

Project 2

The P2 grade is out. It's in your handin directory. If your login name is remzi then the grade is in ~cs537-1/handin/remzi/p2/score.txt

The test scripts are available in ~aliang/CS537/grading/P2. If you feel your project was better than your score indicates, please feel free to run the test scripts and see what happened. The README is a good place to start.

Note: Any questions about grading should be directed first to Guoliang (login: aliang).


We will give you another second chance to fix your P2 and get a better grade. The whole purpose is for you to understand what the project is all about. This time there is no maximum number of modified lines (i.e. you could rewrite your program from scratch if you want). We will not give another second chance for the rest of the semester.

Deadline: The deadline to submit your new code is Monday, Oct. 13th, at 9 pm.

Where to submit: Please submit all your files to ~cs537-2/handin/LOGIN/regrade-p2/. Don't forget to rerun the test script (see above) to make sure you get a better grade.

Final Grade: To protect those who have got the projects working in the first place, your P2 final grade will be:

final_grade = old_grade + (new_grade - old_grade) * 75%

Grading Standard

This is the summary of the grading standard. The full grading standard has been shown before in ~aliang/CS537/P2/test/README

No. Test name Points
1. gooduser (32 points)
2. buildin_wrongformat (8 points)
3. cd_toFolderNotExist (3 points)
4. badCommand (5 points)
5. complexCommand (8 points)
6. multipleCommand (12 points)
7. complexRedirection (18 points)
8. emptyInput (1 point)
9. 1MCommand (3 points)
10. twoArgvs (2 points)
11. fileNoExist (2 points)
12. names (1 point)
13. README&Makefile (5 points)


  • You got all or nothing for each test (no partial credit).
  • At the beginning of the script, it removes all outputs and the binary file "myshell", and then try to generate the binary file "myshell" by "make", so if you handed in the binary, but the script cannot regenerate it by "make", you cannot get the points for tests 1 to 12.
  • In test 10, the script passes gooduser and badcommand to myshell.
  • In test 12, the script tests if the binary file's name is myshell.

Project 1

This page will allow you to see grade distributions and such. Individual project grades are available in the handin directory ~cs537-1/remzi/yourlogin/p1 in a file called grade.txt .

The project 1 distribution was interesting: a three-humped camel.

The test scripts are available in ~aderhold/cs537_public/p1 . If you feel your project was better than your score indicates, please feel free to run the test scripts and see what happened. The README is a good place to start.

Important: If a small change in your program (5 lines or less) leads to a noticeable difference in score (10 points or more), you should contact one of the TAs and setup a regrading session.