Viresh Ratnakar's publications:
(Send me a note at for copies/abstracts)
(Actually, some of the papers in Postscript are
- Ratnakar, V., Feig, E., Tiwari, P.
Fractal Based Hybrid Compression Schemes.
Proceedings of SPIE's VCIP'94.
- Feig, E., Peterson, H., Ratnakar, V.
Image Compression Using Spatial Prediction.
Proceedings of ICASSP'95.
- Ratnakar, V., Livny, M. Performance of Customized
DCT Quantization Tables on Scientific Data.
Science Information Management
and Data Compression Workshop Proceedings.
NASA Conference Publication 3277. Sept. 1994.
- Ratnakar, V., Feig, E., Viscito, E., Kalluri, S.
Runlength encoding of quantized DCT coefficients.
IBM RC 19693 (87318) 8/5/94 and in SPIE '95.
- Ratnakar, V., Livny, M.
RD-OPT: An Efficient Algorithm For Optimizing DCT Quantization
Computer Sciences Dept. Technical Report
No. 1257. UW-Madison and in Proceedings of DCC'95.
- Ratnakar, V., Livny, M., Norman, J.M., Kucharik, K.
Classification on compressed images with bounded loss.
Proceedings of IGARSS'95.
- Ratnakar, V., Livny, M.
Extending RD-OPT with Global Thresholding for JPEG
Proceedings of DCC'96.
- Livny, M., Ratnakar, V.
Quality-Controlled Compression of Sets of Images.
Proceedings of IW-MMDBMS'96