Courses Taught
During the 1997-98 academic year, the Department
taught the following classes.
For many courses, multiple sections were offered. (Due to sabbaticals and the
fact that some advanced courses are taught every other year, this list will
vary year-by-year. The full list of classes offered, along with
capsule summaries of each course, is
on line.)
Introductory Courses
CS110 Introduction to Computer Programming (Horwitz, graduate students)
CS132 Using Computers (Desautels, Peterson)
CS302 Algebraic Language Programming (graduate students)
CS310 Problem Solving Using Computers (Bach, Strangman, Tutsch)
CS354 Machine Organization and Basic Systems (Goodman, K. Miller, Tutsch)
CS367 Introduction to Data Structures (Holloway, Reps, Skrentny, Tutsch, Vernon)
Advanced Undergraduate Courses
CS412 Introduction to Numerical Methods (Meyer, Robinson)
CS513 Numerical Linear Algebra (Ron)
CS514 Numerical Analysis (Ron)
CS520 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Condon)
CS525 Linear Programming Methods (Ferris, Mangasarian)
CS536 Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers (Fischer)
CS537 Introduction to Operating Systems (Cao, Livny, B.Miller, Solomon)
CS540 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Dyer, Shavlik)
CS545 Natural Languages and the Computer (Klein)
CS552 Introduction to Computer Architecture (Hill, Sohi)
CS564 Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation (Gehrke, Naughton)
CS577 Introduction to Algorithms (Condon, Joseph)
CS635 Survey of Mathematical Programming (Ferris)
CS638 Topics in Computing: Computer Graphics (Kivolowitz)
CS640 Introduction to Computer Networks (Landweber)
CS69x Undergraduate Directed Study and Senior Thesis (faculty)
Graduate Courses
CS701 Programming Languages and Compilers (Horwitz)
CS704 Principles of Programming Languages (Reps)
CS713 Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations (Parter)
CS717 Numerical Functional Analysis (de Boor)
CS720 Integer Programming (Meyer)
CS726 Linear Programming Theory and Application (Mangasarian)
CS730 Nonlinear Programming Algorithms (Mangasarian)
CS736 Advanced Operating Systems (Cao, Solomon)
CS737 Computer System Performance Evaluation and Modeling (Livny)
CS739 Distributed Systems (B.Miller)
CS740 Advanced Computer Networks (Landweber)
CS752 Advanced Computer Architecture I (Sohi)
CS755 VLSI Systems Design (Wood)
CS757 Advanced Computer Architecture II (Hill)
CS760 Machine Learning (Shavlik)
CS764 Topics in Database Management Systems (Naughton, Ramakrishnan)
CS766 Computer Vision (Dyer)
CS771 Computational Linguistics (Klein)
CS773 Problems in Computational Linguistics (Klein)
CS784 Data Models and Languages (Ramakrishnan)
CS787 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (Bach)
CS880 Topics in Theoretical Computer Science (Joseph)
CS887 Approximation Theory (de Boor)
CS99x Thesis Research and Independent Study (faculty)
Cross-Listed Courses Taught by Faculty from other Departments
Other computer science classes are taught by faculty in electrical
& computer engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical
engineering, and mathematics:
CS352 Digital Systems Fundamentals
CS458 Computer Graphics
CS475 Introduction to Combinatorics
CS532 Theory and Applications of Pattern Recognition
CS533 Image Processing
CS539 Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
CS558 Introduction to Computational Geometry
CS712 Finite Difference Methods
CS755 VLSI System Design
CS780 Robot Motion Planning
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