Computer Sciences Graduate Guidebook
2002 - 2003
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
Created May 2002
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The Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin - Madison
strives to maintain the highest standards in education and research. Through
our educational programs and our research we have made significant contributions
to the field of computer science. Our faculty and students have earned
high regard nationally and internationally for their achievements. In both
education and research, we stress both theoretical and experimental methods
for solving fundamental as well as practical problems.
The Department offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science
degree and Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Sciences. This guidebook
is intended for Computer Sciences graduate students who are developing
programs leading to one of these degrees. TheGraduate
School Catalog and theGraduate
Student Handbook provide additional, essential information regarding
general University requirements. The information in this guidebook should
also be supplemented by individual consultation with the Graduate Advising
Committee so that both individual needs and interests, and all degree requirements,
are met.
Additional information is available via theDepartment's
World-Wide Web (WWW) page. Students may also wish to consult theGraduate
School's WWW page. Foreign students may find useful the Graduate School
document Essential
Information for Newly Admitted International Students.
Applications for admission are accepted from students with undergraduate
majors in many different fields, including computer science, mathematics,
engineering, psychology, linguistics, economics, physics, philosophy, and
business. Minimally, the student should have had some programming experience
(including courses in data structures and machine organization) and should
have had a year of college-level mathematics at the level of calculus or
above. If the intention is to concentrate in numerical areas, the student
should have substantially more background in mathematics. Good students
can sometimes be admitted to graduate work in computer science without
having had programming experience or mathematics courses as described,
but they will have to make up the deficiencies.
Professional computer scientists who wish to enter the Department to
pursue graduate work in their field will be given special consideration.
In some cases work experience at a high professional level can be substituted
for certain formal academic requirements.
Departmental requirements for admission are more stringent than those
of theGraduate
School. These additional requirements, to which there can be no exceptions,
are listed below. Applications are normally accepted for fall semester
admission only. Completed applications are due no later than
Letters of Recommendation
All applicants, whether requesting financial aid or not, must have
forwarded to the Department three letters of recommendation.
GRE Scores
All applicants must submit Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores
for the general (verbal and quantitative examinations) and for the advanced
examination in any field in which they have majored or are otherwise specially
qualified. An applicant should sign up to take GRE's at the earliest possible
date. To make arrangements to take a GRE, applicants should write to: Educational
Testing Service, Box 955, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. Processing of scores
takes approximately six weeks. The date when GRE's were taken or when they
will be taken should be indicated on the top of the application for graduate
Official School Records
Official transcripts are required from each institution where the applicant
did prior academic work. If an institution does not issue official transcripts,
a letter from an administrator of the institution should be sent including:
(a) year of admission, (b) number of years enrolled at the institution,
(c) reference to quality of work (analysis of grading system), (d) evidence
that examinations were passed, (e) diploma certifying degree, class, and
year, and (f) General Certificate of Education or equivalent.
TOEFL and TSE Scores (Foreign Students only)
Foreign applicants whose native language is not English are required
to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test
of Spoken English (TSE). Since the GRE, TOEFL and TSE are all offered by
the Educational Testing Service, one letter to the Service should suffice
to inquire about all required examinations.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is available to graduate students in the form of teaching
assistantships, research assistantships, University fellowships, National
Science Foundation fellowships, and research assistantships or fellowships
sponsored by various companies. TheGraduate
School has placed on the World-Wide Web information about graduate-student
financial support. All applications, whether or not they involve requests
for financial aid, can be for the fall semester only and must be completed
by December 31.
Outstanding students are strongly encouraged to apply to the National
Science Foundation for an NSF Graduate Fellowship before the November
deadline. For information, write National Science Foundation, Forms and
Publication Unit, Room P15, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230.
Most teaching assistantships are awarded at approximately the same time
that a student is admitted into the Department. Occasionally, there are
last minute temporary appointments also available. Students interested
in such temporary appointments should contact the Assistant to the Chair.
To receive a new or renewal appointment as a research assistant (RA)
or teaching assistant (TA), a student must be making satisfactory academic
progress (SAP) in the Department. See the chapter below on SAP requirements
for details.
It is often possible for a Computer Sciences graduate student to find,
after arrival on campus, a part-time job which pays well enough to support
the student while in graduate school. There are several thousand computers
on the Madison campus, and many of them require programmers. These computers
are owned and operated by a wide variety of departments and projects on
the campus, and the kind of programmer needed varies greatly. There is
no one way to find out about all of these jobs. Students should also consider
contacting the Division of Information Technology(DoIT)
and individual departments on campus for information.
M.S. Degree Requirements
In addition to the requirements of the Graduate
School -- see their publicationExpecting
Your Master's Degree? V.I.P. -- and the University in general,
the Computer Sciences Department has the following requirements for the
M.S. degree:
I. Courses
The student must receive at least 24 credits in courses numbered 400 or
above, with an average grade of at least B in these courses (the grade
average enforced for admissions starting after January 1, 1997). Fifteen
of these credits must be received for core courses: CS courses numbered
700-889 (excluding
799). No courses - including
- may be counted more than once, though up to six credits of CS
790 may be counted if a Master's thesis or project is filed with the
Department (see next section). A qualifying core course for which a grade
of S is received may be counted only for non-core credit. Also, all sections
of CS 837, 838 and 880 will be considered non-core courses, unless designated
as a core section by their instructor. Non-core courses will not be counted
if a grade of S is received. At its discretion, the Graduate Advising Committee
(GAC) may declare an individual section of CS 837, 838, or 880 exempt from
the repetition restriction.
During registration week of the first semester of the student's full-
or part-time graduate tenure in the Department, the student must, in consultation
with GAC, file with the Department a formal proposal of a course plan leading
to the Master's degree. This plan must be continually updated for accuracy,
substitute courses being noted prior to the end of the semester or summer
session during which they are taken.
A course taken outside the Department which is to be counted toward
degree requirements must be formally approved in writing by GAC by the
end of the semester or summer session during which the course is taken.
Such courses can only be used for non-core credit. Students from other
departments admitted as ``Masters only'' cannot use non-CS courses for
their Computer Science Degree. Credits transferred from other educational
institutions will not count toward the M.S. degree requirements.
II. Thesis or Project (Optional)
Students may choose to write a Master's thesis or project report. A maximum
of six hours of CS
790 (Master's thesis) may be used to satisfy the M.S. requirements
provided that the thesis is approved by two Computer Sciences faculty members.
A maximum of three hours of CS 790 may be used to satisfy the M.S. requirements
provided that a Master's project report is filed with the Department. Note
that CS 790 can be counted as core credit. The responsibility for finding
a thesis or project advisor is solely that of the student; the Department
does not guarantee that an advisor will be provided.
Only a few Master's theses have been written in the Department, but
this option is worth considering. There are no rules about the form of
a Master's thesis, but it is expected to be a substantial piece of work,
for example, a comprehensive survey of a particular area. The difference
between an M.S. thesis and a Ph.D. thesis is that the former need not contain
original research work. An M.S. thesis might well serve as a basis and
major first step toward subsequent Ph.D. research. A Master's project can
be somewhat less formal than a Master's thesis, describing a project carried
out under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Students who write an M.S.
thesis should consult the Graduate School publication A
Guide to Preparing Your Master's Thesis.
Ph.D. Degree Requirements
The requirements for a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences include satisfying the
general University residency and minor field requirements, satisfying the
Department's breadth requirement, passing the Department's qualifying,
preliminary, and final oral examinations, and writing a dissertation. The
student will be formally admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. only when
he or she has satisfied requirements I, II, and III below. A student who
has satisfied requirements I, II, III, and IV below, and has satisfied
School's residence requirement, is officially a dissertator in Computer
Sciences. Details of the Graduate School's requirements can be found in
School Catalog.
Requirements I and II comprise the Department's qualifying process.
The student must pass the qualifying process by the end of the sixth semester.
Students who received 8 or more Master's credits for courses taken before
being admitted as a Master's degree candidate are allowed only five semesters
to complete the qualifying process, and only four semesters if 16 or more
credits were received. Those entering with a Master's degree in Computer
Science are allowed only four semesters. Students who believe their situation
warrants additional time should consult with the GAC chair during the first
semester after entry. After this time, the time limit can be changed only
by a written appeal to GAC.
Students who do not register and are not on probation may resume their
studies up to one year later without re-applying for admission. No additional
time will be permitted for passing the qualifying process without written
approval from the chair of GAC.
I. Breadth Requirement
To fulfill the Breadth Requirement for the Ph.D. degree, a student must
meet the following:
Satisfy a three-course requirement: Complete one 700-level or 800-level
Computer Sciences course in each of three distinct areas other than the
depth area.
Satisfy a four-course requirement: Complete one Computer Sciences course
in each of four distinct areas other than the depth area, two at the 700-
or 800-level and two at the 500- or 600-level.
All grades in these courses must be AB or higher.
Only the following UW-Madison Computer Sciences Department courses can
be used to fulfill the breadth requirement:
Artificial Intelligence: 540,
Computer Architecture and VLSI: 552,
Computer Graphics:
Database Systems: 564,
Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems: 547,
Numerical Analysis: 513,
Operating Systems: 537,
Programming Languages and Compilers: 536,
Theory of Computing: 520,
Only courses taken after receiving a Bachelor's degree may be used to fulfill
the breadth requirement. (Note that courses taken at UW-Madison as a Special
Student do count, as long as the student has a Bachelor's degree from some
college or university.)
