Colloquia: September 1997 - August 1998
(Click here for information on current colloquia.)
Dennis Strelow, K2T, Inc.
Three-Dimensional Models from Video
Klaus Boehmer, Universitaet Marburg (Germany)
Numerical Bifurcation analysis for PDEs
Patrick Hanrahan, Stanford University
Digital Lights, Cameras, Materials ...
Golbon Zakeri, University of Auckland
Upper Bounds for Gaussian Stochastic Programs
Peter Haddawy, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Problem-Focused Incremental Elicitation of Multi-Attribute Utility Models
Tomohisa Arai, NEC Corporation (Japan)
V830R/AV: Embedded Multimedia Superscalar RISC Processor with Rambus Interface
Andrew Tanenbaum, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Globe Distributed Operating System
Jeremy Johnson, Drexel University
A Language for FFT algorithms
Richard Stellwagen, NCR Corporation
Data Warehouse Architectures
Andrew Odlyzko, AT&T Laboratories
Search for Extremal Sequences and Polynomials
Richard Maclin, University of Minnesota - Duluth
An Empirical Analysis of Bagging and Boosting
Will Leland, Bellcore
Internet Research at Bellcore: A Personal Perspective
Ketan Sampat, Intel
Software Research Projects in Intel Architecture Labs
Michael Lehman, Sun Microsystems
Careers in the High Tech Industry: How to Find Opportunities and How to Become Successful
Vinton Cerf, MCI
Internet Explosion: 21st Century Solutions
Tom Kalil, White House National Economic Council
The Information Revolution: A View from the White House
Michael Stonebraker, Informix Software
Whither Informix
Ingrid Daubechies, Princeton University
Wavelets, Subdivision, and All That
Ingrid Daubechies, Princeton University
Wavelet-Based Data Compression: From Nonlinear Approximation Theory to Rate-Distortion Bounds
Peter Schroeder, California Institute of Technology
Multiresolution Methods in Computer Graphics
Peter Schroeder, California Institute of Technology
A Multiresolution Framework for Variational Subdivision
Jeffrey Saltzman, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Large Scale Object-Oriented Programming of Scientific Applications
Jeffrey Saltzman, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Multimaterial Hydrodynamics for the Equations of Gas Dynamics
John Rice, Purdue University
Future Challenges for Scientific Simulation
John Rice, Purdue University
Collaborating Problem Solving Agents for Multi-Physics
Eugene Golub, Stanford University
Inverting Shape From Moments
EuGene Golub, Stanford University
Efficient Algorithms for Least-squares Type Problems
Jaron Lanier, Stanford University
Tele-Immersion - A New Communication Paradigm
Francisco Facchinei, Universita di Roma (Italy)
Perturbing Generalized P0 Variational Inequalities: Stability Results and Tikhonov Trajectories
Igor Shparlinskii, Macquarie University
Lower Bounds on the PRAM Complexity of Modular Inversion and Other Functions
Lisa Hellerstein, Polytechnic University
Logical Characterizations of Boolean Function Classes
Will Leland, Bellcore
Protocol Boosters and Active Networks
Valery Soloviev, North Dakota State University
Caching Policies for Web Proxies
Peter Moyer, Digital FilmWork
Seamless Digital Effects
Kenneth Ross, Columbia University
Fast Computation of Sparse Datacubes
Leonidas Kontothanasis, Digital Equipment Corporation
Performance Implications of Coarse- and Fine-Grain Software Coherence on Very Fast Networks.
Daniel Wallach, Princeton
A New Approach to Mobile Code Security
Dawson Engler, MIT
Exokernels (or, How to Make the OS Just Another Application Library)
Randy Wang, University of California - Berkeley
Surviving the I/O Blind Spots
Amin Vahdat, U.C. Berkeley
Operating System Services For Wide-Area Applications
David Luebke, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
View-Dependent Polygonal Simplification
Michael Gleicher, Autodesk
Editing and Retargetting Animated Motion with Spacetime Constraints
Andreas Fischer, Technical University of Dresden / University of Dortmund
On the Local Behavior of the Subproblems in Wilson's Method
Alexander Meeraus, GAMS Corporation
Workshop on Using GAMS for Practical OR Modeling
Carole Dulong, Intel Corporation
IA-64(TM) Architecture Innovations
Richard Caruana, Just Research and CMU
Multitask Learning
Shashi K. Gadia, Iowa State University
When, Where and Who: A Seamless Approach to Relational and Object-Relational Models for Temporal, Spatial and Belief Data
Shiyu Zhou, A&T Research
Space-Bounded Computation of Undirected Connectivity
John Foust, Viewpoint Labs
3D File Formats
Peter Frey, University of Cincinnati
Optimistic Synchronization of Mixed-Mode Simulators
E. Ender Bilir, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Counterflow Pipeline Architecture
James Gee, University of Pennsylvania
Brain Warping
Rusins Freivalds, University of Latvia
Quantum Finite Automata vs Probabilistic Automata
Tomaso Poggio, MIT
Learning Sparse Representations for Vision
Kouhei Nadehara, NEC
Software MPEG-2 Video Decoder on a 200-MHz, Low-Power Multimedia Microprocessor
David Morgenthaler, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Virtual Control Flow
Guillaume Pierre, INRIA
Saperlipopette!: A Distributed Web Caching Systems Evaluation Tool
Karsten Decker, Swiss Center for Scientific Computing
General Resource and Application Management in Metacomputing Environments
Mitsunori Ogihara, University of Rochester
On the Power of Minimum DNA Computation Model
Tomas Pajdla, Czech Technical University, Prague
Correct Visualization of Projective Scenes
Daniela Florescu, INRIA France
Web-site Management with Strudel
Yuhua Luo, University of Balearic Islands, Spain
Cooperative Design for 3D Virtual Scenes
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