Paul Barford, Joel Sommers and Rob Nowak. "Inferring Unseen Components of the Internet", In IEEE Journal of Selected Areas of Communications, 2011. (paper)
Joe Chabarek and Paul Barford. "Power-Awreness Extensions for Network Testbeds", In Proceedings of GreenComm4 Workshop, June, 2011. (paper)
Dave Plonka and Paul Barford. "Flexible Traffic and Host Profiling via DNS Rendezvous", In Proceedings of the Workshop on Securing and Trusing Internet Names (SATIN '11), April, 2011. (paper)
Brian Eriksson, Paul Barford, Joel Sommers and Rob Nowak. "DomainImpute: Inferring Unseen Components in the Internet", In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '11 Mini-Conference, April, 2011. (paper)
Joel Sommers, Rhys Bowden, Brian Eriksson, Paul Barford, Matt Roughan and Nick Duffield. "Efficient Network-wide Flow Record Generation", In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '11, April, 2011. (paper)
Mariyam Mirza, Paul Barford, Xiaojin Zhu, Suman Banerjee and Mike Blodgett. "Fingerprinting 802.11 Rate Adaptation Algorithms", In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '11, April, 2011. (paper)
Brian Eriksson, Paul Barford, Joel Sommers and Rob Nowak. "A Learning-based Approach to IP Geolocation", In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM '10), April, 2010. (paper)
Brian Eriksson, Gautam Dasarathy, Paul Barford and Rob Nowak. "Toward the Practical Use of Network Tomography for Internet Topology Discovery", In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, March, 2010. (paper)
Mariyam Mirza, Joel Sommers, Paul Barford and Jerry Zhu. "A Machine Learning Approach to TCP Throughput Prediction", In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2010.
Jin-Yi Cai, Vinod Yegneswaran, Chris Alfeld and Paul Barford. "Honeynet Games: A Game Theoretic Approach to Defending Network Monitors", In Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, February, 2010.
Plonka, Dave; Barford, Paul. Network Anomaly Confirmation, Diagnosis and Remediation, In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, September, 2009. (paper)
Somers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Router Primitives for Programmable Active Measurement, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM PRESTO Workshop,August, 2009. (paper)
Mirza, Mariyam; Springborn, Kevin; Banerjee, Suman; Barford, Paul; Blodgett, Mike; Zhu, Jerry. On the Accuracy of TCP Throughput Prediction for Opportunistic Wireless Networks, In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON '09), June, 2009. (paper)
Cai, Jin-Yi; Yegneswaran, Vinod; Alfeld, Chris; Barford, Paul. An Attacker-Defender Game for Honeynets, In Proceedings of the 15th International Computer and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON '09), June, 2009. (paper)
Barford, Paul; Duffield, Nick; Ron, Amos; Sommers, Joel. Network Performance Anomaly Detection and Localization, In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, April, 2009. (paper)
Eriksson, Brian; Barford, Paul; Nowak, Rob. Estimating Hop Distance Between Arbitrary Host Pairs, In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, April, 2009. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Duffield, Nick; Ron, Amos. Multi-objective Monitoring for SLA Compliance. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2009. (paper)
Gupta, Archit; Kuppili, Pavan; Akella, Aditya; Barford, Paul. An Empirical Study of Malware Evolution. In Proceedings of COMSNETS, January, 2009. (paper) Best Paper Award
Plonka, Dave; Barford, Paul. Context-aware Clustering of DNS Query Traffic. In Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October, 2008. (paper)
Barford, Paul; Partridge, Craig; Willinger, Walter. Internet Multi-Resolution Analysis: A Vision and Framework in Support of Representing, Analyzing and Visualizing Internet Measurements. University of Wisconsin Technical Report 1646, September, 2008. (paper)
Eriksson, Brian; Barford, Paul; Nowak, Rob. Network Discovery From Passive Measurements, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM '08, August, 2008. (paper)
Kline, Jeff; Nam, Sangnam; Barford, Paul; Plonka, David; Ron, Amos. Traffic Anomaly Detection at Fine Time Scales with Bayes Nets, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP '08), June, 2008. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Duffield, Nick; Ron, Amos. A Geometric Approach to Improving Active Packet Loss Measurement, In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, June, 2008. (paper)
Chabarek, Joe; Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Estan, Cristian; Tsiang, David; Wright, Steve. Power Awareness in Network Design and Routing, In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, April, 2008. (paper)