II. Qualifying Depth Examination
Students must pass a demanding depth examination in one of the main research
areas of the Department. Every semester, the Department offer a four-hour
written depth exam in each of the following areas:
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Architecture and VLSI
Computer Graphics
Database Systems
Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems
Numerical Analysis
Operating Systems
Programming Languages and Compilers
Theory of Computing
A student is allowed at most two chances to pass any area's depth exam.
Each exam is graded on a scale of P+ (high pass), P (pass), P- (near pass),
or F (fail). A grade of P+ or P is required to pass the Depth Examination
A syllabus is published in advance of the exams listing the topics to
be covered in each exam. Depth exams are designed to test the preparation
of students intending to do Ph.D. research in a given area. These exams
cover topics included in courses, as well as additional papers and publications.
Copies of previous exams are available on-line.
Qualifying examinations are currently offered early in each regular
semester. Students are required to register with the Graduate Coordinator
in advance for these exams. Registration deadlines and qualifying exam
dates are announced in advance on the Department bulletin board. Registration
dates are strictly enforced.
III. Preliminary Examination
To pass this oral examination, the student is expected to display depth
of knowledge in the area of specialization in which research for the dissertation
will be conducted. Students should plan for the examination, and determine
when they are ready to take it, in consultation with the major professor.
Students requiring longer than one year beyond the deadline for completing
the qualifying exam must have a major professor certify that progress is
being made toward the exam. In any case, the preliminary exam must be taken
within two years after the deadline for completing the qualifying exam.
The preliminary examination committee consists of three members. The
composition of the committee will be suggested by the student's major professor
in consultation with the student and must be approved by the Chair of the
Department. The student should approach each proposed member of the committee,
secure agreement to serve, and then discuss a program for preparing for
the examination. It is advisable for the student to do this about a semester
before the examination is to be scheduled.
Before the preliminary examination, students need to get a warrant
from the Graduate School. The Department's Graduate Coordinator can provide
assistance. Students should be sure to check the Graduate School's calendar
to see the cutoff dates by which the exam needs to be completed in order
to be eligible for dissertator status (becoming a dissertator has the added
benefit of substantially lowering one's tuition).
IV. Minor Field
The Graduate School determines the requirements for fulfilling the minor
field requirement for a Ph.D. There are two methods of fulfilling this
requirement. One option (Option A) is to fulfill the minor field requirement
as specified by another department other than Computer Sciences. Students
should contact the individual department for details. Computer Sciences
graduate students minoring in mathematics should note that special regulations
apply to the use, for satisfying minor requirements, of courses cross-listed
in both Computer Sciences and Mathematics.
A second option (Option B) is available under which the Computer Sciences
Department can arrange special minors for Computer Sciences graduate students
who require a program not covered by an orthodox choice of courses in some
other single department. For Computer Sciences graduate students, the requirements
for an interdepartmental minor are:
Approval by the Department of the use of the Option B minor and of the
content of the minor course program. This approval must occur no later
than half-way through the minor course sequence.
Completion of at least 12 graduate credits in two or more departments other
than Computer Sciences, in related courses selected for their relevance
to a particular area of concentration, with an average grade no lower than
B, and with no individual grade lower than BC. One course cross-listed
with Computer Sciences may be included in this program if it is staffed
by another department and is not applicable to requirements of the student's
major program.
Students selecting Option B to satisfy their minor requirement should:
Consult with the major professor early in the degree program, and decide
on a proposed Option B set of courses. Complete a form provided by the
departmental office, and have it signed by the major professor and the
Department Chair. This constitutes Departmental approval of the proposed
courses for satisfying the minor requirement.
File the approved Minor Agreement Form with the Graduate Coordinator before
starting the third minor course.
After completing the program, bring the preliminary examination warrant
to the Graduate Coordinator. The warrant will then be signed by the Department
Chair to certify completion of the minor program, and will be returned
to the student.
Students who do not yet have a major professor and who want some preliminary
advice on the kinds of programs likely to be approved may speak with the
minor advisor or a member of GAC.
V. Dissertation
The student must conduct a substantial piece of original research in computer
science and report it in a dissertation that meets the highest standards
of scholarship.
The initiative in selection of a research supervisor (major professor)
is entirely with the student. A professor should be approached for this
purpose at as early a stage in the student's graduate work as possible,
though usually not until after the student has taken some of the professor's
courses or has worked for and demonstrated ability to the professor in
some way.
The Graduate
School publishes several relevant documents:
Guide To Preparing Your Doctoral Dissertation
3-D's: Deadlines, Defending, Depositing
Doctoral Dissertation and Degree Completion Requirements
Everything You Wanted To Know About Dissertator Status But Were Afraid
To Ask
VI. Final Oral Examination
In a final oral examination, the student must explain and defend the contents
of the dissertation and exhibit detailed knowledge of the general area
in which the reported research falls.
The final oral examination and defense of the dissertation will take
place before a committee of five, three of whom will constitute the reading
subcommittee. The composition of the committee will be suggested by the
student's major professor and approved by the Chair of the Department.
At least one of the five members must have a faculty appointment in some
department other than Computer Sciences.
As with the preliminary exam, students need to obtain a warrant
from the Graduate School. The Department's Graduate Coordinator will also
help students obtain this document.
Program Planning
I. Starting Out Right and Maintaining
Acceptable Progress
Graduate students who have half-time jobs (or less) are generally advised
to take three courses per regular semester. However, it is permissible
to take four. The beginning graduate student should select 400-, 500- or
700-level courses depending on his or her undergraduate background. Students
with little or no programming background are encouraged to acquire programming
skills prior to beginning their regular graduate studies. Most graduate
courses offered by the Department require at least a minimal level of programming
skills. Students who are accepted for admission, but who lack basic computer
science prerequisites (CS
354 and
367), should contact the Graduate Advising Committee (GAC) well in
advance of beginning their first semester.
All entering students should consult with GAC no later than the beginning
of registration week to discuss the planning of their schedules. GAC must
formally approve all graduate schedules each semester. Students who have
completed the Master's degree requirements or the qualifying process and
who have an official doctoral major professor may have their schedules
approved by that professor.
It is important that the student maintain satisfactory academic progress
(SAP). Unsatisfactory academic progress (USAP) leads to ineligibility for
financial support through teaching assistantships and, if continued for
a second semester, results in dismissal from the Department. Initially,
failure to complete an adequate course load is the only reason for USAP.
Students who are doing badly so that USAP is possible should immediately
discuss the problem with a member of GAC.
II. Sources of Advice
Members of GAC are available during regular schedule office hours, with
special hours during registration periods. They will give advice and must
also formally approve proposed courses of study.
An informal advising service is run by graduate students during registration
periods. This is an excellent source of information about the pros and
cons of courses and professors.
Particular questions about a course can often best be resolved by contacting
the course instructor.
The University provides counseling services for help with personal problems.
See the handbook
The Wheat and the Chaff.
III. The Normal Schedule for
a Computer Sciences Graduate Student
Master's degree
Most full-time students obtain this degree in three or four semesters.
Breadth-courses requirement
Upon arrival, students should plan a course of study that will satisfy
their breadth-courses requirement during the period allotted. It is important
to check the prerequisites of 700-level classes, as well as the schedule
of course offerings. Many 700-level classes are offered only once a
year, and some are only offered every third or fourth semester.
Doctoral qualifying examination
Students generally take their qualifying examination during their second
or third year as a graduate student, but should begin preparing for their
qualifying examination well in advance. They are stiff examinations which
many students fail. Topic and reading lists for the various areas are available
from the Graduate Coordinator. Also, students may find the on-line
collection of previous examinations useful in determining what will
be expected of them. In general, the qualifying examination (a) requires
a broad and unified knowledge of an area, (b) is closed-book, (c) is written
under time constraints, and (d) often contains questions that require essay
answers. It is a good idea for a student to discuss preparation for the
qualifying examination with appropriate faculty members once the area of
specialization has been decided.
Doctoral preliminary examination
This should be taken within two semesters after the qualifying examination
deadline has been passed. Before taking it, the student should have satisfied
the minor requirement and should have worked on some project for his or
her major professor.
Oral defense of Ph.D. dissertation
In ideal circumstances, the student will be at this final step four
years (eight semesters) after entry; the student should certainly be here
by the tenth or eleventh semester as a graduate student.
Students who do not maintain a schedule reasonably close to these recommendations
should not expect continued financial support from the Department.
IV. Scheduling Courses in Particular
Artificial Intelligence
The Department's standard course offerings in Artificial Intelligence
include a senior-level survey of the field, CS
540; a graduate-level survey of the field, CS
731; and a series of 700-level courses each covering one sub-area of
the field. The sub-areas and the primary courses covering them are Machine
Learning (CS
760), Deductive Problem Solving and Logic Programming (CS
761), and Computer Vision (CS
766). Each of the 700-level courses has CS 540 (or 731) as a prerequisite.
