stpgraph - a grapher for ethernetworks utilizing the spanning tree protocol


   stpgraph [ -hvV ] [-c string] [ <-s filename> [-b filename] [-p n|-P] | <-r> ] [-g type [-W width] [-H height] [<-u|U> [-O] [-X regexp]] args [...]


stpgraph is a tool used to discover and graph ethernet spanning-tree topologies.

Usually this is a two-step process:

  1. )
  2. Discover the spanning-tree information for your switches, and store the information to files using the -s option.

  3. )
  4. Graph the information as a directed graph using the -g option.

The resulting graphs have these characteristics (parenthesized terms are graph-theory/graphviz terminology):

stpgraph has the following options:

shows usage information

mnemonic: 'h'elp

show status/warning messages including SNMP_util warnings

mnemonic: 'v'erbose

show status/warning messages including SNMP_util and SNMP_Session warnings

mnemonic: 'V'ery verbose

-c string
use the specified value as the SNMP read community string

mnemonic: 'c'ommunity

-g type
generate 'g'raph of specified output type: ps, png, fig

mnemonic: 'g'raph type

-W width
mnemonic: 'W'idth

when generating a graph, use the specified value as the graph width, in pages

-H height
when generating a graph, use the specified value as the graph height, in pages

mnemonic: 'H'eight

when generating a graph, graph unknown nodes nodes connected to ports that have dot1dStpPort info

mnemonic: 'u'nknown

when generating a graph, graph all unknown nodes

mnemonic: all 'U'nknown

when generating a graph, graph unknown nodes even if the known port to which they are connected had an ifOperStatus that indicated that the port was not up

mnemonic: if'O'perStatus

-X regexp
when generating a graph with unknown nodes, exclude unknown nodes connected to nodes with names matching this perl regexp

mnemonic: e'X'clude

-s filename
store stp info as a Storable object in filename (%s in filename will be replaced by bridge arg)

With this option, args should be the bridge names or IP addresses.

mnemonic: 's'tore

-p n
when discovering and storing, parallelize the polling and storage by forking multiple processes, limited to n concurrent processes, to speed up collection phase

mnemonic: 'p'arallelize

Like ``-p'', but do not restrict the number of concurrent processes

mnemonic: 'P'arallelize

retrieve spanning-tree info from arguments, which should be the names of files created previously using using -s (store).

mnemonic: 'r'etrieve

-b filename
preload bridge (MAC) addresses from the specified file

This option is especially useful when some of the nodes are Cisco Catalyst 4000 series switches running IOS, which has a bug which causes them to report an incorrect dot1dBaseBridgeAddress when queried via SNMP.

Instead, you can use the ``show spanning-tree [vlan n]'' command to determine the correct bridge address.

mnemonic: 'b'ridge addresses


Discover the spanning-tree information for vlan 1 (using Cisco's vlan-based community string indexing with per-VLAN spanning tree), and store the information as Storable objects in files with names with the suffix ``_stp1.obj'' corresponding to each host:

   $ stpgraph -c public@1 -s %s_stp1.obj host1 host2 host3

Graph the spanning-tree for vlan 1, based on the information discovered and stored previously, to a PostScript output file:

   $ stpgraph -g ps -r host[123]_stp1.obj >

Graph the spanning-tree for vlan 1, based on the information discovered and stored previously, to an xfig output file:

   $ stpgraph -g fig -r host[123]_stp1.obj > stp1.fig

Graph the spanning-tree for vlan 1 showing unknown nodes, unless they would be linked to a node with a name ending in ``-access'':

   $ stpgraph -g ps -u -X access -r host[123]_stp1.obj >


This Cisco Catalyst 4000 series switches running IOS (as of 12.1(20)EW1) have a bug which causes them to report an incorrect bridge address when queried via SNMP.

Instead, you can use the ``show spanning-tree [vlan n]'' command to determine the correct bridge address and use the -b option to cause the correct bridge addresses to be preloaded, rather than discovered via SNMP.

The SNMP MIB object definitions used by stpgraph can be found in these files:

stpgraph uses only the IEEE 802.1d spanning-tree information and should not require a modern implementation such as as 802.1w (Rapid Reconfiguration). However, stpgraph has been demonstrated to work using dot1q vlans on Cisco gear running Cisco's PVST+ or PVRST+ (Per-Vlan [Rapid] Spanning Tree) because Cisco uses a clever tecnique of using the SNMP community string as an index (by appending an ``@n'' suffix, where `n' is the desired dot1q vlan number) enabling the user to select which vlan's bridge objects will be accessed. Community Strings Indexing is supported on a number of Cisco products including the Catalyst 3550, 5000, and 6000 as documented here:


To be determined...


Dave Plonka <>

Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Dave Plonka. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


perl(1), SNMP_Session, SNMP_util, GraphViz, Storable, Data::Dumper.