Lecture 13, CS 302-6, October 3


  1. Review
    1. Nested loops

                                                               i.      How deep can you go?  Unlimited

                                                             ii.      3-loop example: drawing 3d figures

    1. Simulation
  1. Monty Hall Problem
    1. Example – MontyHall.java
  2. Arrays
    1. For storing multiple values
    2. Arrays have:

                                                               i.      Type - eg double, int

                                                             ii.      Length – [10]

    1. Vocab

                                                               i.      Element – [slot in the array – one item in the array]

                                                             ii.      Index – [location in the array]

    1. Declare/Initialize – 3 ways

                                                               i.      int[] numbers=new int[10];

1.      Note – initializes each value to 0

                                                             ii.      int[] numbers;

numbers=new int[10];

                                                            iii.      int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}

1.      Note – don’t need to ‘new’ it.  Size is based on count of numbers in init

                                                           iv.      Note – must do one of these before trying to access array elements.  Otherwise error.

    1. Behind the scenes

                                                               i.      Arrays are references [pointers]

1.      Kind of like how strings were pointers, while ints weren’t [they are primitives]

                                                             ii.      Not on tests: new allocates memory in heap

1.      FYI: Dynamic memory allocation, garbage collection etc

2.      rule of thumb – ‘new’ reserves space in memory

  1. How to use arrays
    1. Accessing

                                                               i.      int[] numbers={1,2,3,4}

                                                             ii.      Get ‘2’ by doing numbers[1].

1.      “numbers sub 1”

                                                            iii.      Note – indexes must be integers.  numbers[1.5] doesn’t make sense

                                                           iv.      Can still use literals, variables, constants, calculations, method calls (numbers[rand.nextInt(10)]), etc

                                                             v.      Array length

1.      Similar to string length

2.      Arrays run from index 0 to index (length-1)

3.      http://xkcd.com/163/

                                                           vi.      Calculating array length:

1.      numbers.length

2.      Note – no () after length

                                                          vii.      numbers[x] is just an int – can use it like any other int.

1.      Printing, arithmetic, etc

    1. Looping on an array – visiting all indexes.

                                                               i.      Arrays lend themselves nicely to for loops

                                                             ii.      For(int I=0;I<array.length;I++)

1.      remember that arrays run from 0 to length-1, so above makes sense

    1. Partially filled arrays – keep track of how many slots you’ve filled already, keep filling until full

1.      Example – PartArray.java

  1. More about arrays as references
    1. Two array variables can point at the same array
    2. Updating one updates the other

                                                               i.      Example – RefArray.java

  1. For each loop
    1. Structure

                                                               i.      int[] data = {…};

For( int value : data)




  1. HW
    1. Read 6.3-6.4