i. Partners - by Friday, 5/4
i. Why emphasize now? Because you need to use it for Program 4
i. Comes after a try{} or a catch(){}
1. Two ways
ii. Always executes
iii. Useful for closing scanners, printwriters,
iv. Make sure to think about variable scope when
1. Reminder {} blocks signify nested scope
i. Creating checked vs unchecked exceptions
i. Exception checked
ii. RuntimeException - unchecked
i. Relationship between classes
ii. Ultimate goal save us time/effort
i. Other terms - parents/children
ii. Example: Vehicle/car
i. Question why do we define the inheritance
relationship in the child instead of the parent?
ii. Answer what if you add your own child class
would you want to have to change the parent?
i. If your code calls for a superclass, you can
use one of its subclasses.
1. Example vehicle/car
2. Code example IOException,
ii. More specific classes can still use methods
from their parent classes
1. Example with exceptions printStackTrace,