Staff shortages may make it impossible for the Department to regularly
offer CS 731. When it is offered in a semester appropriate for their course
scheduling, graduate students should take CS 731 instead of 540. Students
will be prepared for the Ph.D. qualifying exam in AI if they have mastered
the material presented in CS 540 (or 731) and in two of CS 760, 761, and
The AI qualifying exam is designed to test for both a general ``breadth''
knowledge of AI, plus a deeper specialized knowledge of one particular
sub-area within AI. Students are required to specify their sub-area
when they sign up for the exam, and then answer corresponding questions
in that sub-area. Specifically, the exam will consist of questions
in nine separate sections. There will be two ``general'' AI questions (in
section G540/731), two ``basic'' questions in each of the three sub-areas
(in sections B760, B761, and B766), and two ``advanced'' questions in each
of the three sub-areas (in sections A760, A761, and A766). To pass the
examination, students will have to answer satisfactorily one of the two
questions in section G540/731; both of the questions in one of the A sections;
both of the questions in the B section for the same sub-area; and two additional
questions from any of the other B sections. The two additional questions
can be but do not have to be from the same section. The A section chosen
must correspond to the sub-area for which the student is signed up.
Computer Architecture and VLSI
There are three main courses in computer architecture, one in VLSI
design, and one in design tools for VLSI. All are cross-listed as Electrical
and Computer Engineering courses with the same number. CS
552 is the basic course. CS
752 and 757
cover advanced topics in computer architecture, CS
755 covers advance topics in VLSI design, and CS
756 covers design tools for VLSI. CS 752 is usually offered by the
Computer Sciences Department in the fall and by the ECE Department in the
spring. CS 755 and 757 are usually offered in the fall under the auspices
of the ECE Department and in the spring under the Computer Sciences Department.
Though the same basic course, the emphasis in CS 755 varies considerably,
and CS graduate students who do not have an undergraduate engineering degree
usually experience difficulty with the course as offered by ECE. The Ph.D.
qualifying exam requires knowledge of material covered in CS 552 and 752
and some extra readings, most of which are covered in CS 757.
Computer Graphics
Students interested in graphics research should begin with CS 559,
the primary advanced undergraduate graphics course. Students who already
have an undergraduate graphics background should consult with faculty.
Students may then take graduate courses in sub-areas of graphics: CS 777
covering animation, and CS 779, which discusses rendering. Students should
also consider CS 679, which covers interactive virtual environments in
the context of game development. All of these courses assume knowledge
of linear algebra and calculus, preferably multi-variate for CS 779. CS
559 is taught at least once a year, while the other courses may be taught
less frequently. Other courses of relevance to graphics include CS 533
(image processing), CS 540 (artificial intelligence), CS 558 (computational
geometry) and CS 766 (computer vision). Several courses taught in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering are also related to graphics research. Material
for the qualifying exam in graphics is covered in CS 559, CS 777 and CS
779, although additional reading is also required.
Database Systems
At the present time three courses for graduate students are offered
in the area of database systems (CS
364, which provides a general introduction to database systems, is
for undergraduates only).
564 provides a systems-oriented introduction to databases and their
implementation. Students with an interest in more advanced topics and current
research directions in the area, such as students preparing for the database
Ph.D. qualifying exam, should take CS
764 and 784
after completing CS 564. Those students who are planning on taking the
database Ph.D. qualifying exam are expected to complete their preparation
for the exam independently. In addition, students interested in pursuing
research in the database systems area are advised to consider taking courses
in the related areas of operating systems, performance evaluation, and
artificial intelligence to prepare for their work in this relatively broad
Students should first take CS
525 unless they have had a thorough introductory course in linear programming.
After completing a good linear programming course, students may take CS
719 or 720
(which emphasize combinatorial optimization) without further prerequisites,
and students with a background in basic mathematical analysis may take
726, 727,
or 730
(which emphasize continuous, nonlinear optimization). (Note that CS 525
is not a prerequisite for CS 726, 727 or 730.) Some background in probability
is recommended for CS
723, which is not taught every year. All of the 700-level courses may
be taken independently of each other. Ph.D. students planning on taking
their qualifying examination in this area should be familiar with the material
in CS 525 and 719, 720, 726, 727, 730 and optionally 723. Master's and
Ph.D. students minoring in math programming should take CS 525 and at least
one of the 700-level courses in the area.
Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems
The various techniques for performance modeling and analysis of computer
systems constitute the topics in the MA area. Three courses,
547, 737,
and 747,
are currently offered in this area. CS 547, which introduces analytic modeling
methods and some elementary queuing theory results, is offered in the Fall
semester each year. Students enrolling in CS 547 are expected to have some
background in operating systems, databases, or computer architecture, which
provide some of the systems analysis questions that are used as examples
in the course. Students with little or no background in probability theory
should audit or enroll in Math 431 prior to or concurrently with CS 547.
Both CS 737 and 747 are usually offered in the spring semester each year.
CS 747 covers additional and more advanced analytical modeling methods,
while CS 737 covers performance-simulation methods. CS 547 is a pre-requisite
for CS 737 and 747. CS 547 and 747, plus additional reading on the reading
list, are required for the Ph.D. qualifying exam in MA.
Numerical Analysis
The two-course sequence CS
provides the basic introduction to numerical analysis. Students planning
to take the Ph.D. qualifying exam in numerical analysis should also take
the course sequence: CS
717, 712
and 713.
This sequence also serves as the starting point for the more advanced courses,
883, 884,
and 885.
Numerical analysis is a broad field and Ph.D. students usually take several
courses in mathematics as well as independent reading courses. Prospective
Ph.D. students should consult with numerical analysis faculty about their
course of study.
Operating Systems
Three courses are offered in the area of operating systems. CS
537 introduces the subject, providing hands-on experience with building
parts of operating systems in simple environments; there are several large
programming assignments. CS
736 is an advanced course, often run as a seminar, which discusses
a selection of advanced topics. This course often has a large project associated
with it. CS
739 takes up where CS 736 leaves off. It covers distributed systems
in greater depth, studying a wide variety of systems and examining issues
such as replication, fault tolerance, load balancing, and security. The
Ph.D. qualifying exam covers material in CS 537 and 736 and advanced material
from CS 739 and 640
(computer networks).
Programming Languages and Compilers
Students interested in the area of programming languages should first
536 and 538.
The former provides an introduction to compilers and to programming-language
implementation techniques. The latter provides an introduction to the theory
and design of programming languages. The graduate courses in the area are
CS 701, 703, and 704. CS
701 is the graduate compiler course. It covers program analysis, optimization,
and code generation.
703 covers a selection of advanced topics, such as alternative parsing
methods and dataflow analysis. CS
704 covers graduate-level topics in the theory of programming languages,
including the study of functional languages and formal language semantics.
Occasionally, a section of CS
838 deals with issues in programming language design; this course is
extremely valuable for students intending to do Ph.D. work in programming
languages. For the Ph.D. qualifying exam, CS 536, 538, 701, and 704 are
required and CS 703 is recommended.
Theory of Computing
The basic concepts in the theory of computation are introduced in the
undergraduate theory courses, CS
520 and
Students preparing for the Ph.D. exam in theory should take CS
810 and 787,
and should study topics from at least two courses in the following list:
709, 767,
CS 709, 767, 787 and 812 focus on algorithms for specific problems, and
CS 810, 820 and 830 study models of computation and complexity classes;
students are advised to take both types of courses in their program. All
students interested in theory are encouraged to take CS
880, a special-topics course, when offered.
V. Transfer of Credits Toward
the Master's Degree
Other UW Departments and UW Special Students
Computer Sciences students who were previously special students or
students in other departments may apply some or all of their previous courses
at the University toward a Computer Sciences Master's degree, subject to
the following restrictions:
A course must either be a Computer Sciences course or it must satisfy the
criteria for ``approved'' courses (see part VII below). In either case,
the course must be entered on the student's GAC file, and be initialed
as approved by a GAC member.
At most, one-fourth of the courses applied toward one graduate degree may
be applied toward a second graduate degree. Courses applied toward an undergraduate
degree may not be applied toward a graduate degree.
Other Universities
Courses taken at other universities may not be counted toward the Master's
VI. Maintenance of Student Records
GAC maintains two types of records about each student. These records are
stored in the Graduate Coordinator's offices, and are available for inspection
and verification by the student. It is the responsibility of the student
to see that these records are correct and up-to-date.
The Master's Degree/Qualifying Examination Course Plan
The course plan must be prepared, in consultation with GAC and the
student's personal faculty adviser, during registration week of the student's
first semester as a graduate student. The purpose of the course plan is
to ensure that the student understands Department regulations and is pursuing
a suitable course of study. The course plan may be changed at any time
in consultation with GAC and the student's personal faculty adviser. For
most students the course plan represents a course of study leading to a
Master's degree. For graduate students not pursuing a Master's degree,
the course plan represents a course of study preparing for the doctoral
qualifying examination.
The Course-History Record
The course history record card contains a record of all courses completed
or being taken. This record must be brought up to date during each registration
In addition to the above records, a student wishing to obtain a Master's
degree should submit a completed application form, available from the Department
office, not less than one month before the end of the semester when the
degree is desired.
