CampusIO - a FlowScan module for reporting on campus traffic I/O


   $ flowscan CampusIO

or in

   ReportClasses CampusIO


CampusIO is a general flowscan report for reporting on flows of traffic in and out of a site or campus. It does this by processing flows reported by one or more routers at the network border. The site or campus may be an Autonomous System (AS), as is often the case for large universities, but this is not necessary. CampusIO can be used by smaller institutions and other enterprises as well.

flowscan will run the CampusIO report if you configure this in your

   ReportClasses CampusIO


CampusIO's configuration file is This configuration file is located in the directory in which the flowscan script resides.

The CampusIO configuration directives include:

This directive is suggested if OutputIfIndexes is not defined. Defining NextHops causes flowscan to identify outbound flows by their nexthop value. NextHops is a comma-seperated list of IP addresses or resolvable hostnames, e.g.:

   # NextHops

If neither NextHops nor OutputIfIdexes is defined, CampusIO will use the flows' destination addresses to determine whether or not they are outbound. This is a less reliable and more CPU intensive method than NextHops or OutputIfIdexes.

This directive is suggested if NextHops is not defined. Defining OutputIfIndexes causes flowscan to identify outbound flows by their output interface value. OutputIfIndexes is a comma-seperated list of ifIndexes as determined using SNMP, e.g.:

   $ snmpwalk router.our.domain public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr

or by looking at the raw flows from Cflowd to determine the $output_if. e.g.:

   # OutputIfIndexes
   OutputIfIndexes 1, 2, 3

If neither NextHops nor OutputIfIdexes is defined, CampusIO will use the flows' destination addresses to determine whether or not they are outbound. This is a less reliable and more CPU intensive method than NextHops or OutputIfIdexes.

This directive is required. It is a a comma-seperated list of files containing the definitions of ``local'' subnets. E.g.:

   # LocalSubnetFiles local_nets.boulder
   LocalSubnetFiles bin/local_nets.boulder

This directive is required. It is the directory in which RRD files will be written. E.g.:

   # OutputDir /var/local/flows/graphs
   OutputDir graphs

This is an ``advanced'' option which is only required if you are exporting and collecting flows from multiple routers to the same FlowScan. It is a comma-seperated list of IP addresses or resolvable hostnames.

Specify all the local routers for which you have configured cflowd to collecting flows on this FlowScan host. This will ensure that the same traffic isn't counted twice by ignoring flows destined for these next-hops, which otherwise might look as if they're inbound flows. FlowScan will only count flows that represent traffic forwarded outside this set of local routers.


   # LocalNextHops other-router.our.domain

This directive is optional, but is required if you wish to produce the CampusIO service graphs. It is a comma-seperated list of TCP services by name or number. E.g., it is recommended that it contain at least the services shown here:

   # TCPServices ftp-data, ftp, smtp, nntp, http, 7070, 554
   TCPServices ftp-data, ftp, smtp, nntp, http, 7070, 554

This directive is optional. It is a comma-seperated list of UDP services by name or number. E.g.:

   # UDPServices domain, snmp, snmp-trap

This directive is optional, but is required if you wish to produce the CampusIO protocol graphs. It is a comma-seperated list of IP protocols by name. E.g.:

   # Protocols icmp, tcp, udp
   Protocols icmp, tcp, udp

This directive is optional, but is required if you wish to build any custom AS graphs. It is a list of source and destination AS pairs. E.g.:

   # source_AS:destination_AS, e.g.:
   # ASPairs 0:0
   ASPairs 0:0

Note that the effect of setting ASPairs will be different based on whether you specified ``peer-as'' or ``origin-as'' when you configured your Cisco. This option was intended to be used when ``peer-as'' is configured.

See the BGPDumpFile directive for other AS-related features.

This directive is optional. If non-zero, it makes flowscan more verbose with respect to messages and warnings. Currently the values 1 and 2 are understood, the higher value causing more messages to be produced. E.g.:

   # Verbose (OPTIONAL, non-zero = true)
   Verbose 1

This directive is optional, but is required if you wish to produce the CampusIO service graphs. It is a comma-seperated list of files containing the definitions of ``Napster'' subnets. E.g.:

   # NapsterSubnetFiles (OPTIONAL)
   NapsterSubnetFiles bin/Napster_subnets.boulder

This directive is optional. It is the number of seconds after which a given campus host has communicated with a host within the ``Napster'' subnet(s) will no longer be considered to be using the Napster application. E.g. Half an hour:

   # NapsterSeconds (OPTIONAL)
   NapsterSeconds 1800

This directive is optional. It a comma-seperated list of default TCP ports used by Napster. These will be used to determine the confidence level of whether or not it's really Napster traffic. If confidence is low, it will be reported as ``NapsterMaybe'' rather than ``NapUser'' traffic. E.g., reasonable values are:

   # NapsterPorts (OPTIONAL)
   NapsterPorts 8875, 4444, 5555, 6666, 6697, 6688, 6699, 7777, 8888

This directive is optional. It's use requires the HTML::Table perl module. TopN is the number of entries to show in the tables that will be generated in HTML top reports. E.g.:

   # TopN (OPTIONAL)
   TopN 10

If you'd prefer to see hostnames rather than IP addresses in your top reports, use the ip2hostname script. E.g.:

   $ ip2hostname -I *.*.*.*_*.html

This directive is optional. It is used to specify the file name prefix for the HTML or text reports such as the ``originAS'', ``pathAS'', and ``Top Talkers'' reports. You should use strftime(3) format specifiers in the value, and it may also specify sub-directories. If not set, the prefix defaults to the null string, which means that, every five minutes, subsequent reports will overwrite the previous. E.g.:

   # Preserve one day of HTML reports using the time of day as the dir name:
   ReportPrefixFormat html/CampusIO/%H:%M/


   # Preserve one month by using the day of month in the dir name (like sar(1)):
   ReportPrefixFormat html/CampusIO/%d/%H:%M_

This directive is optional and is experimental. In combination with TopN and ASNFile it causes FlowScan to produce ``Top ASN'' reports which show the ``top'' Autonomous Systems with which your site exchanges traffic.

