Basic Information
Section 1:
Lecture: T and Th @ 11:00am-12:15pm in B10 Ingraham
Discuss: F @ 11:00am-12:15pm in 1100 Grainger
Prof: Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau -
office hours
TAs: TA info
Section 3:
Lecture: Th @ 5:30-8:30pm in The Beatles (Epic Campus)
Discuss: online
Instructor: Tyler Harter (7373 CS) -
Lecture Slides
Office hours: Th @ 8:30-9:30pm in Ender's Game (Epic Campus)
TA office hours (Akshay): T @ 5-8pm (Skype) and W @ 5-8pm in Hyperion (Epic Campus)
Read These
Overview - Grades - Discussion
Homework - Handouts - Book
Class News
05/09: Exam Review today @ 2:30pm-4:30pm in 1240 CS
05/07: Old Exams - Study?
04/29: P5 discussion
04/25: P5 - have fun!
04/22: No discussion today; P5 coming soon
04/05: Midterm solutions
Older: Click here for older news
| |
01/18 |
01/19 Intro pre 1 2 |
01/20 |
01/21 Processes 3 4 5 6 |
01/22 P1 |
01/25 |
01/26 Sched 7 8 d
| 01/27 |
01/28 Mem Mgmt 13 15 16 |
01/29 |
02/01 |
02/02 Paging 18 - P1:Due |
02/03 |
02/04 Paging: TLBs 19 |
02/05 P2 |
02/08 |
02/09 Paging: Smaller 20 |
02/10 |
02/11 Slack |
02/12 |
02/15 |
02/16 Beyond Physical 21 22 |
02/17 P2:Due |
02/18 Review 24 |
02/19 |
02/22 |
02/23 Threads 25 26 |
02/24 |
02/25 Locks 28 |
02/26 |
02/29 P3 |
03/01 Locks, CVs 29 |
03/02 |
03/03 CVs 30 |
03/04 |
03/07 |
03/08 Semaphores 31 |
03/09 |
03/10 Deadlock 32 |
03/11 |
03/14 P3:Due |
03/15 Slack |
03/16 |
03/17 Midterm |
03/18 |
03/21 Spring |
03/22 Break |
03/23 Enjoy |
03/24 Or |
03/25 Catchup |
03/28 |
03/29 I/O+Disks 36 37 |
03/30 |
03/31 Disk Sched 37 |
04/01 P4 |
04/04 |
04/05 RAID 38 |
04/06 |
04/07 File Systems 39 |
04/08 |
04/11 |
04/12 FS Impl 40 |
04/13 |
04/14 FFS 41 |
04/15 |
04/18 P4:Due |
04/19 Journaling 42 |
04/20 |
04/21 LFS 43 |
04/22 |
04/25 P5 |
04/26 VMMs B |
04/27 |
04/28 SSDs I |
04/29 |
05/02 |
05/03 NFS 48 |
05/04 |
05/05 Last class |
05/06 Classes end |
05/09 |
05/10 Final |
05/11 |
05/12 |
05/13 P5:Due |