VII. Approved Courses
Courses taken outside the Department that are to be counted, either toward
satisfactory academic progress or toward a Master's degree, must be approved
by GAC. Approval must be obtained before the course has been taken. Usually
approval is given during the registration period, but approval can be requested
at an earlier stage if a student wishes to plan ahead.
To be approved, a course must materially contribute to the specific
computer science education for which the student is working. In doubtful
cases, GAC will require a note from a Department faculty member supporting
the request for approval. Only CS courses are approved for students from
other departments enrolled in the ``Masters only'' degree program.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Each graduate student is responsible for planning and carrying out a program
of study that continually meets with the approval of the Department. Students
should meet with a member of the Graduate Advising Committee (GAC) every
semester, usually during the registration period, to get approval for the
plan for the following semester. The record of approvals and future plans
is maintained in a file that is available at any time for the student to
inspect. Any exceptions to rules that have been granted to the student
are also recorded in this file. A student who wants to drop or add a course
during the semester should get the change approved by a member of GAC.
The rules enforced by the Department for satisfactory progress are distinct
from the rules used by the Graduate School. The student must satisfy both
sets of rules. We will concentrate here primarily on the rules of the Department.
I. Definitions
Full-load and Part-load
Part-load students do not have to take as many credits during a semester
as full-load students. (The specific rule is discussed below.) All students
are considered to be full-load students unless they have been granted part-load
status by GAC. Part-load status is granted semester by semester to students
who have full-time jobs, non-academic duties, or substantial family responsibilities.
Such students should apply in writing to GAC at the beginning of each semester
for which they want part-load status. They will be notified in writing
whether their request has been approved.
Full-load status is distinct from full-time status as determined by
the Graduate School for residence credit. Because of Graduate School rules,
students often need to take 8 instead of 6 credits during a semester. The
combined effect of the various rules is this:
Part-load dissertators take 1 credit. Part-load students and
dissertators take 3 credits. Full-load students who are TAs, PAs, or unsupported
by the Department take at least 6 credits. Research assistants and fellows
take at least 8 credits.
It is essential for foreign students and students receiving V.A. benefits
to be full-load students. Foreign students should check with the Graduate
School and the Office for Foreign Students to ensure that they are satisfying
residence, visa, and other requirements.
Regular Semester
In the following requirements, regular semester denotes either
fall or spring semester of an academic year; it does not include summer
Approved Courses
Approved courses are courses that have been approved by GAC as appropriate
for a student's studies. For students who have neither obtained a Master's
degree in Computer Science nor passed the qualifying process, GAC usually
approves only courses leading toward the Master's degree.
Courses are approved only if they fall into one of the following categories:
Courses from other departments that GAC considers to be an important part
of the student's program. These courses will usually be numbered 400 or
above. To comply with current Graduate School requirements, except as noted
below in point 2, no course numbered less than 300 will be approved.
302, 352,
and 367,
and Math 221, 222, and 223, provided that the student has been admitted
with deficiencies that are being removed by taking these courses.
All University of Wisconsin-Madison CS courses numbered 400 and above (and
courses cross-listed with such CS courses) taken by a student and not applied
to any other degree.
Satisfactory Completion of Courses
Courses taken for credit and passed with letter grades A, AB, B, BC,
C, S, and P are satisfactorily completed. These criteria determine satisfactory
completion for the Department. The Graduate School has its own rules, and
they should be consulted if any question arises.
The terms qualifying examination process, preliminary examination
final oral examination designate the procedures and/or examinations
of those names supervised by the Department of Computer Sciences. The requirements
for the Ph.D. include time limits for their completion.
II. Satisfactory Academic Progress
A graduate student in Computer Sciences shall be considered to have made
satisfactory academic progress (SAP) at the end of any regular semester
only if, at the end of the semester, the following conditions are all satisfied:
(a) Before achieving dissertator status: the student has satisfactorily
completed at least six (if full load) or three (if part load) credits of
approved courses during the semester.
(b) After achieving dissertator status: the student has satisfactorily
completed at least three credits of courses approved by the student's major
The student has removed all incomplete grades from any previous regular
semester or summer session.
The student has passed any required exams and procedures within designated
time limits.
III. Dismissal
Any graduate student who fails to make SAP during two consecutive regular
semesters (fall and spring, or spring and fall) will be dismissed from
the Department at the end of the subsequent summer session. Any student
who fails to make SAP because of criterion II.3 above will be dismissed
from the Department at the end of the subsequent summer session.
IV. Financial Support
To be eligible for financial support from sources controlled by the Computer
Sciences Department a student must be making SAP in the Department.
V. Appeal Procedure
Any graduate student may appeal any aspect of the SAP rules, provided that
the appeal is made in a timely way. In particular, appealing a decision
that a student did not make SAP must be initiated not later than the end
of the fourth week of the subsequent regular semester.
To appeal, the student should write a letter to the Chair of GAC stating
the basis for the appeal. This letter should explain clearly the reasons
for the appeal, and should be accompanied by appropriate documents such
as a medical certificate if the appeal is on the grounds of ill health
or such as a supporting letter from a Computer Sciences faculty member
if the appeal concerns an unusual combination of courses. It will often
be useful for the student to discuss the problem with a member of GAC or
with the student's personal faculty advisor before putting the appeal into
GAC will consider every such written appeal and will notify the student
of its decision at the earliest opportunity, normally within four working
weeks. A student who is not satisfied with the decision by GAC may submit
a further appeal in writing to the Chair of the Department. The Chair will
place the appeal on the agenda of a regular faculty meeting, will circulate
the letter of appeal and accompanying documentation, and will give the
student written notification of the meeting. The meeting will be scheduled
at the earliest opportunity, normally within four working weeks after receipt
of the letter to the Chair. The student and any of the student's advisors
may attend the meeting to present the appeal, provided that the Chair of
the Department is advised in writing before the start of the meeting. In
accordance with Wisconsin law, the meeting will begin in open session,
but the Chair will move that the meeting convene in closed session before
the appeal is considered.
Computer Sciences Courses
General Information about Courses
Courses numbered 399 and below may be taken for undergraduate credit only.
Courses numbered 400 through 699 may be taken by either undergraduate or
graduate students. Courses numbered 700 or above are intended only for
graduate students. Undergraduates are allowed to take courses numbered
700 or above, but only if permission is obtained from the dean's office.
Courses offered less than once every two years are marked as ``infrequently
offered;'' students should not count on taking these classes when planning
their schedules. Tentative
timetables for upcoming semesters are available.
World-Wide Web pages for the current
semester's offerings of many Computer Sciences courses are available.
Additional information about many cross-listed courses can be found via
the College
of Engineering's and theDepartment
of Mathematics' WWW home pages.
200 A Taste of Computer Science
1 cr.
Computer Science is much more than programming! Learn about interesting
research and applications of computer science principles and practices
from faculty and leading technologists from industry. This course is recommended
for potential CS majors; no programming experience required. Prereq: Limited
to freshmen and sophomores. Not a prereq for any other CS course. Can be
taken before, after, or at the same time as, CS
302. Grading: credit/no credit.
240 Introduction to Discrete
Mathematics 3 cr. (also Math)
Basic concepts of logic, sets, partial order and other relations, and functions.
Fundamental principles of counting. Basic algebraic structures: modulo
arithmetic, group, ring, and field structures, Boolean algebra. Introduction
to graph theory: trees, depth first search, matching, max-flow min-cut,
and other optimization algorithms. Applications. Prereq: Math 221.
302 Introduction to Programming
3 cr.
Instruction and experience in the use of an object-oriented programming
language. Program design; development of good programming style; preparation
for other Computer Science courses. Prereq: Problem solving skills such
as those acquired in a statistics, logic, or advanced high school algebra
course; or consent of instructor. Open to Fr. Students who take both CS
110 and CS302 will receive a total of 3 credits for the two courses.
Gives engineering students an introduction to computer and analytical skills
to use in their subsequent course work and professional development. Discusses
several methods of using computers to solve problems, including elementary
Fortran and C programming techniques, the use of spreadsheets, symbolic
manipulation languages, and software packages. Techniques will be illustrated
using sample problems drawn from elementary engineering. Emphasis on introduction
of algorithms with the use of specific tools to illustrate the methods.
Prereq: Math 222 and an elementary knowledge of Fortran or C or Pascal.
Logic components, Boolean algebra, combinational logic analysis and synthesis,
synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic analysis and design, digital
subsystems, computer organization and design. Prereq: CS
302 or equivalent. Not open to students with EGR classification.
An introduction to current system structures of control, communication,
memories, processors and I-O devices. Projects involve detailed study and
use of a specific small computer hardware and software system. Prereq:
302 or consent of instructor. Open to Fr.
364 Introduction to Database
Management Systems 3 cr.
Design, use, and application of database management systems. Role of a
database management system as a corporate decision-making tool. The Entity-Relationship
and Relational data models for database design. File structures, data independence,
integrity, privacy, security, application development, and the role of
the database administrator. Students use several database management systems.
Students may not receive credit for both CS 364 and 564.
Prereq: CS
302 or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Spring 96)
367 Introduction to Data Structures
3 cr.
Study of data structures (including stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and
hash tables) and their applications. Development, implementation, and analysis
of efficient data structures and algorithms (including sorting and searching).