BGPDumpFile requires the ParseBGPDump perl module by Sean McCreary, which is supplied with CAIDA's CoralReef Package:

Unfortunately, CoralReef is governed by a different license than FlowScan itself. The Copyright file says this:

   Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute any part of this
   CoralReef software package for educational, research and non-profit
   purposes, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby
   granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph
   and the following paragraphs appear in all copies.

   The CoralReef software package is developed by the CoralReef
   development team at the University of California, San Diego under
   the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA)
   Program. Support for this effort is provided by the CAIDA grant
   NCR-9711092, and by CAIDA members.

After fetching the coral release from:

install in FlowScan's perl include path, such as in the bin sub-directory:

   $ cd /tmp
   $ gunzip -c coral-3.4.1-public.tar.gz |tar x coral-3.4.1-public/./libsrc/misc-perl/
   $ mv coral-3.4.1-public/./libsrc/misc-perl/ $PREFIX/bin/

Also you must specify TopN to be greater than zero, e.g. 10, and the HTML::Table perl module is required if you do so.

The BGPDumpFile value is the name of a file containing the output of show ip bgp from a Cisco router, ideally from the router that is exporting flows. If this option is used, and the specified file exists, it will cause the ``originAS'' and ``pathAS'' reports to be generated. E.g.:

   TopN 10
   BGPDumpFile etc/router.our.domain.bgp

One way to create the file itself, is to set up rsh access to your Cisco, e.g.:

   ip rcmd rsh-enable
   ip rcmd remote-host username username

Then do something like this:

   $ cd $PREFIX
   $ mkdir etc
   $ echo show ip bgp >etc/router.our.domain.bgp # required by
   $ time rsh router.our.domain "show ip bgp" >>etc/router.our.domain.bgp
      65.65s real     0.01s user     0.05s system
   $ wc -l /tmp/router.our.domain.bgp
    197883 /tmp/router.our.domain.bgp

Once flowscan is up and running with BGPDumpFile configured, it will reload that file if its timestamp indicates that it has been modified. This allows you to ``freshen'' the image of the routing table without having to restart flowscan itself.

Using the BGPDumpFile option causes FlowScan to use much more memory than usual. This memory is used to store a Net::Patricia trie containing a node for every prefix in the BGP routing table. For instance, on my system it caused the FlowScan process to grow to over 50MB, compared to less than 10MB without BGPDumpFile configured.

This directive is optional and is only useful in conjunction with BGPDumpFile. If specified, this directive will cause the AS names rather than just their numbers to appear in the Top ASN HTML reports. Its value should be the path to a file having the format of the file downloaded from this URL:


   TopN 10
   BGPDumpFile etc/router.our.domain.bgp
   ASNfile etc/asn.txt

Once flowscan is up and running with ASNFile configured, it will reload the file if its timestamp indicates that it has been modified.


This module provides no public methods. It is a report module meant only for use by flowscan. Please see the FlowScan module documentation for information on how to write a FlowScan report module.


perl(1), FlowScan, SubNetIO, flowscan(1), Net::Patricia.


When using the BGPDumpFile directive, ParseBGPDump issues a bunch of warnings which can safely be ignored:

   Failed to parse table version from: show ip bgp
    at (eval 4) line 1
   Failed to parse router IP address from: show ip bgp
    at (eval 4) line 1
   Nexthop not found:    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
   $ at (eval 4) line 1
   Metric not found:    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
   $ at (eval 4) line 1
   Local Preference not found:    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
   $ at (eval 4) line 1
   Weight not found:    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
   $ at (eval 4) line 1
   Origin code not found:    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
   $ at (eval 4) line 1
   Possible truncated file, end-of-dump prompt not found
    at (eval 4) line 1

I'm not keen on patching ParseBGPDump to fix this since its license isn't compatible with the GPL. We probably just need to hack up a complete replacement for ParseBGPDump.

When using the BGPDumpFile directive, ParseBGPDump sometimes mistakes the Weight for the first ASN in the path. This has the totally undesirable effect of producing a ``Top Path ASNs'' report that erroneously reports the weight as one of the Top ASNs! I assume this is an indication of the difficulty of parsing the output of show ip bgp, which apparently was meant for human consumption.

When using the ASPairs directive, CampusIO will create RRD files that have a : character in the file name. While RRDTool is able to create RRD files with those names, it is not able to graph from them. To work around this problem, create symbolic links in your OutputDir before attempting to graph from these files. For example:

   $ ln -s 0:n.rrd Us2Them.rrd
   $ ln -s n:0.rrd Them2Us.rrd


Dave Plonka

Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Dave Plonka. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


The version number is the module file RCS revision number ($Revision: 1.63 $) with the minor number printed right justified with leading zeroes to 3 decimal places. For instance, RCS revision 1.1 would yield a package version number of 1.001.

This is so that revision 1.10 (which is version 1.010), for example, will test greater than revision 1.2 (which is version 1.002) when you want to require a minimum version of this module.