Chen, Zesheng; Ji, Chuanyi; Barford, Paul. Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Internet Malicious Sources, In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM (Mini-Conference), April, 2008. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul, Greenberg, Albert; Willinger, Walter. An SLA Perspective on the Router Buffer Sizing Problem, In ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, March, 2008. (paper)
Eriksson, Brian; Barford, Paul; Nowak, Rob; Crovella, Mark. Learning Network Structure from Passive Measurements. In Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October, 2007. (paper)
Somers, Joel; Barford, Paul. An Active Measurement System for Shared Environments. In Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October, 2007. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Duffield, Nick; Ron, Amos. Accurate and Efficient Network-wide SLA Compliance Monitoring. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, August, 2007. (paper)
Mirza, Mariyam; Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Zhu, Jerry. A Machine Learning Approach to TCP Throughput Prediction . In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2007. (paper)
Yegneswaran, Vinod; Alfeld, Chris; Barford, Paul; Cai, Jin-Yi. Camoflauging Honeynets. In Proceedings of IEEE Global Internet, May, 2007. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Duffield, Nick; Ron, Amos. A Framework for Multi-objective SLA Compliance Monitoring. In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM (Minisymposium), May 2007. (paper)
Barford, Paul; Blodgett, Mike. Toward Botnet Mesocosms. In Proceedings of the USENIX First Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots I), April, 2007. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Willinger, Walter. Laboratory-based Calibration of Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools. In Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems Journal, 31(4), 2007. (paper)
Barford, Paul (Ed), GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Systems (GIMS) Specification GENI Design Document 06-12, Facility Architecture Working Group, 2007. (Document)
Chen, Lei; Ramakrishnan, Raghu; Barford, Paul; Chen, Beechung; Yegneswaran, Vinod. Composite Subset Measures In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large DataBases (VLDB '06). September, 2006. (paper)
Allman, Mark; Barford, Paul; Krishnamurthy, Balachander; Wang, Jia. Tracking the Role of Adversaries in Measuring Unwanted Traffic In Proceedings of the USENIX Second Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet (SRUTI '06). July, 2006. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Willinger, Walter. A Proposed Framework for Calibration of Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools, In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC '06), June 2006. (paper)
Tsang, Yolanda; Yildiz, Mehmet; Barford, Paul; Nowak, Rob. On the Performance of Round Trip Time Network Tomography, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '06), June, 2006. (paper)
Garg, Vikas; Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul. Improving NIDS Performance Through Hardware-based Connection Filtering, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '06), June, 2006. (paper)
Chen, Beechung; Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul; Ramakrishnan, Raghu. Toward a Query Language for Network Attack Data, In Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Networks Meets Databases (NetDB '06), April, 2006. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul. Recent Advances in Network Intrusion Detection Systems Tuning, In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systesm (CISS '06), March, 2006. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Willinger, Walter. SPLAT: A Visualization Tool for Mining Internet Measurements, In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM '06), March, 2006. (paper)
Barford, Paul; Nowak, Rob; Willett Rebecca; Yegneswaran, Vinod. Toward a Model for Sources of Internet Background Radiation, In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM '06), March, 2006. (paper)
Barford, Paul and Yegneswaran, Vinod. An Inside Look at Botnets, In Series: Advances in Information Security, Springer, 2006, ISBN: 0-387-32720-7. (paper)
Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul; Paxson, Vern. Using Honeynets for Internet Situational Awareness, In Proceedings of the ACM/USENIX Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (Hotnets IV), November, 2005. (paper)