Experience in use of an object-oriented programming language. Prereq: CS
302 or consent of instructor. Students are strongly encouraged to take
CS 367 within two semesters of having taken CS
This course is for students who are familiar with at least one programming
language and are interested in learning a new language. Different sections
will teach different languages. Prereq: CS
302 or consent of instructor. Some experience with data structures
is required, so students are strongly advised to have completed at least
5 weeks of CS
367 (or an equivalent data structures course at another university).
Students may receive credit for a particular language only once. Students
will not receive credit for both CS
302 and CS 368 in the same language, or for both CS
367 and CS 368 in the same language.
371 Technology of Computer-Based
Business Systems 3 cr. (also Info Sys)
Overview of computers, their attendant technology, and the implications
of this technology for large-scale, computer-based information systems.
Topics include hardware, system software, program development, files, and
data communications. Prereq: Bus 370 and CS
302, or equivalent experience with consent of instructor.
Interpolation, solution of linear and nonlinear systems of equations, approximate
integration and differentiation, numerical solution of ordinary differential
equations. Prereq: Math 223/234,
302, or equivalent and knowledge of matrix algebra.
425 Introduction to Combinatorial
Optimization 3 cr. (also Math & IE)
Exact and heuristic methods for key combinatorial optimization problems
such as: shortest path, maximum flow problems, and the traveling salesman
problem. Techniques include problem-specific methods and general approaches
such as branch-and-bound, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and
neural networks. Prereq: Math 221 or CS
302 or consent of instructor.
435 Introduction to Cryptography
3 cr. (also Math & ECE)
Cryptography is the art and science of transmitting digital information
in a secure manner. This course will provide an introduction to its technical
aspects. Prereq: Math 320 or 340 or consent of instructor.
460 Artificial Intelligence
Programming Languages and Tools 3 cr.
Symbolic computation; Lisp programming; Prolog programming; knowledge representation
languages based on logic, objects, frames, rules; symbolic pattern matching;
automatic inferencing and reasoning techniques; special-purpose languages
and computer architectures for artificial intelligence applications. Prereq:
367. (Last taught: Spring 92)
475 Introduction to Combinatorics
3 cr. (also Math & Stat)
Problems of enumeration, distribution and arrangement. Inclusion-exclusion
principle. Generating functions and linear recurrence relations. Combinatorial
identities. Graph coloring problems. Finite designs. Systems of distinct
representatives and matching problems in graphs. Potential applications
in the social, biological, and physical sciences. Puzzles. Emphasis on
problem solving. Prereq: Math 320 or 340 and consent of instructor.
509 Mathematics for Computer
Science 3 cr.
Program correctness and termination, invariants, pre- and post-conditions,
axiomatic semantics. Representing time and space requirements of programs
by summations, recurrences, and generating functions. Exact and asymptotic
solutions. Analysis of algorithms for sorting, searching, and data structure
traversal. Prereq: CS
367 and Math 222, or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Fall 87)
Direct and iterative solution of linear and nonlinear systems and of eigenproblems.
LU and symmetric LU factorization. Complexity, stability, and conditioning.
Nonlinear systems. Iterative methods for linear systems. QR-factorization
and least squares. Eigenproblems: local and global methods. Prereq: Math
340 or equivalent; CS
302 or equivalent.
Polynomial forms, divided differences. Polynomial interpolation. Polynomial
approximation: uniform approximation and Chebyshev polynomials, least-squares
approximation and orthogonal polynomials. Splines, B-splines and spline
approximation. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical methods
for solving initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential
equations. Prereq: Math 340 or equivalent; CS 302
or equivalent.
520 Introduction to Theoretical
Computer Science 3 cr.
Survey of the basic concepts of theory, including context-free and context-sensitive
languages, regular sets, finite and pushdown automata, Turing machines,
undecidable problems, complexity with respect to time and space, NP-completeness,
and reducibilities. Prereq: CS
367 and Math 222, or consent of instructor.
Real linear algebra over polyhedral cones, theorems of the alternative
for matrices. Formulation of linear programs. Duality theory and solvability.
The simplex method and related methods for efficient computer solution.
Perturbation and sensitivity analysis. Applications and extensions, such
as game theory, linear economic models and quadratic programming. Prereq:
Math 443 or 320 or 340 or consent of instructor.
526 Advanced Linear Programming
4 cr. ugrad, 3 cr. grad (also IE)
Review of linear programming. Polynomial time methods for linear programming.
Quadratic programs and linear complementarity problems and related solution
techniques. Solution sets and their continuity properties. Error bounds
for linear inequalities and programs. Parallel algorithms for linear and
quadratic programs. Prereq: CS
525 or equivalent,
302 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Spring 92)
532 Theory and Applications
of Pattern Recognition 3 cr. (also
Pattern recognition systems and components; decision theories and classification;
discriminant functions; supervised and unsupervised training; clustering;
feature extraction and dimensional reduction; sequential and hierarchical
classification; applications of training, feature extraction, and decision
rules to engineering problems. Prereq: ECE 331 or Math 431 or consent of
533 Image Processing 3 cr. (also
Mathematical representation of continuous and digital images; models of
image degradation; picture enhancement, restoration, segmentation, and
coding; pattern recognition, tomography. Prereq: ECE 330 or consent of
instructor; Math 320 or 340 or equiv. recommended.
536 Introduction to Programming
Languages and Compilers
4 cr. ugrad, 3 cr. grad.
Introduction to the theory and practice of compiler design. Comparison
of features of several programming languages and their implications for
implementation techniques. Several programming projects required. Prereq:
367 and either CS
354 or 552.
537 Introduction to Operating
Systems 4 cr. ugrad, 3 cr. grad.
Input-output hardware, interrupt handling, properties of magnetic tapes,
discs and drums, associative memories and virtual address translation techniques.
Batch processing, time sharing and real-time systems, scheduling resource
allocation, modular software systems, performance measurement and system
evaluation. Prereq: CS
367 and
538 Introduction to the Theory
and Design of Programming Languages 3 cr.
Design and theory of programming languages: procedural, object-oriented,
functional and logic paradigms. Serial and concurrent programming. Execution
models and formal specification techniques. Prereq: CS
354 and 367.
539 Introduction to Artificial
Neural Network and Fuzzy Systems 3 cr. (also ECE, ME)
Theory and applications of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic:
multi-layer perceptrons, self-organizing maps, radial basis networks, Hopfield
networks, recurrent networks, fuzzy-set theory, fuzzy logic control, adaptive
fuzzy neural networks, genetic algorithms, and evolutionary computing.
Applications to control, pattern recognition, nonlinear system modeling,
speech and image processing. Prereq: CS
302, or 310,
or knowledge of C.
Principles of knowledge-based search techniques; automatic deduction; knowledge
representation using predicate logic, semantic networks, connectionist
networks, frames, rules; Applications in problem solving, expert systems,
game playing, vision, natural language understanding, learning, robotics;
Lisp programming. Prereq: CS
545 Natural Language and the
Computer 3 cr.
The course covers basic techniques and tools in natural language processing:
generative grammars, parsing, dictionary construction, semantic networks,
generation of text from a knowledge base, natural language interfaces,
and machine translation. Prereq: CS
536 or 537
or 564
or consent of instructor.
547 Computer Systems Modeling
Fundamentals 3 cr.
An introduction to basic tools and applications for modeling and analysis
of computer systems. Fundamentals of network flow graphs, graph models
of computation and stochastic models of computer system performance. Network
delay analysis and capacity planning, reachability analysis for deadlock
detection in distributed systems, Markov chains, elementary queueing theory,
basic concepts of queueing network models and associated analyses. Prereq:
Math 223, CS
367 and 354.
550 Computers and Society 3
cr. (also Social Studies)
The effect of scientific and technological change on social and economic
organization. Historical examples. Comparison, with these examples, of
the computer and its effect. Consideration of possible uses of computer
systems, social change which they would influence, and the choices they
present. Prereq: Junior standing. (Last taught: Fall 90)
The design of computer systems and components. Processor design, instruction
set design, and addressing; control structures and microprogramming; memory
management, caches, and memory hierarchies; interrupts and I/O structures.
Prereq: ECE/CS
352 and CS/ECE
354; co-req: CS
Introduction to fundamental geometric computations and algorithms, and
their use for solving engineering and scientific problems. Computer representations
of simple geometric objects and paradigms for algorithm design. Applications
from areas of engineering analysis, design and manufacturing, biology,
statistics, and other sciences. Prereq: CS
367 or equivalent, Math 223 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Survey of computer graphics. Image representation, formation, presentation,
composition and manipulation. Modeling, transformation, and display of
geometric objects in 2 and 3 dimensions. Representation of curves and surfaces.
Rendering, animation, multi-media and visualization. Prereq: Math 320 or
340 (linear algebra), and CS
562 Expert Systems: Design and
Implementation 3 cr.
Design of expert knowledge bases: choice of appropriate representation,
knowledge base structure, connection with databases. Knowledge acquisition:
possible knowledge sources, logical analysis and formalization, consistency
and adequate checking. Inference engine construction and tailoring: choice
and control of inferencing strategies, handling uncertain knowledge, achieving
efficiency. Display and dialog design. Implementation of explanation capabilities.
