Assignment 5

CS/ECE 354, Fall 2015

Please post all questions to the piazza page: ,

Due Wednesday Dec 9, before 9am.

Due Monday Dec 14, before 9am.

Collaboration Policy

For this assignment, you may work in pairs (2 people). All students (whether working in a pair or not) must individually turn in the assignment. Therefore, 2 copies of the assignment will be turned in for those working as a pair. The grader will choose to grade only one copy of a pair's work, and assign the same score to both students.

If one member of a pair does something unexpected with respect to turning in the assignment (for example: bad copy of the source code, late, or perhaps not turning in portions of the assignment), then both of the pair get the same penalty and the same score.

If working in a pair, the names and sections of both students must appear as comments at the top of all source code files of the turned in assignment.

In addition, students who work in a pair must turn in an extra file that identifies the pair. Details are given in the section on Handing In the Assignment.


The purpose of this program is to help you understand the nuances of building a memory allocator, to further increase your C programming skills by working a lot more with pointers and to get familiar with using Makefiles.

Please read this entire assignment specification before starting on the first step.

Program Description

For this assignment, you will be given the structure for a simple shared library that implements the memory allocation functions malloc() and free(). Everything is present, except for the definitions of those two functions, called Mem_Alloc() and Mem_Free() in this library.

Step One: Understand the Code

Memory allocators have two distinct tasks. First, the memory allocator asks the operating system to expand the heap portion of the process's address space by calling either sbrk() or mmap(). Second, the memory allocator doles out this memory to the calling process. This involves managing a free list of memory and finding a contiguous chunk of memory that is large enough for the user's request; when the user later frees memory, it is added back to this list.

This memory allocator is usually provided as part of a standard library, and it is not part of the OS. To be clear, the memory allocator operates entirely within the virtual address space of a single process and knows nothing about which physical pages have been allocated to this process or the mapping from logical addresses to physical addresses.

Classic malloc() and free() are defined as follows:

Create a directory for this assignment. The source code files you will need are in the directory:


Copy the files Makefile, mem.c and mem.h to your own directory. You will probably copy more files for Step 3, but these 3 files are sufficient for Step 2. In mem.c is fully working code for two functions: Mem_Init(int sizeOfRegion) and Mem_Dump(). Look at them, and understand what they do, as well as how they accomplish their task. Also note the global block header pointer list_head which is the head of our free linked list of memory chunks. Read the header comments for the block header structure provided very carefully to understand the convention used.

Step Two: Write the Code

Note: Do not change the interface. Do not change anything within file mem.h. Do not change any part of functions Mem_Init() or Mem_Dump().

Write the code to implement Mem_Alloc() and Mem_Free(). Use a best fit algorithm when allocating blocks with Mem_Alloc(). When freeing memory, always coalesce with the adjacent memory blocks if they are free. list_head is the free list structure as defined and described in mem.c It is based on the model described in your textbook in section 9.9.6 ( except our implementation has an additional next pointer in the header in order to make it easier to traverse through the free list structure). Here are definitions for the functions:

Step Three: Test the Code

You have a provided Makefile that compiles your code in mem.c and mem.h into a shared library called To do the compilation, the command is

   make mem

With this shared library, it is time to test if your Mem_Alloc() and Mem_Free() implementations work. This implies that you will need to write a separate program that links in your shared library, and makes calls to the functions within this shared library. We've already written a bunch of small programs that do this, to help you get started. Our programs and a second Makefile are in


Copy all the files within this directory into a new directory within the one containing your shared library. Name your new directory tests.

In this directory, file testlist.txt contains a list of the tests we are giving you to help you start testing your code. The tests are ordered by difficulty. Please note that these tests are not sufficient or complete for testing your code; they are meant to help you get started.

When you run make within the tests directory, it will make executables of all the C programs in this directory.

The linking step needs to use your library, So, you need to tell the linker where to find this file. Before you run any of the created dynamically linked executables, you will need to set the environment variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so that the system can find your library at run time. Assuming you always run a testing executable from (your copy of) this same tests/ directory, and the dynamically linked library ( is one level up, that directory (to a Linux shell) is '../', so you can use the command:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../
Or, if you use a *csh shell:
If the setenv command returns an error "LD_LIBRARY_PATH: Undefined variable", do not panic. The error implies that your shell has not defined the environment variable. In this case, run:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ../

Step Four: Design a New Test

Create a new C program that tests whether simple Mem_Free() calls work. The test should determine if a single allocation, followed by a call to Mem_Free() does the right thing. After you have debugged enough to know that it works correctly, add to this same C program a test case to make sure that Mem_Free() does the right thing if passed a bad pointer. A bad pointer is one with the NULL value or an address of memory space not allocated by Mem_Alloc(). Name this testing program freetests.c.


Handing In the Assignment

Turn in files mem.c and freetests.c. Copy these files into your handin directory. Your handin directory for this project is

<yourloginID> is the username of your CS account.

Your Handin Folder should have the following files:

  1. mem.c
  2. freetests.c

If you are working as part of a pair, you must turn in an extra file. This file will contain the names and sections of both students in the pair. As an example, if Kevin worked with Urmish on this assignment, the contents of the extra file for both Kevin and Urmish would be

Kevin Zhang     section 1
Urmish Thakker  section 2

The name of this file is specialized to help the 354 automated grading tools identify who worked together. This file name is composed of the CS logins of the partners separated by a period. The file name is of the form <login1>.<login2>. Kevin's login is kzhang, and Urmish's login is uthakker. The file name that both use will be kzhang.uthakker. Please have both partners use the same file name. It does not matter which partner's name is first within this file name.


  1. Within the comment block at the top of mem.c, add a new line of the form:
      * MODIFIED BY:  name, section#, partnername, section#
  2. Your program is to continue the style of the code already in the file. Use the same types of comments, and use tabs/spaces as the existing code does.
  3. Document your added functions with inline comments!
  4. Your programs must compile on the CS Linux lab machines as indicated in this specification without warnings or errors.
  5. Do not use any stdlib allocate or free functions in this program! The penalty for using malloc() (or friends) will be no credit for this assignment.

About Copying Code and Academic Misconduct

Don't cheat. Read this link carefully

For almost any C program that does something useful, someone has already written this program and further, has posted it for others to use. This program does not do much that is useful, and is not likely posted anywhere. Still, it is academic misconduct for you to copy or use some or all of a program that has been written by someone else. Just as you may not copy someone else's code, you may not provide your code to anyone else; that is also academic misconduct.

The penalty for academic misconduct on this assignment (and all CS/ECE 354 assignments) will be a failing grade in the course. This penalty is significantly more harsh than if you simply do not do the assignment. You will gain much more by doing the assignment than by copying, possibly modifying, and turning in someone else's effort.

Do not post your assignment solution (or drafts) on any publicly accessible web sites. This specifically includes GitHub. It is academic misconduct to post your solution.