Agarwal, Shilpi; Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul. Scalable Network Path Emulation, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), September, 2005. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Willinger, Walter. A Proposed Framework for Calibration of Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (extended version), UW Technical Report, September, 2005. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul. Toward Comprehensive Traffic Generation for Online IDS Evaluation, UW Technical Report, August, 2005. (paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul; Duffield, Nick; Ron, Amos. Improving Accuracy in End-to-end Packet Loss Measurement, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, August, 2005. (paper)
Yegneswaran, Vinod; Giffin, Jon; Barford, Paul; Jha, Somesh. An Architecture for Generating Semantic-aware Signatures, In Proceedings of USENIX Security Symposium, August, 2005. (paper)
Barford, Paul. Measurement as a First Class Network Citizen, Position paper for the NSF Workshop on Secure Next Generation Internet, July, 2005. (paper)
Barford, Paul; Claffy, KC; Hero, Alfred; Partridge, Craig; Willinger, Walter. Final Report: Workshop on Internet Signal Processing, February, 2005. (report)
Appenzeller, Guido, McKeown, Nick; Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul. Recent Results on Sizing Router Buffers, In Proceedings of the Network Systems Design Conference, October, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Pang, Rouming; Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul; Paxson, Vern; Peterson, Larry. Characteristics of Internet Background Radiation, In Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Tsang, Yolanda; Yildiz, Mehmet; Barford, Paul; Nowak, Rob; Network Radar: Tomography from Round Trip Time Measurements, In Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Sommers, Joel; Barford, Paul. Self-Configuring Network Traffic Generation, In Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Sommers, Joel; Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul. A Framework for Malicious Workload Generation, In Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Barford, Paul; Jha, Somesh; Yegneswaran, Vinod. Fusion and Filtering in Distributed Intrusion Detection Systems, In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, September, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Barford, Paul; Sommers, Joel. Comparing Probe- and Router-based Methods for Measuring Packet Loss, In IEEE Internet Computing - Special issue on Measuring the Internet, Sept/Oct, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul; Plonka, Dave. On the Design and Use of Internet Sinks for Network Abuse Monitoring, In Proceedings of Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID), September, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Sommers, Joel; Kim, Hyungsuk; Barford, Paul. Harpoon: A Flow-Level Traffic Generator for Router and Network Tests, In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS (poster), June, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Gast, Jim; Barford, Paul. Representing the Internet as a Succinct Forest", In IEEE Computer Networks. Vol 45/1, March, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul; Jha, Somesh. Global Intrusion Detection in the DOMINO Overlay System, In Proceedings of Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), February, 2004. (abstract, paper)
Barford, Paul; Misra, Vishal. Tutorial: Measurement, Modeling and Analysis of the Internet, IMA Workshop on Internet Modeling and Analysis, Minneapolis, MN, January, 2004. (PDFslides)
Barford, Paul; Sommers, Joel. A Comparison of Probe-based and Router-based Methods for Measuring Packet Loss, UW Technical Report, September, 2003. (abstract, paper)
Gast, Jim; Barford, Paul. Evaluating and Modeling Window Synchronization in Highly Multiplexed Flows, In proceedings of IEEE 6th Annual Workshop on Workload Characterization, October, 2003. (abstract, paper)
Barford, Paul; Landweber, Larry. Bench-style Network Research in an Internet Instance Laboratory, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, 33(3), July, 2003. (abstract, paper).
Yegneswaran, Vinod; Barford, Paul; Ullrich, Johannes. Internet Intrusions: Global Characteristics and Prevalence, In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June, 2003. (abstract, paper)
Prabhakaran, Vijayan; Stanley, Joseph; Barford, Paul. High Throughput Data Transfers using the Tornado Transport Protocol, UW Technical Report, October, 2002. (abstract, paper)
Barford, Paul; Donoho, David; Fleisa, Georgina; Yegneswaran, Vinod. Characteristics of Network Delays in Wide Area File Transfers, UW Technical Report. July, 2002. (abstract, paper)
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council. The Internet Under Crisis Conditions: Learning from September 11 National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. ISBN: 0-309-08702-3.
Barford, Paul; Kline, Jeffery; Plonka, David; Ron, Amos. A Signal Analysis of Network Traffic Anomalies, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop, Marseilles, France, November, 2002.(abstract, paper).