Evaluation of knowledge engineering environments and languages. Prereq:
460 or 540.
(Last taught: Spring 90)
564 Database Management Systems:
Design and Implementation
4 cr. ugrad, 3 cr. grad.
What a database management system is; different data models currently used
to structure the logical view of the database: relational, hierarchical,
and network. Hands-on experience with relational and network-based database
systems. Implementation techniques for database systems. File organization,
query processing, concurrency control, rollback and recovery, integrity
and consistency, and view implementation. Prereq: CS
367 and 354.
576 Introduction to Bioinformatics
3 cr (also BMI).
Algorithms for computational problems in molecular biology. The course
will study algorithms for problems such as: genome sequencing and mapping,
pairwise and multiple sequence alignment, modeling sequence classes and
features, phylogenetic tree construction, and gene-expression data analysis.
Prereq: CS
367 and Math 222.
577 Introduction to Algorithms
3 cr.
Survey of important and useful algorithms for sorting, searching, pattern-matching,
graph manipulation, geometry, and cryptography. Paradigms for algorithm
design. Techniques for efficient implementation. Prereq: CS
367 and Math 222, or consent of instructor.
Formulation and modeling of applications from computer sciences, operations
research, business, science and engineering involving optimization and
equilibrium models. Survey and appropriate usage of software tools for
solving such problems, including modeling language use, automatic differentiation,
subroutine libraries and web-based optimization tools and environments.
Prereq: CS
302, Math 340 or equivalent.
638 Undergraduate Topics in
Computing 3 cr.
Prereq: Consent of instructor.
640 Introduction to Computer
Networks 3 cr.
Architecture and components of computer communications networks; protocol
concepts and standards; OSI Reference Model; network/protocol architecture
examples: Internet, ISO/CCITT, SNA, DECNET, public data networks; local
area networks-gateways, internetworking, transport and application protocols.
Prereq: CS
679 Computer Game Technology
3 cr.
Survey of software technology important to computer games and other forms
of interactive technology: Real-time image generation, managing complex
geometric models, creating virtual characters, simulating physical phenomenon,
networking technology for distributed virtual environments. Prereq: CS
681-682 Senior Honors Thesis
3 cr. per sem.
Prereq: Honors candidacy and consent of instructor.
691-692 Senior Thesis 2-3 cr.
per sem.
(A year's course must be taken to get credit.) Prereq: Consent of instructor.
699 Directed Study 1-6 cr.
Prereq: Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor.
701 Programming Languages and
Compilers 3 cr.
Design and implementation of compilers for modern programming languages.
Emphasis on tools for compiler construction. Prereq: CS
702 Compiler Construction 3
Techniques for the implementation of compilers for sophisticated programming
languages. Prereq: CS
536; co-req:
701 or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Spring 93)
703 Advanced Topics in Programming
Languages and Compilers 3 cr.
Advanced topics in compiling and programming languages design. Advanced
parsing techniques; automatic syntactic error correction; local and global
code optimization; attribute grammars; programming language design issues
(data and control abstractions, specification and verification of high
level languages). Prereq: CS
704 Principles of Programming
Languages 3 cr.
Introduction to principles of advanced programming languages and programming-language
theory. Topics include: lambda-calculus, functional languages, polymorphic
functions, type inference, structural induction, lazy evaluation, operational
semantics, denotational semantics, and axiomatic semantics. Prereq: CS
536 or consent of instructor.
709 Mathematical Techniques
for Analysis of Algorithms 3 cr.
Techniques for quantitative analysis of algorithms. Charging arguments,
amortization, probabilistic methods. Adversary and information lower bounds.
Use of methods from combinatorics, complex analysis, and asymptotics in
obtaining precise analyses of quicksort, chained hashing, and other algorithms.
Prereq: CS
577, knowledge of complex variables at the level of Math 321. (Last
taught: Spring 96)
Development of finite difference methods for initial and boundary value
problems for hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic partial differential equations.
Analysis of accuracy and stability of difference schemes. Direct and iterative
methods for solving elliptic difference schemes. Applications from science
and engineering. Prereq: CS
Math 419 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Analysis of numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. Single
step and multistep methods. Stiff equations. Introduction to Galerkin methods;
collocation, least squares, etc. Analysis of methods for the solution of
large sparse systems of boundary value problems. Prereq: Graduate standing
and consent of instructor.
Fundamentals of normed spaces and linear operators; analysis of nonlinear
operators; existence of, and iterative methods for, solutions of linear
and nonlinear operator equations, error estimation; variational theory
and minimization problems; monotonicity theory. Development of abstract
tools and application of them to the general analysis of numerical methods
for such problems as differential and integral equations. Prereq: CS
513, 514
and Math 234 or consent of instructor. (CS 718 is infrequently offered.)
Optimization problems and techniques for networks, including single and
multi-commodity network flow, critical path, and facilities location problems.
The theory of totally unimodular matrices and its relationship to network
optimization. Prereq: CS
525 or consent of instructor.
720 Integer Programming 3 cr.
(also IE)
Formulation of integer programming problems and the characterization of
optimization problems representable as integer and mixed-integer programs.
The degree of difficulty of classes of integer programs and its relation
to the structure of their feasible sets. Optimality conditions. Branch-and-bound,
cutting plane, and decomposition methods for obtaining solutions or approximating
solutions. Prereq: CS
525 or consent of instructor.
723 Dynamic Programming and
Associated Topics 3 cr. (also IE)
A generalized optimization model; discrete and continuous state spaces;
deterministic and stochastic transition functions. Multistage decision
processes. Functional equations and successive approximation in function
and policy spaces. Relationship to linear programming and acyclic networks.
Markovian decision processes. Solution methods and computational problems.
Associated topics and applications such as calculus of variations; feedback
control processes; and optimal trajectories, inventory and maintenance
policies, and stopping rules. Prereq: CS
525 or IE 623; Math 521 or CS
726; Math 431 and computer programming, or consent of instructor. (Last
taught: Spring 83)
Separation theorems and other properties of convex sets in finite-dimensional
spaces. Formulation of nonlinear programming problems. Saddle-point (Lagrangian)
optimality criteria for convex nonlinear programs. Duality theorems for
convex programs. First, and second-order Kuhn-Tucker stationary-point theory
for differentiable non-convex programs. Perturbation and sensitivity analysis.
Applications and extensions. Prereq: Familiarity with basic mathematical
analysis (e.g., Math 521) and either Math. 443 or 320, or consent of instructor.
727 Advanced Nonlinear Programming
3 cr. (also IE)
Conjugate convex functions and Fenchel-Rockafellar duality. Monotone operators
and subdifferentials. Advanced methods for nonconvex problems, such as
variational principles, generalized gradients, degree and index arguments,
and multivalued ordinary differential equations. Applications to economics
and operations research. Prereq: CS
726 or consent of instructor.
Rigorous description, and convergence proofs of various nonlinear programming
algorithms. Emphasis on algorithms that are important, can be proved to
converge and are practical. Unification of classes of algorithms and convergence
rates. Each student will code and test one of the algorithms described
in the course. Prereq: Consent of instructor.
731 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
3 cr.
Learning and hypothesis formation; knowledge acquisition; deductive and
inductive inference systems; reasoning techniques involving time, nonmonotonic
reasoning, spatial reasoning, truth maintenance systems; planning strategies.
Prereq: CS
540. (Last taught: Spring 92)
732 Topics in Artificial Intelligence
3 cr.
Advanced topics in artificial intelligence. A variable content course which
may be repeated any number of times for credit. Prereq: Consent of instructor.
(Last taught: Fall 89)
Sparse matrices in engineering and science. Sparsity preservation. Numerical
error control. Transversal algorithms, Tarjan's algorithm, Tinney's algorithms,
minimum degree, banding, nested dissection, frontal methods. Linear and
nonlinear equation solving. Compensation. Sparse vector methods. Iterative
methods. ODE and PDE applications. Prereq: CS
367 and (ECE334 or ( 412
and Math 340)); or consent of instructor.
736 Advanced Operating Systems
3 cr.
Advanced topics in operating systems, including process communication,
resource allocation, multiprocess and network operating systems, kernel
philosophies, fault-tolerant systems, virtual machines, high-level language
systems, verifiability and proof techniques. Prereq: CS
537 or consent of instructor.
737 Computer System Performance
Evaluation and Modeling 3 cr.
Statistical techniques of computer system performance evaluation and measurement.
System selection and tuning strategies. Deterministic and probabilistic
models of process scheduling and resource allocation. Analytic and simulation
models of computer systems. Systematic study of system architectures. Prereq:
Math 222, CS
537 or 736,
or consent of instructor.
739 Distributed Systems 3 cr.
Basic concepts, distributed programming; distributed file systems; atomic
actions; fault tolerance, transactions, program & data replication,
recovery; distributed machine architectures; security and authentication;
load balancing and process migration; distributed debugging; distributed
performance measurement; distributed simulation techniques; distributed
applications; correctness considerations and proof systems. Prereq: CS
736 or consent of instructor. (Infrequently offered.)
740 Advanced Computer Networks
3 cr.
