Miron Livny
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin
1210 W. Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53706-1685
telephone: (608) 262-1204
fax: (608) 262-9777
Ph.D., Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 1984
High throughput computing, visual exploration of information,
scientific databases and scheduling policies.
Research Summary
High throughput computing is a challenging research area in which
a wide range of techniques is employed to harness the power of
very large collections of computing resources over long time intervals.
My group is engaged in research efforts to develop management
and scheduling techniques that empower high throughput computing
on local and wide area clusters of distributively owned resources.
The results of these efforts are translated into production code
and are incorporated into the Condor system. Condor is a widely
used high throughput computing system. The worldwide user community
of Condor plays an important and active role in our research.
Researchers from a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines collaborate
with us in the development and evaluation of Condor.
In the area of visual exploration of information my group works
on developing a framework and tools for intuitive graphical interaction
with collections of multimedia data. Our framework is based on
a declarative approach to the creation of active visual presentations
of tabular data. We implement our tools in Java and work closely
with domain scientists on testing and evaluating them with real
data. Some of this data is stored in scientific databases that
are connected to real-time and off-line data sources.
Sample Recent Publications
Distributed resource management for high throughput computing
(with R. Raman and M. Solomon), Seventh IEEE International
Symposium On High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-7),
Transactional client-server cache consistency: Alternatives and
performance (with M. Franklin and M. Carey), TODS, vol.
22, no. 3, pp. 315-363, 1997.
DEVise: Integrated querying and visual exploration of large datasets
(with R. Ramakrishnan, K. Beyer, G. Chen, D. Donjerkovic, S. Lawande,
J. Myllymaki, and Kent Wenger), ACM SIGMOD, 1997.
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