Gast, Jim; Barford, Paul. Resource Deployment based on Autonomous System Clustering, In Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globcom), Taipei, Taiwan, November, 2002. (abstract, paper).
Barford, Paul; Landweber, Larry. Bench-style Network Research in an Internet Instance Laboratory, In Proceedings of SPIE ITCom, Boston, MA, August, 2002. (abstract, paper).
Barford, Paul. Internet-wide Measurement Infrastructures, IPAM Large Scale Communications Networks Tutorial, Los Angeles, CA March, 2002.(abstract, PDF slides).
Barford, Paul; Cai, Jin-Yi; Gast, Jim. Cache Placement Methods Based on Client Demand Clustering, UW Technical Report TR1437, July, 2001. (abstract, paper).
Barford, Paul; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark. On the Marginal Utility of Network Topology Measurements, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop, October, 2001. (abstract, paper).
Barford, Paul; Plonka, Dave. Characteristics of Network Traffic Flow Anomalies, July, 2001. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop, October, 2001. (paper).
Barford, Paul; Plonka, Dave. Inferring Client Experience from Flow-based Measurements, July, 2001. UW Technical Report. (extended abstract),
Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Critical Path Analysis of TCP Transactions, June, 2001. In ACM Transactions on Networking, 9(3), pp. 238-248. (abstract, paper).
Barford, Paul. Global Internet Measurement Infrastructure, Position paper for Large Scale Networking Workshop, March, 2001. (abstract, postscript).
Barford, Paul; Modeling, Measurement and Performance of World Wide Web Transactions, Doctoral Dissertation,December, 2000. (abstract, compressed postscript)
Barford, Paul. On Network-wide Measurement Infrastructures, Workshop on Multiresolution Analysis of the Global Internet, October, 2000. (slides).
Barford, Paul. Understanding End-to-End Performance of Wide Area Services, The Global Internet Workshop on Measurement, Modeling and Analysis, Leiden, Netherlands, September, 2000. (slides).
Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Critical Path Analysis of TCP Transactions, January, 2000. (abstract, paper). In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2000 (also in proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM America Latina Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2001)
Crovella, Mark; Lindemann, Christoph; Reiser, Martin. Internet Performance Modeling: The State of the Art at the Turn of the Century (Barford, Paul, contributing author), In the Special Issue on Internet Performance Modeling; Performance Evaluation, September, 2000. (paper).
Barford, Paul; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim; Mitzenmacher, Michael, Final Report: BU/NSF Workshop on Internet Measurement Instrumentation and Characterization, Technical Report BU-CS-1999-019, Boston University, Computer Science Department, December, 1999. ( abstract, report)
Barford, Paul. Measuring Web Performance in the Wide Area, IMA "HOT TOPICS" Workshop: Scaling Phenomena in Communications Networks, Minneapolis, October, 1999. (Workshop Homepage).
Barford, Paul. Web Server Performance Analysis, ACM SIGMETRICS '99 Tutorial, IEEE LCN '99 Tutorial. (abstract, slides).
Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Measuring Web Performance in the Wide Area, March, 1999. (abstract, paper). In Performance Evaluation Review, August 1999. This work was also presented in the ACM SIGCOMM 1999 new research session (slides).
Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. A Performance Evaluation of Hyper Text Transfer Protocols, October 23, 1998. (abstract, paper). In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS '99.
Barford, Paul; Bestavros, Azer; Crovella, Mark; Bradley, Adam. Changes in Web Client Access Patterns: Characteristics and Caching Implications, Special Issue on World Wide Web Characterization and Performance Evaluation; World Wide Web Journal, December 1998. (abstract, paper).
Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Generating Representative Web Workloads for Network and Server Performance Evaluation, May 5, 1997 (revised December 31, 1997). (abstract, paper). In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS '98.
Crovella, Mark; Barford, Paul. The Network Effects of Prefetching, February 7, 1997. (abstract, paper). In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '98.
Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. An Architecture for a WWW Workload Generator, October 3, 1997. (abstract, paper). World Wide Web Consortium Workshop on Workload Characterization, October, 1997.