Advanced topics in computer communications networks: Congestion and flow
control; Routing; Rate-based protocols; High-speed interfaces and technologies;
Metropolitan area networks; Fast packet switching technologies; Advanced
applications; Network services: name service, authentication, resource
location. Prereq: CS
747 Advanced Computer Systems
Analysis Techniques 3 cr.
Advanced analytical modeling techniques for performance analysis of computer
systems, including discrete-parameter (embedded) Markov Chains, M/G/1 queues,
stochastic Petri nets, queueing networks, renewal theory, and sample path
analysis. Application areas include high performance computer architectures,
databases, and operating system resource allocation policies. Prereq: CS
547 or consent of instructor.
750 Real-Time Computing Systems
3cr. (also
Introduction to the unique issues in the design and analysis of computer
systems for real-time applications. Hardware and software support for guaranteeing
timeliness with and without failures. Resource management, time-constrained
communication, scheduling and imprecise computations, real-time kernels
and case studies. Prereq: CS
552 and 537
or consent of instructor.
Advanced techniques of computer design. Parallel processing and pipelining;
multiprocessors, multi-computers and networks; high performance machines
and special purpose processors; data flow architecture. Prereq: ECE/CS
552 and
Overview of MOS devices and circuits; introduction to integrated circuit
fabrication; topological design of data flow and control; interactive graphics
layout; circuit simulation; system timing; organizational and architectural
considerations; alternative implementation approaches; design project.
Prereq: ECE 340, ECE/CS
352, and
552 or consent of instructor.
Broad introduction to computer-aided design tools for VLSI, emphasizing
implementation algorithms and data structures. Topics covered: design styles,
layout editors, symbolic compaction, module generators, placement and routing,
automatic synthesis, design-rule checking, circuit extraction, simulation
and verification. Prereq: CS
367, good programming skills,
755 strongly recommended. (Last taught: Spring 94)
Parallel algorithms, principles of parallelism detection and vectorizing
compilers, interconnection networks, SIMD/MIMD machines, processor synchronization,
data coherence, multis, dataflow machines, special purpose processors.
Prereq: CS
752 or consent of instructor.
Computational approaches to learning: including inductive inference, explanation-based
learning, analogical learning, connectionism, and formal models. What it
means to learn. Algorithms for learning. Comparison and evaluation of learning
algorithms. Cognitive modeling and relevant psychological results. Prereq:
Study and evaluation of programs that use automated deduction to solve
problems. Variants of Prolog, such as constraint logic programming, parallel
prologs, and deductive database systems. Resolution theorem provers. Verification
systems, such as the Boyer-Moore prover. Prereq: CS
762 Deduction and Problem Solving
by Computer 3 cr.
Critical study and evaluation of programs and of human-computer interactive
systems that play games such as chess, bridge, and GO; solve problems and
puzzles; and prove theorems in various mathematical domains. Different
kinds of languages, including natural language, usable for problem formulation
and for solution planning and testing. Prereq: CS
540 or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Spring 92)
764 Topics in Database Management
Systems 3 cr.
Implementation of database management systems, the impact of new technology
on database management systems, back-end database computers, distributed
database management systems, concurrency control and query execution in
both distributed and centralized systems, implementation of multiple user
views, roll-back and recovery mechanisms, database translation. Prereq:
564, 537,
and 536
or consent of instructor.
765 Perceptual Recognition 3
High-level perceptual processing by computer; recognition of complex objects
and scenes; advanced computer vision systems; relation to the living visual
system; algorithm-structured multi-computer architectures for perception;
binocular and multi-modal vision; recognition and tracking of moving objects;
learning in perceptual systems; perceptual-motor control of robots. Prereq:
731 or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Fall 91)
Fundamentals of image analysis and computer vision; image acquisition and
geometry; image enhancement; recovery of physical scene characteristics;
shape-from techniques; segmentation and perceptual organization; representation
and description of two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects; shape
analysis; texture analysis; goal-directed and model-based systems; parallel
algorithms and special-purpose architectures. Prereq: CS
767 Graph Theory 3 cr.
Theory of graphs, including adjacency and incidence matrices, planarity,
hamiltonian circuits, Euler's formula, directed graphs, and trees. The
efficiency of the known algorithms for performing various operations on
graphs. Prereq: CS
367 and either
475 or 577,
or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Spring 87)
771 Computational Linguistics
3 cr. (also Ling)
Tools, techniques and literature of computational linguistics with applications
in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. Topics include syntactic
and semantic parsing, natural language understanding, text generation,
machine translation, and speech recognition and production. Prereq: CS
540 or 545
or Linguistics 530 or consent of instructor.
773-774 Problems in Computational
Linguistics 3 cr. per sem. (also Ling)
Current research in computational linguistics, coupled with original directed
research. Prereq: CS
545 or 771
or consent of instructor.
Advanced course covering computational problems in molecular biology. The
course will study algorithms for problems such as: modeling sequence classes
and features, phylogenetic tree construction, gene-expression data protein
and RNA structure prediction, and whole-genome analysis and comparisons.
Prereq: CS
777 Computer Animation 3 cr.
Survey of technical issues in the creation of moving and dynamic computer
imagery. Principles of animation. Manual motion specification and keyframing.
Procedural and simulation-based motion synthesis. Motion capture processing,
editing and use. Animation systems. Modeling, rendering and video issues
relating to animation. Image-based animation methods and warping. Applications
of animation such as games and virtual environments. Basic introduction
to artistic issues in animation, such as cinematography. Special Effects
for Film and Video. Prereq: CS
779 Rendering Images with Computers
3 cr.
Survey of models and algorithms used in the computer generation of images.
The physics of global illumination, the global illumination equation, approximations
and techniques for solving them. Large database rendering. Image-based
methods. Stylized rendering. Point-based (splatting) algorithms. Prereq:
780 Robot Motion Planning 3
cr. (also ECE & ME)
A unified view on geometric, algorithmic, and computational issues of automatic
motion planning of motion for mobile robots and arm manipulators in a complex
environment. Planning with complete information - configuration space,
connectivity graphs, computational complexity; with partial information
- algorithm convergence, topological issues. Effect of system kinematics.
Relation between sensing media and algorithm efficiency. Prereq: Math 340
or equivalent and consent of instructor.
784 Data Models and Languages
3 cr.
Study of database programming languages. Topics include: Logic based languages,
embedded query languages, object-oriented languages. There will be coverage
of types, persistence, inheritance, object identity, data models, implementation
issues, and case studies of actual systems and languages. Prereq: CS
564 and 536
or consent of instructor.
Algorithms for graph manipulation, geometry, matrix multiplication, string
processing, information retrieval, etc. Mathematical models and analyses.
Lower bounds. Probabilistic, distributed, and parallel algorithms. Advanced
data structures. Prereq: CS
577 or 509.
790 Master's Thesis 1-9 cr.
For students writing a Master's thesis or project. Prereq: Master's candidate.
799 Master's Research 1-9 cr.
For pre-Master's students doing research projects. Prereq: Master's candidate.
Models of computation, Turing machines, recursive functions, Church's thesis,
undecidable problems, degrees of unsolvability. Denotational semantics,
logic of programs. Applications to automata, formal languages, program
verification, programming languages, and complexity. Prereq: CS
812 Arithmetic Algorithms 3
Design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms for exact arithmetic
on arbitrarily large integers, Gaussian integers and rational numbers.
Algorithms for modular arithmetic and internal arithmetic. Algorithms for
integer greatest common divisor calculation and factorization. Classical
and modern algorithms. Prereq: Math 541 and CS
367, or consent of instructor.
813-814 Algebraic Algorithms
3 cr. per sem. (also Math)
Algorithms for arithmetic operations on multivariate polynomials with integral,
rational and finite field coefficients. Polynomials remainder sequences
and subresultants. Algorithms for multivariate polynomial resultant and
greatest common divisor calculation. Arithmetic operations on multivariate
rational functions. Algorithms for exact linear algebra of systems with
polynomial coefficients. Exact calculation of the real and complex zeros
of polynomials. Algorithms for factorization of polynomials into irreducibles.
Calculations with real algebraic numbers. Quantifier elimination for real
closed fields. Operations on formal power series. Prereq: CS
812 and Math 541-542, or consent of instructor. (Last taught: Fall
84-Spring 85)
815 Transcendental Function
Algorithms 3 cr. (also Math)
Formalism for function class representations; canonical and normal forms;
diophantine sets and relation to recursively enumerable sets; Richardson's
theorem; Lindemann theorems; canonical and normal form algorithms; fundamental
operations on polynomials and rational functions with Gaussian integer
coefficients; fundamental operations on various subclasses of the elementary
transcendental functions; indefinite integration of rational functions;
differential fields; Liouville integration theory; Risch integration algorithm.
Prereq: CS
814 or consent of instructor. (Infrequently offered.)
820 Theory of Automata and Formal
Languages 3 cr.
Advanced treatment of results concerning finite automata, regular sets,
context-free and context-sensitive languages, Turing machines. Extensions
of the models to multi-head, multi-tape, and probabilistic machines. Comparison
of models. Applications to programming language design. Prereq: CS
830 Abstract and Concrete Complexity
Theory 3 cr.
