Simulation Support for Fast and Accurate Large-Scale GPGPU & Accelerator Workloads.Vishnu Ramadas, Matthew Poremba, Bradford Beckmann and Matthew D. Sinclair. In 3rd Open-Source Computer Architecture Research (OSCAR). June 2024.
Further Closing the Gap: Improving the Accuracy of gem5’s GPU Models.Vishnu Ramadas, Daniel Kouchekinia, and Matthew D. Sinclair. In 5th gem5 Users' Workshop, June 2023.
Closing the Gap: Improving the Accuracy of gem5’s GPU Models.Vishnu Ramadas, Daniel Kouchekinia, Ndubuisi Osuji, and Matthew D. Sinclair. In 5th gem5 Users' Workshop, June 2023.
Improving gem5’s GPUFS Support.Vishnu Ramadas, Matthew Poremba, Bradford M. Beckmann, and Matthew D. Sinclair. In 5th gem5 Users' Workshop, June 2023.
A Novel Approach to Reuse Firmware for Verification of Controller based Sub-Systems using PSS.Vishnu Ramadas, Simranjit Singh, Ashwani Aggarwal, Woojoo Space Kim, and Seonil Brian Choi. In Proceedings Of DVCon Europe, October 2021.
Adopting Accelera's Portable Standard Stimulus: Early Development and Validation using Virtual Prototyping. Simranjit Singh, Ashwani Aggarwal, Harshita Prabha,Vishnu Ramadas, Seonil Brian Choi, and Woojoo Space Kim. In Proceedings Of DVCon US, March 2021.
Fall 2023
PHY 709: Introduction to Quantum Computing
Accelerating Quantum Computer Simulations using GPUs.Poster