Index of /~plonka/RRGrapher
README - information about RRGrapher

README - information about RRGrapher
RRGrapher, the Round Robin Grapher, is a Graph Construction Set for
RRDTOOL. This document is the RRGrapher README
$Revision: 1.12 $, $Date: 2003/09/18 18:42:00 $.
I'm pleased to announce the latest release of RRGrapher.
RRGrapher is a ``companion'' tool for use with RRDTOOL that allows you to
interactively build graphs of your own design. Also it allows you the
freedom to use any combination of the RRDTOOL frond-ends such as MRTG,
Cricket, or FlowScan to create and maintain the .rrd
files, then generate graphs that containing data from any of those sources.
I originally wrote this tool in 1999, and upon releasing FlowScan, a
front-end for RRDTOOL, I realized that I was using RRGrapher all the time
and it'd be nice if other FlowScan users had access to it so they didn't go
criminally insane trying to maintain rrdtool graph
command lines by following my complex examples in FlowScan's
RRGrapher is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
and is available to you at:
There is an announcement mailing list having to do with RRGrapher:
- rrgrapher-announce
a low-volume, restricted post mailing list to keep RRGrapher users informed of news
regarding RRGrapher.
This list is hosted by the Division of Information Technology's Network
Services group at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. To subscribe send
email to:
subscribe rrgrapher-announce
You should receive an automatic response that will request that you verify
your request to become a member of the list, to which you must reply with
the authentication information there-in. Then, in response to your reply,
you should receive a welcome message. If you have any questions about the
administrative policies of this list's manager, please contact:
* perl version 5
(near the top) and then install it as ``.cgi'' script for the web server
(e.g. Apache) running *on
the same machine* as where the .rrd
files reside.
too, espectially if your using IIS.
If you don't have, or want, Apache on the same machine as where you produce .rrd
files, I've found it convenient to simply scp or rcp the .rrd
files over to the web server periodically via cron.
Hopefully usage is somewhat self explanatory. Here's a step-by-step
example, demonstrating the ``logic'':
You should see a list of Available Databases - these are the ``.rrd'' files
in the directories that you configured. Select one or more of these which
contain the data sources that you'd like to graph.
If the Database contains multiple Data Sources of different types, such as
bytes and packets which wouldn't make sense to attempt to plot on the same
graph, consider using the ``Data Source Filter RegExp'' to limit which Data
Sources will be selected when you click ``Add>>''. E.g. I often enter
``bytes'' as the regular expression when using ``.rrd'' files created by
FlowScan. One might enter ``ds[01]'' as the filter to get just in and out
octets with Cricket-produced Databases.
Click ``Add>>'' to select the Data Sources.
Choose the ``Plot Type''. I often use ``AREA'' for the first Data Source,
and ``STACK'' for all the subsequent Data Sources.
If desired, change the color selections. Clicking ``Update Colors'' isn't
necessary unless you want to see them before generating the graph.
Add a Data Source of your own, using an RPN expression. This is an advanced
option. You should understand how to use RRDTOOL's graph feature. An
example would be to enter ``A,B,+,8,*'' to add source A and B, then convert
from bytes to bits.
Click either ``Graph Data Sources'' or ``Graph Data Sources to GIF'' to
produce the graph. The former results in the graph being displayed above
the rest of the user-interface. ``Graph Data Sources to GIF'' is more
suitable if you just want to see the result quickly and perhaps save the
image to a file using your web browser.
You can continue to use the above steps to tweak the graphs as you'd like.
Once you have something you like, add it to your ``Bookmarks'' or
``Favorites'' of your web browser.
To do an entirely different graph, I'd suggest starting all over, rather
than deleting the individual data sources.
Now that you've mastered that, here's another example which uses RPN
Let's say your using MRTG or Cricket. Typically, this means that the Data
Source called ``ds0'' represents inbound bytes, and ``ds1'' represents
outbound bytes. Let's create a graph that plots the outbound traffic above
the horizontal axis, and the corresponding inbound traffic below it. This
is a particularly useful visualization technique because it exposes the
relationship inbound and outbound traffic levels, which is often somewhat
To keep it simple, enter ``ds[01]'' as the ``Data Source Filter RegExp''.
This should limit you to just the first two Data Sources - i.e. AVERAGE
bytes. (If you were using FlowScan, ``bytes'' would be the RegExp to use.)
Select one of the RRD ``Databases'' and click ``Add>>''. You should
now see two ``Data Sources'':
A) ds0
B) ds1
In the box next to the button that says `Add Data Source ``C'' as RPN
Expression', enter ``A,-1,*'' and click on the button. Now you should have
a third item in ``Data Sources'':
C) A,-1,*
Change the ``Plot Type'' for Data Source ``A'' to ``NONE''.
Click on ``Graph Data Sources''. Voila! Your inbound traffic is plotted as
negative, and your outbound is positive.
When RRGrapher gets an error, your web browser might show a broken graph
icon, or an error message might be placed into your web server log. Please
check your web server error log when RRGrapher doesn't seem to be working.
It was my intention to make those error messages display to the user in the
web browser, but I probably missed some.
RRGrapher is slow on some machines, on some network connections, and with
some web browsers.
Its performance is partly based on the number of rrd
files you make available to it in your configuration. Currently, it's
faster to tell it to look in the ``leaf'' node directories than to have it
recursively find all files under a ``root'' directory hierarchy, such as
Slowness is also due in part to RRGrapher being a simple CGI - no fancy
databases helping it along or anything. It sometimes causes hundreds of
KBytes to be exchanged between the web server and browser. I'm making the
browser do all the work by storing all the graph options in the form and in
hidden fields.
To remedy this I'd need a database on the web server to store your queries,
and would need to use cookies and lots of stuff that I don't have time to
do right now, nor do I know if I ever want to write such a thing.
In the mean time, one way to speed things up once you've got a graph you
like is to bookmark the URL of just the GIF output itself (i.e. use the
``Graph Data Source to GIF'' rather than simple the ``Graph Data Source''
button). Using mod_perl might help too.
Note that this document is provided `as is'. The information in it is not
warranted to be correct. Use it at your own risk.
Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Dave Plonka
All rights reserved.
This document may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety (including
this authorship, copyright, and permission notice), provided that no charge
is made for the document itself.