Study of computation with limited resources (time, space, etc.). Complexity
hierarchies, structure of P, NP, PSPACE, co-NP. Strong NP-completeness,
isomorphism completeness, relativized complexity. Abstract complexity,
probabilistic complexity. Lower bounds, time-space tradeoffs, pebbling,
alternation. Prereq: CS
520. (Infrequently offered.)
837 Topics in Numerical Analysis
3 cr. (also Math)
Topic selected from advanced areas. A variable content course which may
be repeated any number of times for credit. Prereq: Consent of instructor.
(Infrequently offered.)
838 Topics in Computing 3 cr.
Topics selected from advanced areas. A variable content course which may
be repeated any number of times for credit. Prereq: Consent of instructor.
(Infrequently offered.)
880 Topics in Theoretical Computer
Science 3 cr.
Advanced topics in algorithms, complexity, and models of computation, discussed
in a seminar format. The exact topic varies. Prereq: consent of instructor.
(Infrequently offered.)
881-882 Numerical Methods for
Ordinary Differential Equations
3 cr. per sem. (also Math)
Initial-value problems and boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear
ordinary differential equations; convergence and stability of computational
procedures; some topics chosen from the design of general computer programs,
variational problems. Prereq: CS
514 and Math 417, or consent of instructor. (Infrequently offered.)
883-884 Numerical Methods for
Partial Differential Equations
3 cr. per sem. (also Math)
Initial-value problems for systems of partial differential equations; boundary
value problems, stability and convergence; iterative methods; applications
to the classical problems of mathematical physics. Prereq: CS
712 and 717,
or consent of instructor. (Infrequently offered.)
885 Matrix Theory in Numerical
Analysis 3 cr. (also Math)
Methods for determining exclusion and inclusion regions for the eigenvalues
of an NxN matrix. Variational methods for eigenvalues. The QR and
LR algorithms. The Perron-Frobenius theory of positive matrices. Error
analysis of numerical methods for computations in linear algebra. Prereq:
717 or consent of instructor. (Infrequently offered.)
887 Approximation Theory 3
cr. (also Math)
Interpolation and approximation by means of interpolation; uniform approximation;
best approximation; approximation in normed linear spaces; spline functions;
orthogonal polynomials; degree of approximation; computational procedures.
Prereq: Consent of instructor.
899 Pre-Dissertator Research
1-9 cr.
Prereq: Post-Master's, pre-dissertator status.
990 Dissertation 1-6 cr.
Prereq: Dissertator status.
999 Independent Study and Research
1-6 cr.
Prereq: Dissertator status.
Non-Credit Seminars
The nine research areas in the Department each run an advanced, non-credit
seminar where graduate students, visitors, and faculty members from within
and outside the Department present their latest research or discuss recently
published papers. These seminars give graduate students the opportunity
to learn about current research problems and to get valuable feedback on
their own research.
Also, each year the Department runs a Distinguished Lecturer Series
where 6-8 leading researchers in a subfield of computer science visit.
The visitors give two lectures - one to a general computer science audience
and a second, more specialized, talk targeted toward researchers in the
given subfield. Recent topics have been programming languages, computing
theory, operating systems, and machine learning.
Computing Facilities
The Department contains a large array of sophisticated computer hardware
which supports both our research and instructional missions. This equipment
is maintained by a central facility, the Computer
Systems Laboratory. We are continuously upgrading and enhancing our
systems to offer the most up-to-date computing resources possible. Much
of the equipment was donated by our industrial affiliates; their support
has been invaluable in enabling us to develop a first-rate computing environment.
All faculty, supported graduate students (i.e., TA's, RA's, and Fellows),
and staff have high-performance workstations on their desks. These machines
include various models of Sun, Intel based and AMD based workstations.
Desktop workstations run one of Windows 2000, RedHat Linux or Solaris.
The Department is recognized as a national leader in research on parallel
and distributed computing. Current work involves experimental design of
both parallel algorithms and computer architectures in support of a wide
range of projects, including mathematical programming, parallel-program
debugging tools, performance modeling and analysis, computer vision, databases
and many others. The Topaz and PRISM projects, funded by NSF Institutional
Infrastructure grants, have enabled the Department to acquire parallel
hardware to enhance this work. Components of our parallel computing environment
include a cluster of 100 dual processor Xeon CPU's, a second cluster of
150 dual processor PIII's, a 16 node SP3, a 32 node Netra cluster and 6
SUN Enterprise servers used to perform simulations and experiments on large-scale
parallel architectures and large-scale parallel computations.
A locally developed software package called Condor
provides additional computing power for compute-bound tasks such as simulations.
Condor automatically locates workstations which are idle and transfers
jobs to them. The jobs are periodically checkpointed and migrate from machine
to machine until completion. Studies of Condor showed that jobs submitted
to Condor made use of over 180 CPU-days per week of otherwise wasted machine
All of our research and instructional facilities are connected to local
area networks, each of which is connected to every other and to the Internet
by routers. The network allows remote and automated use of departmental
resources and information sharing. There are currently about 3 Terabytes
of storage available to most of our machines through the AFS distributed
file system. Much of the research information produced by the Department
is made freely available to the world through our Web server.
In addition to the research facilities, the Department has a number
of workstations to support work in undergraduate and graduate courses.
These include 60 SPARCstation 20 workstations, 100 Intel PIII based workstations
running Windows 2000, 40 Intel PIII based workstations running RedHat Linux.
Our instructional laboratories support more than 2000 students each semester.
Additional Information
Requirements for a Ph.D. Minor
in Computer Sciences
To obtain a graduate minor in Computer Sciences, a student must earn at
least 12 credit hours in Computer Sciences courses, meeting the following
The courses presented for a minor must form a coherent plan of study, approved
by the Computer Sciences Department's external advisor, who should be consulted
for further details.
With the exception of CS
367, all courses must be numbered 400 and above. ``Topics'' courses,
and 880,
must be graded in the usual A-F manner.
At least one of the courses must involve a significant amount of programming
in a structured language, such as C++, C, or Lisp. CS 367 will meet this
requirement, as will many of the Systems and AI courses which have CS 367
has a prerequisite.
At least one of the courses must be numbered 700 or above, and passed with
a grade of at least a B. If this course is cross-listed with another department,
the course must be taught by a regular CS Department faculty member. If
an exception is necessary, advance approval is required.
The average grade in all Computer Sciences courses presented for a minor
must be at least B.
Students planning to minor in Computer Sciences should consult with the
Department's external advisor early in their graduate program to ensure
acceptance of the minor program. A Minor Agreement form must be filed with
their home Department.
Adding Computer Sciences as
a Second Major (M.S. only)
The Computer Sciences Department will consider applications from graduate
students, with uniformly excellent graduate records in CS courses, for
addition of the CS major - for the Master's Degree only. (Students
intending to get a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences or seeking long-term TA support
must submit a standard admissions application, which requires a subject
GRE test and, for non-native speakers, a TSE score.)
Students who wish to apply for admission to this program must meet the
following conditions:
Be very near completion of a Graduate Degree from the U.W. in their major
We require a letter from the major department attesting to the fact
that the student will receive a Master's degree shortly or has attained
dissertator status.
Note: A student in dissertator status who is admitted to this
loses his or her dissertator status. This is a Graduate
School rule that is enforced by the Graduate School.
Have obtained grades of AB or better in at least three CS courses numbered
500 or above. At least one of these courses must be at the 700 level. All
of these courses must have been taught by a member of the CS Department
Have two letters of recommendation from CS Department faculty members.
At least one of the courses meeting requirement 2 must have a significant
amount of programming in a structured language. This requirement is waived
for those students who have also taken CS
367 (which cannot be counted toward the Master's degree in CS).
Note: Meeting these requirements guarantees that your application
will be considered for admission to the program. However, it does not guarantee
Students should also check the Graduate
School publication Guidelines for Joint, Double, and Dual Master's
Technical Reports
Over 1000 technical reports, dealing with various aspects of computer science,
and written by faculty members and graduate students, have been published
by the Department. A listing of the most recent reports is available via
Alumni Group
The Department has an Alumni Group, which publishes a newsletter, Badger
Bytes, and an annual alumni directory. More information is available
by emailing or via theAlumni
Group's World-Wide Web page.
SACM - Student ACM Chapter
The student chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (SACM)
provides numerous services for members of the Department, including: running
an orientation for new graduate students; providing partial financial support
to students attending conferences; organizing picnics each semester and
a potluck dinner in the spring; organizing trips to the theater and sporting
events; maintaining the Department's photo board; and running the Department's
Coffee Club.
Key Contacts (2002-2003)
The following people are currently in charge of departmental activities
that are relevant to CS graduate students:
Department Chair
DeWitt (
Associate Chair
Strikwerda (
Lorene Webber (
Graduate Coordinator
Lorene Webber (
Assistant to the Chair (supervises TAs)
Holloway (
Graduate Advising Committee (GAC) Chairs
Fischer ( and Miron
Livny (
Rich (
Head Department Secretary (has copies of insurance forms, etc.)
Marie Johnson (
Director of the Computer
Systems Laboratory
Beebe (
Cathy Richard (
Travel Reimbursement
Cathy Richard (
General Information
phone: (608) 262-1204
fax: (608) 262-9777
mailing address:
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin
1210 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
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